Line 229... |
Line 229... |
end record;
end record;
signal rx_buffer : rx_buffer_t;
signal rx_buffer : rx_buffer_t;
-- interrupt generator --
-- interrupt generator --
type irq_t is record
type irq_t is record
pending : std_ulogic; -- pending interrupt request
set : std_ulogic;
set : std_ulogic;
clr : std_ulogic;
buf : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
end record;
end record;
signal rx_irq, tx_irq : irq_t;
signal rx_irq, tx_irq : irq_t;
Line 488... |
Line 487... |
end case;
end case;
-- overrun flag --
-- overrun flag --
if (rden = '1') and (addr = uart_id_rtx_addr_c) then -- clear when reading data register
if (rden = '1') and (addr = uart_id_rtx_addr_c) then -- clear when reading data register
rx_engine.overr <= '1';
elsif (rx_buffer.we = '1') and ( = '0') then -- write to full FIFO
rx_engine.overr <= '0';
rx_engine.overr <= '0';
elsif (rx_buffer.we = '1') and ( = '0') then -- write to full FIFO
rx_engine.overr <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process uart_rx_engine;
end process uart_rx_engine;
Line 554... |
Line 553... |
end process flow_control_buffer;
end process flow_control_buffer;
-- Interrupt Generator --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Interrupt Generator --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
irq_type: process(ctrl, tx_buffer, rx_buffer)
irq_type: process(ctrl, tx_buffer, rx_buffer, tx_engine.done)
-- TX interrupt --
-- TX interrupt --
if (UART_TX_FIFO = 1) then
if (UART_TX_FIFO = 1) or (ctrl(ctrl_tx_irq_c) = '0') then
tx_irq.set <=; -- fire IRQ if FIFO is not full
tx_irq.set <= and tx_engine.done; -- fire IRQ if FIFO is not full
if (ctrl(ctrl_tx_irq_c) = '1') then
tx_irq.set <= not tx_buffer.half; -- fire IRQ if FIFO is less than half-full
tx_irq.set <=; -- fire IRQ if FIFO is not full
tx_irq.set <= (not tx_buffer.half) and tx_engine.done; -- fire IRQ if FIFO is less than half-full
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- RX interrupt --
-- RX interrupt --
if (UART_RX_FIFO = 1) then
if (UART_RX_FIFO = 1) or (ctrl(ctrl_rx_irq_c) = '0') then
rx_irq.set <= rx_buffer.avail; -- fire IRQ if FIFO is not empty
rx_irq.set <= rx_buffer.avail; -- fire IRQ if FIFO is not empty
if (ctrl(ctrl_rx_irq_c) = '1') then
rx_irq.set <= rx_buffer.half; -- fire IRQ if FIFO is at least half-full
rx_irq.set <= rx_buffer.half; -- fire IRQ if FIFO is at least half-full
rx_irq.set <= rx_buffer.avail; -- fire IRQ is FIFO is not empty
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process irq_type;
end process irq_type;
-- interrupt arbiter --
-- interrupt edge detector --
irq_generator: process(clk_i)
irq_detect: process(clk_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if (ctrl(ctrl_en_c) = '0') then
if (ctrl(ctrl_en_c) = '0') then
rx_irq.pending <= '0';
tx_irq.buf <= "00";
tx_irq.pending <= '0';
rx_irq.buf <= "00";
-- TX --
tx_irq.buf <= tx_irq.buf(0) & tx_irq.set;
if (tx_irq.set = '1') and (tx_engine.done = '1') then -- evaluate IRQ condition when TX is done with current sending
rx_irq.buf <= rx_irq.buf(0) & rx_irq.set;
tx_irq.pending <= '1';
elsif (tx_irq.clr = '1') then
tx_irq.pending <= '0';
end if;
end if;
-- RX --
if (rx_irq.set = '1') and (rx_engine.done = '1') then -- evaluate IRQ condition when RX is done with current receiving
rx_irq.pending <= '1';
elsif (rx_irq.clr = '1') then
rx_irq.pending <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process irq_detect;
end if;
end process irq_generator;
-- IRQ requests to CPU --
-- IRQ requests to CPU --
irq_txd_o <= tx_irq.pending;
irq_txd_o <= '1' when (tx_irq.buf = "01") else '0';
irq_rxd_o <= rx_irq.pending;
irq_rxd_o <= '1' when (rx_irq.buf = "01") else '0';
-- IRQ acknowledge --
tx_irq.clr <= '1' when (tx_buffer.we = '1') or ((wren = '1') and (addr = uart_id_ctrl_addr_c)) else '0'; -- write to data reg OR write to control reg
rx_irq.clr <= '1' when ( = '1') or ((wren = '1') and (addr = uart_id_ctrl_addr_c)) else '0'; -- read from data reg OR write to control reg
-- SIMULATION Transmitter -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- SIMULATION Transmitter -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- pragma translate_off
-- pragma translate_off