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[/] [neorv32/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [core/] [neorv32_top.vhd] - Diff between revs 11 and 12

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Rev 11 Rev 12
Line 46... Line 46...
entity neorv32_top is
entity neorv32_top is
  generic (
  generic (
    -- General --
    -- General --
    CLOCK_FREQUENCY              : natural := 0; -- clock frequency of clk_i in Hz
    CLOCK_FREQUENCY              : natural := 0; -- clock frequency of clk_i in Hz
    HART_ID                      : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000"; -- custom hardware thread ID
    BOOTLOADER_USE               : boolean := true;   -- implement processor-internal bootloader?
    BOOTLOADER_USE               : boolean := true;   -- implement processor-internal bootloader?
    CSR_COUNTERS_USE             : boolean := true;   -- implement RISC-V perf. counters ([m]instret[h], [m]cycle[h], time[h])?
    CSR_COUNTERS_USE             : boolean := true;   -- implement RISC-V perf. counters ([m]instret[h], [m]cycle[h], time[h])?
    USER_CODE                    : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000"; -- custom user code
    -- RISC-V CPU Extensions --
    -- RISC-V CPU Extensions --
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C        : boolean := false;  -- implement compressed extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C        : boolean := false;  -- implement compressed extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E        : boolean := false;  -- implement embedded RF extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E        : boolean := false;  -- implement embedded RF extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M        : boolean := false;  -- implement muld/div extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M        : boolean := false;  -- implement muld/div extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr    : boolean := true;   -- implement CSR system?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr    : boolean := true;   -- implement CSR system?
Line 96... Line 96...
    wb_sel_o   : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
    wb_sel_o   : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
    wb_stb_o   : out std_ulogic; -- strobe
    wb_stb_o   : out std_ulogic; -- strobe
    wb_cyc_o   : out std_ulogic; -- valid cycle
    wb_cyc_o   : out std_ulogic; -- valid cycle
    wb_ack_i   : in  std_ulogic := '0'; -- transfer acknowledge
    wb_ack_i   : in  std_ulogic := '0'; -- transfer acknowledge
    wb_err_i   : in  std_ulogic := '0'; -- transfer error
    wb_err_i   : in  std_ulogic := '0'; -- transfer error
    -- Advanced memory control signals (available if MEM_EXT_USE = true) --
    fence_o    : out std_ulogic; -- indicates an executed FENCE operation
    fencei_o   : out std_ulogic; -- indicates an executed FENCEI operation
    -- GPIO (available if IO_GPIO_USE = true) --
    -- GPIO (available if IO_GPIO_USE = true) --
    gpio_o     : out std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0); -- parallel output
    gpio_o     : out std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0); -- parallel output
    gpio_i     : in  std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- parallel input
    gpio_i     : in  std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- parallel input
    -- UART (available if IO_UART_USE = true) --
    -- UART (available if IO_UART_USE = true) --
    uart_txd_o : out std_ulogic; -- UART send data
    uart_txd_o : out std_ulogic; -- UART send data
Line 120... Line 123...
end neorv32_top;
end neorv32_top;
architecture neorv32_top_rtl of neorv32_top is
architecture neorv32_top_rtl of neorv32_top is
  -- CPU boot address --
  constant boot_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := cond_sel_stdulogicvector_f(BOOTLOADER_USE, boot_base_c, MEM_ISPACE_BASE);
  -- reset generator --
  -- reset generator --
  signal rstn_i_sync0 : std_ulogic;
  signal rstn_i_sync0 : std_ulogic;
  signal rstn_i_sync1 : std_ulogic;
  signal rstn_i_sync1 : std_ulogic;
  signal rstn_i_sync2 : std_ulogic;
  signal rstn_i_sync2 : std_ulogic;
  signal rstn_gen     : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal rstn_gen     : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
Line 139... Line 145...
  signal uart_cg_en : std_ulogic;
  signal uart_cg_en : std_ulogic;
  signal spi_cg_en  : std_ulogic;
  signal spi_cg_en  : std_ulogic;
  signal twi_cg_en  : std_ulogic;
  signal twi_cg_en  : std_ulogic;
  signal pwm_cg_en  : std_ulogic;
  signal pwm_cg_en  : std_ulogic;
  -- cpu bus --
  -- bus interface --
  type cpu_bus_t is record
  type bus_interface_t is record
    addr   : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus access address
    addr   : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus access address
    rdata  : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus read data
    rdata  : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus read data
    wdata  : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus write data
    wdata  : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus write data
    ben    : std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
    ben    : std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
    we     : std_ulogic; -- write enable
    we     : std_ulogic; -- write enable
    re     : std_ulogic; -- read enable
    re     : std_ulogic; -- read enable
    cancel : std_ulogic; -- cancel current transfer
    cancel : std_ulogic; -- cancel current transfer
    ack    : std_ulogic; -- bus transfer acknowledge
    ack    : std_ulogic; -- bus transfer acknowledge
    err    : std_ulogic; -- bus transfer error
    err    : std_ulogic; -- bus transfer error
    fence  : std_ulogic; -- fence(i) instruction executed
  end record;
  end record;
  signal cpu : cpu_bus_t;
  signal cpu_i, cpu_d, p_bus : bus_interface_t;
  -- io space access --
  -- io space access --
  signal io_acc  : std_ulogic;
  signal io_acc  : std_ulogic;
  signal io_rden : std_ulogic;
  signal io_rden : std_ulogic;
  signal io_wren : std_ulogic;
  signal io_wren : std_ulogic;
Line 188... Line 195...
