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signal int_dmem_acc, int_dmem_acc_real : std_ulogic;
signal int_dmem_acc, int_dmem_acc_real : std_ulogic;
signal int_boot_acc : std_ulogic;
signal int_boot_acc : std_ulogic;
signal wb_access : std_ulogic;
signal wb_access : std_ulogic;
-- bus arbiter
-- bus arbiter
type ctrl_state_t is (IDLE, BUSY, CANCELED);
type ctrl_state_t is (IDLE, BUSY, CANCELED, RESYNC);
type ctrl_t is record
type ctrl_t is record
state : ctrl_state_t;
state : ctrl_state_t;
state_prev : ctrl_state_t;
state_prev : ctrl_state_t;
we : std_ulogic;
we : std_ulogic;
rd_req : std_ulogic;
rd_req : std_ulogic;
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elsif (wb_ack_i = '1') then -- normal bus termination
elsif (wb_ack_i = '1') then -- normal bus termination
ctrl.ack <= '1';
ctrl.ack <= '1';
ctrl.state <= IDLE;
ctrl.state <= IDLE;
end if;
end if;
when CANCELED => --
when CANCELED => -- wait for cycle to be completed either by peripheral or by timeout (ignore result of transfer)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
ctrl.wr_req <= ctrl.wr_req or wren_i; -- buffer new request
ctrl.wr_req <= ctrl.wr_req or wren_i; -- buffer new request
ctrl.rd_req <= ctrl.rd_req or rden_i; -- buffer new request
ctrl.rd_req <= ctrl.rd_req or rden_i; -- buffer new request
-- wait for bus.peripheral to ACK transfer (as "aborted" but still somehow "completed")
-- wait for bus.peripheral to ACK transfer (as "aborted" but still somehow "completed")
-- or wait for a timeout and force termination
-- or wait for a timeout and force termination
ctrl.timeout <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.timeout) - 1); -- timeout counter
ctrl.timeout <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.timeout) - 1); -- timeout counter
if (wb_ack_i = '1') or (or_all_f(ctrl.timeout) = '0') then
if (wb_ack_i = '1') or (or_all_f(ctrl.timeout) = '0') then
ctrl.state <= RESYNC;
end if;
when RESYNC => -- make sure transfer is done!
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
if (wb_ack_i = '0') then
ctrl.state <= IDLE;
ctrl.state <= IDLE;
end if;
end if;
when others => -- undefined
when others => -- undefined
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
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wb_sel_o <= ctrl.sel;
wb_sel_o <= ctrl.sel;
wb_stb_o <= stb_int when (WB_PIPELINED_MODE = true) else cyc_int;
wb_stb_o <= stb_int when (WB_PIPELINED_MODE = true) else cyc_int;
wb_cyc_o <= cyc_int;
wb_cyc_o <= cyc_int;
stb_int <= '1' when ((ctrl.state = BUSY) and (ctrl.state_prev = IDLE)) else '0';
stb_int <= '1' when ((ctrl.state = BUSY) and (ctrl.state_prev = IDLE)) else '0';
cyc_int <= '0' when (ctrl.state = IDLE) else '1';
cyc_int <= '0' when ((ctrl.state = IDLE) or (ctrl.state = RESYNC)) else '1';
end neorv32_wishbone_rtl;
end neorv32_wishbone_rtl;
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