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[/] [neorv32/] [trunk/] [sim/] [neorv32_tb.vhd] - Diff between revs 22 and 23

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Rev 22 Rev 23
Line 58... Line 58...
  constant f_clock_c          : real := 100000000.0; -- main clock in Hz
  constant f_clock_c          : real := 100000000.0; -- main clock in Hz
  constant f_clock_nat_c      : natural := 100000000; -- main clock in Hz
  constant f_clock_nat_c      : natural := 100000000; -- main clock in Hz
  constant baud_rate_c        : real := 19200.0; -- standard UART baudrate
  constant baud_rate_c        : real := 19200.0; -- standard UART baudrate
  constant wb_mem_base_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"F0000000"; -- wishbone memory base address
  constant wb_mem_base_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"F0000000"; -- wishbone memory base address
  constant wb_mem_size_c      : natural := 256; -- wishbone memory size in bytes
  constant wb_mem_size_c      : natural := 256; -- wishbone memory size in bytes
  constant wb_mem_latency_c   : natural := 8; -- latency in clock cycles (min 1)
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- --
  -- --
  file file_uart_tx_out : text open write_mode is "neorv32.testbench_uart.out";
  file file_uart_tx_out : text open write_mode is "neorv32.testbench_uart.out";
Line 101... Line 102...
    ack   : std_ulogic; -- transfer acknowledge
    ack   : std_ulogic; -- transfer acknowledge
    err   : std_ulogic; -- transfer error
    err   : std_ulogic; -- transfer error
  end record;
  end record;
  signal wb_cpu : wishbone_t;
  signal wb_cpu : wishbone_t;
  -- Wishbone memory --
  -- Wishbone memory, SimCom --
  type wb_mem_ram_t is array (0 to wb_mem_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
  type wb_mem_file_t is array (0 to wb_mem_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
  type wb_mem_read_latency_t is array (0 to wb_mem_latency_c-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal wb_mem_file  : wb_mem_file_t := (others => (others => '0'));
  type wb_mem_t is record
  signal rb_en        : std_ulogic;
    ram    : wb_mem_ram_t;
  signal r_data       : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
    rdata  : wb_mem_read_latency_t;
  signal wb_acc_en    : std_ulogic;
    acc_en : std_ulogic;
  signal wb_mem_rdata : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
    ack    : std_ulogic_vector(wb_mem_latency_c-1 downto 0);
  signal wb_mem_ack   : std_ulogic;
    rb_en  : std_ulogic_vector(wb_mem_latency_c-1 downto 0);
  end record;
  signal wb_mem : wb_mem_t;
  -- Clock/Reset Generator ------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- Clock/Reset Generator ------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Line 135... Line 138...
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M        => true,          -- implement muld/div extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M        => true,          -- implement muld/div extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_U        => true,          -- implement user mode extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_U        => true,          -- implement user mode extension?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr    => true,          -- implement CSR system?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr    => true,          -- implement CSR system?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei => true,          -- implement instruction stream sync.?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei => true,          -- implement instruction stream sync.?
    -- Extension Options --
    -- Extension Options --
    CSR_COUNTERS_USE             => true,          -- implement RISC-V perf. counters ([m]instret[h], [m]cycle[h], time[h])?
    FAST_MUL_EN                  => false,         -- use DSPs for M extension's multiplier
    FAST_MUL_EN                  => false,         -- use DSPs for M extension's multiplier
    -- Physical Memory Protection (PMP) --
    -- Physical Memory Protection (PMP) --
    PMP_USE                      => true,          -- implement PMP?
    PMP_USE                      => true,          -- implement PMP?