  signal clic_ack       : std_ulogic;
  signal clic_ack       : std_ulogic;
  signal trng_rdata     : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  signal trng_rdata     : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  signal trng_ack       : std_ulogic;
  signal trng_ack       : std_ulogic;
  signal devnull_rdata  : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  signal devnull_rdata  : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  signal devnull_ack    : std_ulogic;
  signal devnull_ack    : std_ulogic;
  signal sysinfo_rdata  : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
  signal sysinfo_ack    : std_ulogic;
  -- IRQs --
  -- IRQs --
  signal mtime_irq : std_ulogic;
  signal mtime_irq : std_ulogic;
  signal clic_irq  : std_ulogic;
  signal clic_irq  : std_ulogic;
  signal clic_xirq : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal clic_xirq : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
Line 225... Line 234...
        if (MEM_INT_IMEM_USE = false) and (BOOTLOADER_USE = false) then
        if (MEM_INT_IMEM_USE = false) and (BOOTLOADER_USE = false) then
          assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Core cannot fetch instructions without external memory interface, internal data memory and bootloader." severity error;
          assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Core cannot fetch instructions without external memory interface, internal data memory and bootloader." severity error;
        end if;
        end if;
      end if;
      end if;
      -- memory system - address space --
      -- memory system --
      if (MEM_INT_IMEM_USE = true) and (MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE > MEM_ISPACE_SIZE) then
      if (MEM_INT_IMEM_USE = true) and (MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE > MEM_ISPACE_SIZE) then
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Internal instruction memory (IMEM) cannot be greater than total instruction address space." severity error;
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Internal instruction memory (IMEM) cannot be greater than total instruction address space." severity error;
      end if;
      end if;
      if (MEM_INT_DMEM_USE = true) and (MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE > MEM_DSPACE_SIZE) then
      if (MEM_INT_DMEM_USE = true) and (MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE > MEM_DSPACE_SIZE) then
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Internal data memory (DMEM) cannot be greater than total data address space." severity error;
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Internal data memory (DMEM) cannot be greater than total data address space." severity error;
      end if;
      end if;
      if (MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT <= 1) then
      if (MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT < 1) then
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Invalid bus timeout. Internal components require 1 cycle delay." severity error;
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Invalid bus timeout. Processor-internal components have 1 cycle delay." severity error;
      end if;
      end if;
      -- clock --
      -- clock --
      if (CLOCK_FREQUENCY = 0) then
      if (CLOCK_FREQUENCY = 0) then
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Core clock frequency (CLOCK_FREQUENCY) not specified." severity error;
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Core clock frequency (CLOCK_FREQUENCY) not specified." severity error;
      end if;
      end if;
      -- CSR system not implemented --
      -- CSR system not implemented --
      if (CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr = false) then
      if (CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr = false) then
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG WARNING! No exception/interrupt/machine status features available when CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr = false." severity warning;
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG WARNING! No exception/interrupt/machine features available when CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr = false." severity warning;
      end if;
      end if;
      -- core local interrupt controller --
      -- core local interrupt controller --
      if (CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr = false) and (IO_CLIC_USE = true) then
      if (CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr = false) and (IO_CLIC_USE = true) then
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Core local interrupt controller (CLIC) cannot be used without >Zicsr< CPU extension." severity error;
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Core local interrupt controller (CLIC) cannot be used without >Zicsr< CPU extension." severity error;
      end if;
      end if;
      -- memory layout notifier --
      -- memory layout notifier --
      if (MEM_ISPACE_BASE /= x"00000000") then
      if (MEM_ISPACE_BASE /= x"00000000") then
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG WARNING! Non-default base address for instruction address space. Make sure this is sync with the linker script." severity warning;
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG WARNING! Non-default base address for instruction address space. Make sure this is sync with the software framwork." severity warning;
      end if;
      end if;
      if (MEM_DSPACE_BASE /= x"80000000") then
      if (MEM_DSPACE_BASE /= x"80000000") then
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG WARNING! Non-default base address for data address space. Make sure this is sync with the linker script." severity warning;
        assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG WARNING! Non-default base address for data address space. Make sure this is sync with the software framwork." severity warning;
      end if;
      end if;
    end if;
    end if;
  end process sanity_check;
  end process sanity_check;
Line 319... Line 328...
  -- CPU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- CPU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  neorv32_cpu_inst: neorv32_cpu
  neorv32_cpu_inst: neorv32_cpu
  generic map (
  generic map (
    -- General --
    -- General --
    CLOCK_FREQUENCY              => CLOCK_FREQUENCY,   -- clock frequency of clk_i in Hz
    HART_ID                      => HART_ID,           -- custom hardware thread ID
    BOOTLOADER_USE               => BOOTLOADER_USE,    -- implement processor-internal bootloader?
