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signal twi_sda_in : std_ulogic;
signal twi_sda_in : std_ulogic;
signal twi_scl_in : std_ulogic;
signal twi_scl_in : std_ulogic;
signal twi_sda_out : std_ulogic;
signal twi_sda_out : std_ulogic;
signal twi_scl_out : std_ulogic;
signal twi_scl_out : std_ulogic;
-- interrupt generator --
type irq_t is record
pending : std_ulogic; -- pending interrupt request
set : std_ulogic;
clr : std_ulogic;
end record;
signal irq : irq_t;
-- Access Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Access Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
acc_en <= '1' when (addr_i(hi_abb_c downto lo_abb_c) = twi_base_c(hi_abb_c downto lo_abb_c)) else '0';
acc_en <= '1' when (addr_i(hi_abb_c downto lo_abb_c) = twi_base_c(hi_abb_c downto lo_abb_c)) else '0';
Line 196... |
Line 188... |
-- input synchronizer & sampler --
-- input synchronizer & sampler --
twi_sda_in_ff <= twi_sda_in_ff(0) & twi_sda_in;
twi_sda_in_ff <= twi_sda_in_ff(0) & twi_sda_in;
twi_scl_in_ff <= twi_scl_in_ff(0) & twi_scl_in;
twi_scl_in_ff <= twi_scl_in_ff(0) & twi_scl_in;
-- defaults --
-- defaults --
irq.set <= '0';
irq_o <= '0';
-- serial engine --
-- serial engine --
arbiter(2) <= ctrl(ctrl_en_c); -- still activated?
arbiter(2) <= ctrl(ctrl_en_c); -- still activated?
case arbiter is
case arbiter is
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Line 222... |
if (twi_clk_phase(0) = '1') then
if (twi_clk_phase(0) = '1') then
twi_scl_out <= '1';
twi_scl_out <= '1';
elsif (twi_clk_phase(3) = '1') then
elsif (twi_clk_phase(3) = '1') then
twi_scl_out <= '0';
twi_scl_out <= '0';
irq.set <= '1'; -- Interrupt!
irq_o <= '1'; -- Interrupt!
arbiter(1 downto 0) <= "00"; -- go back to IDLE
arbiter(1 downto 0) <= "00"; -- go back to IDLE
end if;
end if;
when "110" => -- STOP: generate STOP condition
when "110" => -- STOP: generate STOP condition
if (twi_clk_phase(0) = '1') then
if (twi_clk_phase(0) = '1') then
twi_sda_out <= '0';
twi_sda_out <= '0';
elsif (twi_clk_phase(3) = '1') then
elsif (twi_clk_phase(3) = '1') then
twi_sda_out <= '1';
twi_sda_out <= '1';
irq.set <= '1'; -- Interrupt!
irq_o <= '1'; -- Interrupt!
arbiter(1 downto 0) <= "00"; -- go back to IDLE
arbiter(1 downto 0) <= "00"; -- go back to IDLE
end if;
end if;
if (twi_clk_phase(0) = '1') then
if (twi_clk_phase(0) = '1') then
twi_scl_out <= '0';
twi_scl_out <= '0';
Line 262... |
Line 254... |
rtx_sreg <= rtx_sreg(7 downto 0) & twi_sda_in_ff(twi_sda_in_ff'left); -- sample and shift left
rtx_sreg <= rtx_sreg(7 downto 0) & twi_sda_in_ff(twi_sda_in_ff'left); -- sample and shift left
twi_scl_out <= '0';
twi_scl_out <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if (bitcnt = "1010") then -- 8 data bits + 1 bit for ACK + 1 tick delay
if (bitcnt = "1010") then -- 8 data bits + 1 bit for ACK + 1 tick delay
irq.set <= '1'; -- Interrupt!
irq_o <= '1'; -- Interrupt!
arbiter(1 downto 0) <= "00"; -- go back to IDLE
arbiter(1 downto 0) <= "00"; -- go back to IDLE
end if;
end if;
when others => -- "0--" OFFLINE: TWI deactivated
when others => -- "0--" OFFLINE: TWI deactivated
twi_sda_out <= '1';
twi_sda_out <= '1';
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Line 285... |
-- read-back --
-- read-back --
twi_sda_in <= std_ulogic(twi_sda_io);
twi_sda_in <= std_ulogic(twi_sda_io);
twi_scl_in <= std_ulogic(twi_scl_io);
twi_scl_in <= std_ulogic(twi_scl_io);
-- Interrupt Generator --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
irq_generator: process(clk_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if (ctrl(ctrl_en_c) = '0') then
irq.pending <= '0';
if (irq.set = '1') then
irq.pending <= '1';
elsif (irq.clr = '1') then
irq.pending <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process irq_generator;
-- IRQ request to CPU --
irq_o <= irq.pending;
-- IRQ acknowledge --
irq.clr <= '1' when ((rden = '1') and (addr = twi_rtx_addr_c)) or (wren = '1') else '0'; -- read data register OR write data/control register
end neorv32_twi_rtl;
end neorv32_twi_rtl;
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