    PMP_NUM_REGIONS              => 4,             -- number of regions (max 16)
    PMP_NUM_REGIONS              => 4,             -- number of regions (max 16)
    PMP_GRANULARITY              => 14,            -- minimal region granularity (1=8B, 2=16B, 3=32B, ...) default is 64k
    PMP_GRANULARITY              => 14,            -- minimal region granularity (1=8B, 2=16B, 3=32B, ...) default is 64k
    -- Memory configuration: Instruction memory --
    -- Internal Instruction memory --
    MEM_ISPACE_BASE              => x"00000000",   -- base address of instruction memory space
    MEM_ISPACE_SIZE              => 16*1024,       -- total size of instruction memory space in byte
    MEM_INT_IMEM_USE             => true,          -- implement processor-internal instruction memory
    MEM_INT_IMEM_USE             => true,          -- implement processor-internal instruction memory
    MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE            => 16*1024,       -- size of processor-internal instruction memory in bytes
    MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE            => 16*1024,       -- size of processor-internal instruction memory in bytes
    MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM             => false,         -- implement processor-internal instruction memory as ROM
    MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM             => false,         -- implement processor-internal instruction memory as ROM
    -- Memory configuration: Data memory --
    -- Internal Data memory --
    MEM_DSPACE_BASE              => x"80000000",   -- base address of data memory space
    MEM_DSPACE_SIZE              => 8*1024,        -- total size of data memory space in byte
    MEM_INT_DMEM_USE             => true,          -- implement processor-internal data memory
    MEM_INT_DMEM_USE             => true,          -- implement processor-internal data memory
    MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE            => 8*1024,        -- size of processor-internal data memory in bytes
    MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE            => 8*1024,        -- size of processor-internal data memory in bytes
    -- Memory configuration: External memory interface --
    -- External memory interface --
    MEM_EXT_USE                  => true,          -- implement external memory bus interface?
    MEM_EXT_USE                  => true,          -- implement external memory bus interface?
    MEM_EXT_REG_STAGES           => 2,             -- number of interface register stages (0,1,2)
    MEM_EXT_REG_STAGES           => 2,             -- number of interface register stages (0,1,2)
    MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT              => 15,            -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
    MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT              => 15,            -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
    -- Processor peripherals --
    -- Processor peripherals --
    IO_GPIO_USE                  => true,          -- implement general purpose input/output port unit (GPIO)?
    IO_GPIO_USE                  => true,          -- implement general purpose input/output port unit (GPIO)?
Line 164... Line 162...
    IO_UART_USE                  => true,          -- implement universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)?
    IO_UART_USE                  => true,          -- implement universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)?
    IO_SPI_USE                   => true,          -- implement serial peripheral interface (SPI)?
    IO_SPI_USE                   => true,          -- implement serial peripheral interface (SPI)?
    IO_TWI_USE                   => true,          -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
    IO_TWI_USE                   => true,          -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
    IO_PWM_USE                   => true,          -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
    IO_PWM_USE                   => true,          -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
    IO_WDT_USE                   => true,          -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
    IO_WDT_USE                   => true,          -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
    IO_TRNG_USE                  => false,         -- CANNOT BE SIMULATED!
    IO_TRNG_USE                  => false,         -- DEFAULT TRNG CONFIG CANNOT BE SIMULATED!
    IO_DEVNULL_USE               => true           -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
    IO_DEVNULL_USE               => true,          -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
    IO_CFU_USE                   => true           -- implement custom functions unit (CFU)?
  port map (
  port map (
    -- Global control --
    -- Global control --
    clk_i      => clk_gen,         -- global clock, rising edge
    clk_i      => clk_gen,         -- global clock, rising edge
    rstn_i     => rst_gen,         -- global reset, low-active, async
    rstn_i     => rst_gen,         -- global reset, low-active, async
Line 208... Line 207...