    CSR_COUNTERS_USE             => CSR_COUNTERS_USE,  -- implement RISC-V perf. counters ([m]instret[h], [m]cycle[h], time[h])?
    CSR_COUNTERS_USE             => CSR_COUNTERS_USE,  -- implement RISC-V perf. counters ([m]instret[h], [m]cycle[h], time[h])?
    HW_THREAD_ID                 => (others => '0'),  -- hardware thread id
    CPU_BOOT_ADDR                => boot_addr_c,      -- cpu boot address
    -- RISC-V CPU Extensions --
    -- RISC-V CPU Extensions --
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C        => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C,        -- implement compressed extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C        => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C,        -- implement compressed extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E        => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E,        -- implement embedded RF extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E        => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E,        -- implement embedded RF extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M        => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M,        -- implement muld/div extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M        => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M,        -- implement muld/div extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr    => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr,    -- implement CSR system?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr    => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr,    -- implement CSR system?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei, -- implement instruction stream sync.?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei, -- implement instruction stream sync.?
    -- Memory configuration: Instruction memory --
    MEM_ISPACE_BASE              => MEM_ISPACE_BASE,   -- base address of instruction memory space
    MEM_ISPACE_SIZE              => MEM_ISPACE_SIZE,   -- total size of instruction memory space in byte
    MEM_INT_IMEM_USE             => MEM_INT_IMEM_USE,  -- implement processor-internal instruction memory
    MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE            => MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE, -- size of processor-internal instruction memory in bytes
    MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM             => MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM,  -- implement processor-internal instruction memory as ROM
    -- Memory configuration: Data memory --
    MEM_DSPACE_BASE              => MEM_DSPACE_BASE,   -- base address of data memory space
    MEM_DSPACE_SIZE              => MEM_DSPACE_SIZE,   -- total size of data memory space in byte
    MEM_INT_DMEM_USE             => MEM_INT_DMEM_USE,  -- implement processor-internal data memory
    MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE            => MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE, -- size of processor-internal data memory in bytes
    -- Memory configuration: External memory interface --
    -- Memory configuration: External memory interface --
    MEM_EXT_USE                  => MEM_EXT_USE,       -- implement external memory bus interface?
    MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT              => MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT   -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
    MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT              => MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT,   -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
    -- Processor peripherals --
    IO_GPIO_USE                  => IO_GPIO_USE,       -- implement general purpose input/output port unit (GPIO)?
    IO_MTIME_USE                 => IO_MTIME_USE,      -- implement machine system timer (MTIME)?
    IO_UART_USE                  => IO_UART_USE,       -- implement universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)?
    IO_SPI_USE                   => IO_SPI_USE,        -- implement serial peripheral interface (SPI)?
    IO_TWI_USE                   => IO_TWI_USE,        -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
    IO_PWM_USE                   => IO_PWM_USE,        -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
    IO_WDT_USE                   => IO_WDT_USE,        -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
    IO_CLIC_USE                  => IO_CLIC_USE,       -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
    IO_TRNG_USE                  => IO_TRNG_USE,       -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
    IO_DEVNULL_USE               => IO_DEVNULL_USE     -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
  port map (
  port map (
    -- global control --
    -- global control --
    clk_i        => clk_i,        -- global clock, rising edge
    clk_i        => clk_i,        -- global clock, rising edge
    rstn_i       => sys_rstn,     -- global reset, low-active, async
    rstn_i       => sys_rstn,     -- global reset, low-active, async
    -- bus interface --
    -- instruction bus interface --
    bus_addr_o   => cpu.addr,     -- bus access address
    i_bus_addr_o   => cpu_i.addr,   -- bus access address
    bus_rdata_i  => cpu.rdata,    -- bus read data
    i_bus_rdata_i  => cpu_i.rdata,  -- bus read data
    bus_wdata_o  => cpu.wdata,    -- bus write data
    i_bus_wdata_o  => cpu_i.wdata,  -- bus write data
