Line 67... |
Line 67... |
addi x14, x0, 0
addi x14, x0, 0
addi x15, x0, 0
addi x15, x0, 0
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
// Initialize dummy trap handler base address
// Setup pointers using linker script symbols
// *********************************************************
.option push
.option norelax
la sp, __crt0_stack_begin
andi sp, sp, 0xfffffffc // make sure this is aligned
addi fp, sp, 0 // frame pointer = stack pointer
la gp, __global_pointer$ // global pointer
.option pop
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
// Setup CPU core CSRs (some of them DO NOT have a dedicated reset and need to be explicitly initialized)
la x11, __crt0_dummy_trap_handler
// *********************************************************
csrw mtvec, x11 // set address of first-level exception handler
// set address of first-level exception handler
la x10, __crt0_dummy_trap_handler
csrw mtvec, x10
csrw mepc, x10
csrw mtval, zero
csrw mcause, zero
// no global IRQ enable (is also done by hardware)
csrw mstatus, zero
// absolutely no interrupts, thanks
csrw mie, zero
// no access from less-privileged modes to counter CSRs
csrw mcounteren, zero
// stop all counters except for [m]cycle[h] and [m]instret[h]
li x11, ~5
csrw mcountinhibit, x11
// clear cycle counters
csrw mcycle, zero
csrw mcycleh, zero
// clear instruction counters
csrw minstret, zero
csrw minstreth, zero
#if defined(__riscv_flen) && (__riscv_flen != 0)
// clear floating-point CSR (rounding mode & exception flags)
csrw fcsr, zero
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
// Clear integer register file (upper half, if no E extension)
// Clear integer register file (upper half, if no E extension)
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
Line 101... |
Line 145... |
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
// No interrupts, thanks
// *********************************************************
li x10, 0x00001800 // clear mstatus and set mpp(1:0)
csrrw zero, mstatus, x10
csrrw zero, mie, zero // clear mie
// *********************************************************
// Setup pointers using linker script symbols
// *********************************************************
.option push
.option norelax
la sp, __crt0_stack_begin
andi sp, sp, 0xfffffffc // make sure this is aligned
addi fp, sp, 0 // frame pointer = stack pointer
la gp, __global_pointer$ // global pointer
.option pop
// *********************************************************
// Reset/deactivate IO/peripheral devices
// Reset/deactivate IO/peripheral devices
// Devices, that are not implemented, will cause a store access fault
// Devices, that are not implemented, will cause a store access fault
// which is captured but actually ignored due to the dummy handler.
// which is captured but actually ignored due to the dummy handler.
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
Line 180... |
Line 202... |
// setup arguments for calling main
// setup arguments for calling main
addi x10, zero, 0 // argc = 0
addi x10, zero, 0 // argc = 0
addi x11, zero, 0 // argv = 0
addi x11, zero, 0 // argv = 0
// clear cycle and instruction counters
csrw mcycle, zero
csrw mcycleh, zero
csrw minstret, zero
csrw minstreth, zero
// enable read-access from user-mode for cycle[h], time[h] and instret[h]
csrwi 0x306, 7 // mcounteren
// enable auto-increment of all counters
csrw 0x320, x0 // mcountinhibit
// restore mcause reset value (so that 'main' knows we are coming from reset)
li x12, 0x80000000
csrw mcause, x12
// call actual app's main function
// call actual app's main function
jal ra, main
jal ra, main
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************