  -- TWI termination --
  -- TWI termination --
  twi_scl <= 'H';
  twi_scl <= 'H';
  twi_sda <= 'H';
  twi_sda <= 'H';
  -- Wishbone read-back --
  wb_cpu.rdata <= wb_mem_rdata;
  wb_cpu.ack   <= wb_mem_ack;
  wb_cpu.err   <= '0';
  -- Console UART Receiver ------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- Console UART Receiver ------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  uart_rx_console: process(clk_gen)
  uart_rx_console: process(clk_gen)
    variable i : integer;
    variable i : integer;
Line 268... Line 262...
  end process uart_rx_console;
  end process uart_rx_console;
  -- Wishbone Memory ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- Wishbone Memory ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    wb_mem_file_access: process(clk_gen)
  wb_mem_ram_access: process(clk_gen)
      if rising_edge(clk_gen) then
      if rising_edge(clk_gen) then
        rb_en <= wb_cpu.cyc and wb_cpu.stb and wb_acc_en and (not wb_cpu.we); -- read-back control
      -- control --
        wb_mem_ack <= wb_cpu.cyc and wb_cpu.stb and wb_acc_en; -- wishbone acknowledge
      wb_mem.rb_en(0) <= wb_cpu.cyc and wb_cpu.stb and wb_mem.acc_en and (not wb_cpu.we); -- read-back control
        if ((wb_cpu.cyc and wb_cpu.stb and wb_acc_en and wb_cpu.we) = '1') then -- valid write access
      wb_mem.ack(0)   <= wb_cpu.cyc and wb_cpu.stb and wb_mem.acc_en; -- wishbone acknowledge
      -- write access --
      if ((wb_cpu.cyc and wb_cpu.stb and wb_mem.acc_en and wb_cpu.we) = '1') then -- valid write access
          for i in 0 to 3 loop
          for i in 0 to 3 loop
            if (wb_cpu.sel(i) = '1') then
            if (wb_cpu.sel(i) = '1') then
              wb_mem_file(to_integer(unsigned(wb_cpu.addr(index_size_f(wb_mem_size_c/4)+1 downto 2))))(7+i*8 downto 0+i*8) <= wb_cpu.wdata(7+i*8 downto 0+i*8);
            wb_mem.ram(to_integer(unsigned(wb_cpu.addr(index_size_f(wb_mem_size_c/4)+1 downto 2))))(7+i*8 downto 0+i*8) <= wb_cpu.wdata(7+i*8 downto 0+i*8);
            end if;
            end if;
          end loop; -- i
          end loop; -- i
        end if;
        end if;
        r_data <= wb_mem_file(to_integer(unsigned(wb_cpu.addr(index_size_f(wb_mem_size_c/4)+1 downto 2)))); -- word aligned
      -- read access --
      end if;
      wb_mem.rdata(0) <= wb_mem.ram(to_integer(unsigned(wb_cpu.addr(index_size_f(wb_mem_size_c/4)+1 downto 2)))); -- word aligned
    end process wb_mem_file_access;
      -- virtual read and ack latency --
      if (wb_mem_latency_c > 1) then
  -- wb mem access --
        for i in 1 to wb_mem_latency_c-1 loop
  wb_acc_en <= '1' when (wb_cpu.addr >= wb_mem_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(wb_mem_base_addr_c) + wb_mem_size_c)) else '0';
          wb_mem.rdata(i) <= wb_mem.rdata(i-1);
          wb_mem.rb_en(i) <= wb_mem.rb_en(i-1);
  -- output gate --
          wb_mem.ack(i)   <= wb_mem.ack(i-1);
  wb_mem_rdata <= r_data when (rb_en = '1') else (others=> '0');
        end loop;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process wb_mem_ram_access;
  -- wishbone memory access? --
  wb_mem.acc_en <= '1' when (wb_cpu.addr >= wb_mem_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(wb_mem_base_addr_c) + wb_mem_size_c)) else '0';
  -- output to cpu --
  wb_cpu.rdata <= wb_mem.rdata(wb_mem_latency_c-1) when (wb_mem.rb_en(wb_mem_latency_c-1) = '1') else (others=> '0'); -- data output gate
  wb_cpu.ack   <= wb_mem.ack(wb_mem_latency_c-1);
  wb_cpu.err   <= '0';
end neorv32_tb_rtl;
end neorv32_tb_rtl;
 No newline at end of file
 No newline at end of file

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