    bus_ben_o    => cpu.ben,      -- byte enable
    i_bus_ben_o    => cpu_i.ben,    -- byte enable
    bus_we_o     => cpu.we,       -- write enable
    i_bus_we_o     => cpu_i.we,     -- write enable
    bus_re_o     =>,       -- read enable
    i_bus_re_o     =>,     -- read enable
    bus_cancel_o => cpu.cancel,   -- cancel current bus transaction
    i_bus_cancel_o => cpu_i.cancel, -- cancel current bus transaction
    bus_ack_i    => cpu.ack,      -- bus transfer acknowledge
    i_bus_ack_i    => cpu_i.ack,    -- bus transfer acknowledge
    bus_err_i    => cpu.err,      -- bus transfer error
    i_bus_err_i    => cpu_i.err,    -- bus transfer error
    i_bus_fence_o  => cpu_i.fence,  -- executed FENCEI operation
    -- data bus interface --
    d_bus_addr_o   => cpu_d.addr,   -- bus access address
    d_bus_rdata_i  => cpu_d.rdata,  -- bus read data
    d_bus_wdata_o  => cpu_d.wdata,  -- bus write data
    d_bus_ben_o    => cpu_d.ben,    -- byte enable
    d_bus_we_o     => cpu_d.we,     -- write enable
    d_bus_re_o     =>,     -- read enable
    d_bus_cancel_o => cpu_d.cancel, -- cancel current bus transaction
    d_bus_ack_i    => cpu_d.ack,    -- bus transfer acknowledge
    d_bus_err_i    => cpu_d.err,    -- bus transfer error
    d_bus_fence_o  => cpu_d.fence,  -- executed FENCE operation
    -- system time input from MTIME --
    -- system time input from MTIME --
    time_i       => mtime_time,   -- current system time
    time_i       => mtime_time,   -- current system time
    -- external interrupts --
    -- external interrupts --
    msw_irq_i      => '0',          -- software interrupt
    clic_irq_i   => clic_irq,     -- CLIC interrupt request
    clic_irq_i   => clic_irq,     -- CLIC interrupt request
    mtime_irq_i  => mtime_irq     -- machine timer interrupt
    mtime_irq_i  => mtime_irq     -- machine timer interrupt
  -- CPU data input --
  cpu.rdata <= (imem_rdata or dmem_rdata or bootrom_rdata) or wishbone_rdata or (gpio_rdata or mtime_rdata or
               uart_rdata or spi_rdata or twi_rdata or pwm_rdata or wdt_rdata or clic_rdata or trng_rdata or devnull_rdata);
  -- CPU ACK input --
  cpu.ack <= (imem_ack or dmem_ack or bootrom_ack) or wishbone_ack or (gpio_ack or mtime_ack or
              uart_ack or spi_ack or twi_ack or pwm_ack or wdt_ack or clic_ack or trng_ack or devnull_ack);
  -- CPU bus error input --
  -- CPU Crossbar Switch --------------------------------------------------------------------
  cpu.err <= wishbone_err;
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  neorv32_busswitch_inst: neorv32_busswitch
  generic map (
    PORT_CA_READ_ONLY => false, -- set if controller port A is read-only
    PORT_CB_READ_ONLY => true   -- set if controller port B is read-only
  port map (
    -- global control --
    clk_i           => clk_i,        -- global clock, rising edge
    rstn_i          => sys_rstn,     -- global reset, low-active, async
    -- controller interface a --
    ca_bus_addr_i   => cpu_d.addr,   -- bus access address
    ca_bus_rdata_o  => cpu_d.rdata,  -- bus read data
    ca_bus_wdata_i  => cpu_d.wdata,  -- bus write data
    ca_bus_ben_i    => cpu_d.ben,    -- byte enable
    ca_bus_we_i     => cpu_d.we,     -- write enable
    ca_bus_re_i     =>,     -- read enable
    ca_bus_cancel_i => cpu_d.cancel, -- cancel current bus transaction
    ca_bus_ack_o    => cpu_d.ack,    -- bus transfer acknowledge
    ca_bus_err_o    => cpu_d.err,    -- bus transfer error
    -- controller interface b --
    cb_bus_addr_i   => cpu_i.addr,   -- bus access address
    cb_bus_rdata_o  => cpu_i.rdata,  -- bus read data
    cb_bus_wdata_i  => cpu_i.wdata,  -- bus write data
    cb_bus_ben_i    => cpu_i.ben,    -- byte enable
    cb_bus_we_i     => cpu_i.we,     -- write enable
    cb_bus_re_i     =>,     -- read enable
    cb_bus_cancel_i => cpu_i.cancel, -- cancel current bus transaction
    cb_bus_ack_o    => cpu_i.ack,    -- bus transfer acknowledge
    cb_bus_err_o    => cpu_i.err,    -- bus transfer error
    -- peripheral bus --
    p_bus_addr_o    => p_bus.addr,   -- bus access address
    p_bus_rdata_i   => p_bus.rdata,  -- bus read data
    p_bus_wdata_o   => p_bus.wdata,  -- bus write data
    p_bus_ben_o     => p_bus.ben,    -- byte enable
    p_bus_we_o      => p_bus.we,     -- write enable
    p_bus_re_o      =>,     -- read enable
    p_bus_cancel_o  => p_bus.cancel, -- cancel current bus transaction
    p_bus_ack_i     => p_bus.ack,    -- bus transfer acknowledge
    p_bus_err_i     => p_bus.err     -- bus transfer error
  -- advanced memory control --
  fence_o  <= cpu_d.fence; -- indicates an executed FENCE operation
  fencei_o <= cpu_i.fence; -- indicates an executed FENCEI operation
  -- process bus: CPU data input --
  p_bus.rdata <= (imem_rdata or dmem_rdata or bootrom_rdata) or wishbone_rdata or (gpio_rdata or mtime_rdata or uart_rdata or
                 spi_rdata or twi_rdata or pwm_rdata or wdt_rdata or clic_rdata or trng_rdata or devnull_rdata or sysinfo_rdata);
  -- process bus: CPU data ACK input --
  p_bus.ack <= (imem_ack or dmem_ack or bootrom_ack) or wishbone_ack or (gpio_ack or mtime_ack or uart_ack or
               spi_ack or twi_ack or pwm_ack or wdt_ack or clic_ack or trng_ack or devnull_ack or sysinfo_ack);
  -- process bus: CPU data bus error input --
  p_bus.err <= wishbone_err;
  -- Processor-Internal Instruction Memory (IMEM) -------------------------------------------
  -- Processor-Internal Instruction Memory (IMEM) -------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Line 401... Line 447...
      IMEM_AS_ROM    => MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM,  -- implement IMEM as read-only memory?
      IMEM_AS_ROM    => MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM,  -- implement IMEM as read-only memory?
      BOOTLOADER_USE => BOOTLOADER_USE     -- implement and use bootloader?
      BOOTLOADER_USE => BOOTLOADER_USE     -- implement and use bootloader?
    port map (
    port map (
      clk_i  => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      clk_i  => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      rden_i =>,     -- read enable
      rden_i =>,    -- read enable
      wren_i => cpu.we,     -- write enable
      wren_i => p_bus.we,    -- write enable
      ben_i  => cpu.ben,    -- byte write enable
      ben_i  => p_bus.ben,   -- byte write enable
      upen_i => '1',        -- update enable
      upen_i => '1',        -- update enable
      addr_i => cpu.addr,   -- address
      addr_i => p_bus.addr,  -- address
      data_i => cpu.wdata,  -- data in
      data_i => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
      data_o => imem_rdata, -- data out
      data_o => imem_rdata, -- data out
      ack_o  => imem_ack    -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o  => imem_ack    -- transfer acknowledge
  end generate;
  end generate;
Line 430... Line 476...
      DMEM_BASE => MEM_DSPACE_BASE,  -- memory base address
      DMEM_BASE => MEM_DSPACE_BASE,  -- memory base address
      DMEM_SIZE => MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE -- processor-internal data memory size in bytes
      DMEM_SIZE => MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE -- processor-internal data memory size in bytes
    port map (
    port map (
      clk_i  => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      clk_i  => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      rden_i =>,     -- read enable
      rden_i =>,    -- read enable
      wren_i => cpu.we,     -- write enable
      wren_i => p_bus.we,    -- write enable
      ben_i  => cpu.ben,    -- byte write enable
      ben_i  => p_bus.ben,   -- byte write enable
      addr_i => cpu.addr,   -- address
      addr_i => p_bus.addr,  -- address
      data_i => cpu.wdata,  -- data in
      data_i => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
      data_o => dmem_rdata, -- data out
      data_o => dmem_rdata, -- data out
      ack_o  => dmem_ack    -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o  => dmem_ack    -- transfer acknowledge
  end generate;
  end generate;
Line 454... Line 500...
  if (BOOTLOADER_USE = true) generate
  if (BOOTLOADER_USE = true) generate
    neorv32_boot_rom_inst: neorv32_boot_rom
    neorv32_boot_rom_inst: neorv32_boot_rom
    port map (
    port map (
      clk_i  => clk_i,         -- global clock line
      clk_i  => clk_i,         -- global clock line
      rden_i =>,        -- read enable
      rden_i =>,      -- read enable
      addr_i => cpu.addr,      -- address
      addr_i => p_bus.addr,    -- address
      data_o => bootrom_rdata, -- data out
      data_o => bootrom_rdata, -- data out
      ack_o  => bootrom_ack    -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o  => bootrom_ack    -- transfer acknowledge
  end generate;
  end generate;
Line 491... Line 537...
    port map (
    port map (
      -- global control --
      -- global control --
      clk_i    => clk_i,          -- global clock line
      clk_i    => clk_i,          -- global clock line
      rstn_i   => sys_rstn,       -- global reset line, low-active
      rstn_i   => sys_rstn,       -- global reset line, low-active
      -- host access --
      -- host access --
      addr_i   => cpu.addr,       -- address
      addr_i   => p_bus.addr,     -- address
      rden_i   =>,         -- read enable
      rden_i   =>,       -- read enable
      wren_i   => cpu.we,         -- write enable
      wren_i   => p_bus.we,       -- write enable
      ben_i    => cpu.ben,        -- byte write enable
      ben_i    => p_bus.ben,      -- byte write enable
      data_i   => cpu.wdata,      -- data in
      data_i   => p_bus.wdata,    -- data in
      data_o   => wishbone_rdata, -- data out
      data_o   => wishbone_rdata, -- data out
      cancel_i => cpu.cancel,     -- cancel current transaction
      cancel_i => p_bus.cancel,   -- cancel current transaction
      ack_o    => wishbone_ack,   -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o    => wishbone_ack,   -- transfer acknowledge
      err_o    => wishbone_err,   -- transfer error
      err_o    => wishbone_err,   -- transfer error
      -- wishbone interface --
      -- wishbone interface --
      wb_adr_o => wb_adr_o,       -- address
      wb_adr_o => wb_adr_o,       -- address
      wb_dat_i => wb_dat_i,       -- read data
      wb_dat_i => wb_dat_i,       -- read data
Line 530... Line 576...
  end generate;
  end generate;
  -- IO Access? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- IO Access? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  io_acc  <= '1' when (cpu.addr(data_width_c-1 downto index_size_f(io_size_c)) = io_base_c(data_width_c-1 downto index_size_f(io_size_c))) else '0';
  io_acc  <= '1' when (p_bus.addr(data_width_c-1 downto index_size_f(io_size_c)) = io_base_c(data_width_c-1 downto index_size_f(io_size_c))) else '0';
  io_rden <= io_acc and;
  io_rden <= io_acc and;
  io_wren <= io_acc and cpu.we;
  io_wren <= io_acc and p_bus.we;
  -- General Purpose Input/Output Port (GPIO) -----------------------------------------------
  -- General Purpose Input/Output Port (GPIO) -----------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (IO_GPIO_USE = true) generate
  if (IO_GPIO_USE = true) generate
    neorv32_gpio_inst: neorv32_gpio
    neorv32_gpio_inst: neorv32_gpio
    port map (
    port map (
      -- host access --
      -- host access --
      clk_i  => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      clk_i  => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      addr_i => cpu.addr,   -- address
      addr_i => p_bus.addr,  -- address
      rden_i => io_rden,    -- read enable
      rden_i => io_rden,    -- read enable
      wren_i => io_wren,    -- write enable
      wren_i => io_wren,    -- write enable
      ben_i  => cpu.ben,    -- byte write enable
      ben_i  => p_bus.ben,   -- byte write enable
      data_i => cpu.wdata,  -- data in
      data_i => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
      data_o => gpio_rdata, -- data out
      data_o => gpio_rdata, -- data out
      ack_o  => gpio_ack,   -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o  => gpio_ack,   -- transfer acknowledge
      -- parallel io --
      -- parallel io --
      gpio_o => gpio_o,
      gpio_o => gpio_o,
      gpio_i => gpio_i,
      gpio_i => gpio_i,
Line 577... Line 623...
    port map (
    port map (
      -- host access --
      -- host access --
      clk_i     => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      clk_i     => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      rden_i    => io_rden,    -- read enable
      rden_i    => io_rden,    -- read enable
      wren_i    => io_wren,    -- write enable
      wren_i    => io_wren,    -- write enable
      ben_i     => cpu.ben,    -- byte write enable
      ben_i     => p_bus.ben,   -- byte write enable
      addr_i    => cpu.addr,   -- address
      addr_i    => p_bus.addr,  -- address
      data_i    => cpu.wdata,  -- data in
      data_i    => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
      data_o    => clic_rdata, -- data out
      data_o    => clic_rdata, -- data out
      ack_o     => clic_ack,   -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o     => clic_ack,   -- transfer acknowledge
      -- cpu interrupt --
      -- cpu interrupt --
      cpu_irq_o => clic_irq,   -- trigger CPU's external IRQ
      cpu_irq_o => clic_irq,   -- trigger CPU's external IRQ
      -- external interrupt lines --
      -- external interrupt lines --
Line 624... Line 670...
      -- host access --
      -- host access --
      clk_i       => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      clk_i       => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      rstn_i      => ext_rstn,   -- global reset line, low-active
      rstn_i      => ext_rstn,   -- global reset line, low-active
      rden_i      => io_rden,    -- read enable
      rden_i      => io_rden,    -- read enable
      wren_i      => io_wren,    -- write enable
      wren_i      => io_wren,    -- write enable
      ben_i       => cpu.ben,    -- byte write enable
      ben_i       => p_bus.ben,   -- byte write enable
      addr_i      => cpu.addr,   -- address
      addr_i      => p_bus.addr,  -- address
      data_i      => cpu.wdata,  -- data in
      data_i      => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
      data_o      => wdt_rdata,  -- data out
      data_o      => wdt_rdata,  -- data out
      ack_o       => wdt_ack,    -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o       => wdt_ack,    -- transfer acknowledge
      -- clock generator --
      -- clock generator --
      clkgen_en_o => wdt_cg_en,  -- enable clock generator
      clkgen_en_o => wdt_cg_en,  -- enable clock generator
      clkgen_i    => clk_gen,
      clkgen_i    => clk_gen,
Line 657... Line 703...
    neorv32_mtime_inst: neorv32_mtime
    neorv32_mtime_inst: neorv32_mtime
    port map (
    port map (
      -- host access --
      -- host access --
      clk_i     => clk_i,        -- global clock line
      clk_i     => clk_i,        -- global clock line
      rstn_i    => sys_rstn,     -- global reset, low-active, async
      rstn_i    => sys_rstn,     -- global reset, low-active, async
      addr_i    => cpu.addr,     -- address
      addr_i    => p_bus.addr,  -- address
      rden_i    => io_rden,      -- read enable
      rden_i    => io_rden,      -- read enable
      wren_i    => io_wren,      -- write enable
      wren_i    => io_wren,      -- write enable
      ben_i     => cpu.ben,      -- byte write enable
      ben_i     => p_bus.ben,   -- byte write enable
      data_i    => cpu.wdata,    -- data in
      data_i    => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
      data_o    => mtime_rdata,  -- data out
      data_o    => mtime_rdata,  -- data out
      ack_o     => mtime_ack,    -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o     => mtime_ack,    -- transfer acknowledge
      -- time output for CPU --
      -- time output for CPU --
      time_o    => mtime_time,   -- current system time
      time_o    => mtime_time,   -- current system time
      -- interrupt --
      -- interrupt --
Line 688... Line 734...
  if (IO_UART_USE = true) generate
  if (IO_UART_USE = true) generate
    neorv32_uart_inst: neorv32_uart
    neorv32_uart_inst: neorv32_uart
    port map (
    port map (
      -- host access --
      -- host access --
      clk_i       => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      clk_i       => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      addr_i      => cpu.addr,   -- address
      addr_i      => p_bus.addr,  -- address
      rden_i      => io_rden,    -- read enable
      rden_i      => io_rden,    -- read enable
      wren_i      => io_wren,    -- write enable
      wren_i      => io_wren,    -- write enable
      ben_i       => cpu.ben,    -- byte write enable
      ben_i       => p_bus.ben,   -- byte write enable
      data_i      => cpu.wdata,  -- data in
      data_i      => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
      data_o      => uart_rdata, -- data out
      data_o      => uart_rdata, -- data out
      ack_o       => uart_ack,   -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o       => uart_ack,   -- transfer acknowledge
      -- clock generator --
      -- clock generator --
      clkgen_en_o => uart_cg_en, -- enable clock generator
      clkgen_en_o => uart_cg_en, -- enable clock generator
      clkgen_i    => clk_gen,
      clkgen_i    => clk_gen,
Line 724... Line 770...
  if (IO_SPI_USE = true) generate
  if (IO_SPI_USE = true) generate
    neorv32_spi_inst: neorv32_spi
    neorv32_spi_inst: neorv32_spi
    port map (
    port map (
      -- host access --
      -- host access --
      clk_i       => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      clk_i       => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      addr_i      => cpu.addr,   -- address
      addr_i      => p_bus.addr,  -- address
      rden_i      => io_rden,    -- read enable
      rden_i      => io_rden,    -- read enable
      wren_i      => io_wren,    -- write enable
      wren_i      => io_wren,    -- write enable
      ben_i       => cpu.ben,    -- byte write enable
      ben_i       => p_bus.ben,   -- byte write enable
      data_i      => cpu.wdata,  -- data in
      data_i      => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
      data_o      => spi_rdata,  -- data out
      data_o      => spi_rdata,  -- data out
      ack_o       => spi_ack,    -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o       => spi_ack,    -- transfer acknowledge
      -- clock generator --
      -- clock generator --
      clkgen_en_o => spi_cg_en,  -- enable clock generator
      clkgen_en_o => spi_cg_en,  -- enable clock generator
      clkgen_i    => clk_gen,
      clkgen_i    => clk_gen,
Line 764... Line 810...
  if (IO_TWI_USE = true) generate
  if (IO_TWI_USE = true) generate
    neorv32_twi_inst: neorv32_twi
    neorv32_twi_inst: neorv32_twi
    port map (
    port map (
      -- host access --
      -- host access --
      clk_i       => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      clk_i       => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      addr_i      => cpu.addr,   -- address
      addr_i      => p_bus.addr,  -- address
      rden_i      => io_rden,    -- read enable
      rden_i      => io_rden,    -- read enable
      wren_i      => io_wren,    -- write enable
      wren_i      => io_wren,    -- write enable
      ben_i       => cpu.ben,    -- byte write enable
      ben_i       => p_bus.ben,   -- byte write enable
      data_i      => cpu.wdata,  -- data in
      data_i      => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
      data_o      => twi_rdata,  -- data out
      data_o      => twi_rdata,  -- data out
      ack_o       => twi_ack,    -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o       => twi_ack,    -- transfer acknowledge
      -- clock generator --
      -- clock generator --
      clkgen_en_o => twi_cg_en,  -- enable clock generator
      clkgen_en_o => twi_cg_en,  -- enable clock generator
      clkgen_i    => clk_gen,
      clkgen_i    => clk_gen,
Line 801... Line 847...
  if (IO_PWM_USE = true) generate
  if (IO_PWM_USE = true) generate
    neorv32_pwm_inst: neorv32_pwm
    neorv32_pwm_inst: neorv32_pwm
    port map (
    port map (
      -- host access --
      -- host access --
      clk_i       => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      clk_i       => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      addr_i      => cpu.addr,   -- address
      addr_i      => p_bus.addr,  -- address
      rden_i      => io_rden,    -- read enable
      rden_i      => io_rden,    -- read enable
      wren_i      => io_wren,    -- write enable
      wren_i      => io_wren,    -- write enable
      ben_i       => cpu.ben,    -- byte write enable
      ben_i       => p_bus.ben,   -- byte write enable
      data_i      => cpu.wdata,  -- data in
      data_i      => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
      data_o      => pwm_rdata,  -- data out
      data_o      => pwm_rdata,  -- data out
      ack_o       => pwm_ack,    -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o       => pwm_ack,    -- transfer acknowledge
      -- clock generator --
      -- clock generator --
      clkgen_en_o => pwm_cg_en,  -- enable clock generator
      clkgen_en_o => pwm_cg_en,  -- enable clock generator
      clkgen_i    => clk_gen,
      clkgen_i    => clk_gen,
Line 833... Line 879...
  if (IO_TRNG_USE = true) generate
  if (IO_TRNG_USE = true) generate
    neorv32_trng_inst: neorv32_trng
    neorv32_trng_inst: neorv32_trng
    port map (
    port map (
      -- host access --
      -- host access --
      clk_i  => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      clk_i  => clk_i,      -- global clock line
      addr_i => cpu.addr,   -- address
      addr_i => p_bus.addr,  -- address
      rden_i => io_rden,    -- read enable
      rden_i => io_rden,    -- read enable
      wren_i => io_wren,    -- write enable
      wren_i => io_wren,    -- write enable
      ben_i  => cpu.ben,    -- byte write enable
      ben_i  => p_bus.ben,   -- byte write enable
      data_i => cpu.wdata,  -- data in
      data_i => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
      data_o => trng_rdata, -- data out
      data_o => trng_rdata, -- data out
      ack_o  => trng_ack    -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o  => trng_ack    -- transfer acknowledge
  end generate;
  end generate;
Line 858... Line 904...
  if (IO_DEVNULL_USE = true) generate
  if (IO_DEVNULL_USE = true) generate
    neorv32_devnull_inst: neorv32_devnull
    neorv32_devnull_inst: neorv32_devnull
    port map (
    port map (
      -- host access --
      -- host access --
      clk_i  => clk_i,         -- global clock line
      clk_i  => clk_i,         -- global clock line
      addr_i => cpu.addr,      -- address
      addr_i => p_bus.addr,    -- address
      rden_i => io_rden,       -- read enable
      rden_i => io_rden,       -- read enable
      wren_i => io_wren,       -- write enable
      wren_i => io_wren,       -- write enable
      ben_i  => cpu.ben,       -- byte write enable
      ben_i  => p_bus.ben,     -- byte write enable
      data_i => cpu.wdata,     -- data in
      data_i => p_bus.wdata,   -- data in
      data_o => devnull_rdata, -- data out
      data_o => devnull_rdata, -- data out
      ack_o  => devnull_ack    -- transfer acknowledge
      ack_o  => devnull_ack    -- transfer acknowledge
  end generate;
  end generate;
Line 875... Line 921...
    devnull_rdata <= (others => '0');
    devnull_rdata <= (others => '0');
    devnull_ack   <= '0';
    devnull_ack   <= '0';
  end generate;
  end generate;
  -- System Configuration Information Memory (SYSINFO) --------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  neorv32_sysinfo_inst: neorv32_sysinfo
  generic map (
    -- General --
    CLOCK_FREQUENCY   => CLOCK_FREQUENCY,   -- clock frequency of clk_i in Hz
    BOOTLOADER_USE    => BOOTLOADER_USE,    -- implement processor-internal bootloader?
    USER_CODE         => USER_CODE,         -- custom user code
    -- Memory configuration: Instruction memory --
    MEM_ISPACE_BASE   => MEM_ISPACE_BASE,   -- base address of instruction memory space
    MEM_ISPACE_SIZE   => MEM_ISPACE_SIZE,   -- total size of instruction memory space in byte
    MEM_INT_IMEM_USE  => MEM_INT_IMEM_USE,  -- implement processor-internal instruction memory
    MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE => MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE, -- size of processor-internal instruction memory in bytes
    MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM  => MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM,  -- implement processor-internal instruction memory as ROM
    -- Memory configuration: Data memory --
    MEM_DSPACE_BASE   => MEM_DSPACE_BASE,   -- base address of data memory space
    MEM_DSPACE_SIZE   => MEM_DSPACE_SIZE,   -- total size of data memory space in byte
    MEM_INT_DMEM_USE  => MEM_INT_DMEM_USE,  -- implement processor-internal data memory
    MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE => MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE, -- size of processor-internal data memory in bytes
    -- Memory configuration: External memory interface --
    MEM_EXT_USE       => MEM_EXT_USE,       -- implement external memory bus interface?
    -- Processor peripherals --
    IO_GPIO_USE       => IO_GPIO_USE,       -- implement general purpose input/output port unit (GPIO)?
    IO_MTIME_USE      => IO_MTIME_USE,      -- implement machine system timer (MTIME)?
    IO_UART_USE       => IO_UART_USE,       -- implement universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)?
    IO_SPI_USE        => IO_SPI_USE,        -- implement serial peripheral interface (SPI)?
    IO_TWI_USE        => IO_TWI_USE,        -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
    IO_PWM_USE        => IO_PWM_USE,        -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
    IO_WDT_USE        => IO_WDT_USE,        -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
    IO_CLIC_USE       => IO_CLIC_USE,       -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
    IO_TRNG_USE       => IO_TRNG_USE,       -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
    IO_DEVNULL_USE    => IO_DEVNULL_USE     -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
  port map (
    -- host access --
    clk_i  => clk_i,         -- global clock line
    addr_i => p_bus.addr,    -- address
    rden_i => io_rden,       -- read enable
    data_o => sysinfo_rdata, -- data out
    ack_o  => sysinfo_ack    -- transfer acknowledge
end neorv32_top_rtl;
end neorv32_top_rtl;
 No newline at end of file
 No newline at end of file

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