Line 68... |
Line 68... |
// Setup CPU core CSRs (some of them DO NOT have a dedicated
// Setup CPU core CSRs (some of them DO NOT have a dedicated
// reset and need to be explicitly initialized)
// reset and need to be explicitly initialized)
// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************
la x10, __crt0_dummy_trap_handler // configure early trap handler
la x10, __crt0_dummy_trap_handler // configure early-boot trap handler
csrw mtvec, x10
csrw mtvec, x10
csrw mepc, x10 // just to init mepc
csrw mepc, x10 // just to init mepc
csrw mstatus, zero // disable global IRQ
csrw mstatus, zero // clear all control flags, also disable global IRQ
csrw mie, zero // absolutely no interrupt sources, thanks
csrw mie, zero // absolutely no interrupts sources, thanks
csrw mip, zero // clear all pending interrupts
csrw 0x320, zero // stop all counters; use "mcountinhibit" literal address for lagacy toolchain compatibility
csrw mcounteren, zero // no access from less-privileged modes to counter CSRs
csrw mcounteren, zero // no access from less-privileged modes to counter CSRs
li x11, ~5 // stop all counters except for [m]cycle[h] and [m]instret[h]
csrw mcycle, zero // reset cycle counter
csrw 0x320, x11 // = mcountinhibit (literal address for lagacy toolchain compatibility)
csrw mcycle, zero // reset cycle counters
csrw mcycleh, zero
csrw mcycleh, zero
csrw minstret, zero // reset instruction counters
csrw minstret, zero // reset instructions-retired counter
csrw minstreth, zero
csrw minstreth, zero
// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************
// Initialize integer register file (lower half)
// Initialize integer register file (lower half)
Line 105... |
Line 103... |
//addi x9, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
//addi x9, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
//addi x10, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
//addi x10, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
//addi x11, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
//addi x11, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
//addi x12, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
//addi x12, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
//addi x13, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
//addi x13, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
addi x14, x0, 0
//addi x14, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
addi x15, x0, 0
//addi x15, x0, 0 // implicitly initialized within crt0
// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************
// Initialize integer register file (upper half, if no E extension)
// Initialize integer register file (upper half, if no E extension)
// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************
Line 151... |
Line 149... |
addi x8, x8, 4
addi x8, x8, 4
bne x8, x9, __crt0_reset_io_loop
bne x8, x9, __crt0_reset_io_loop
// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************
// Clear .bss section (byte-wise) using linker script symbols
// ************************************************************************************************
la x11, __crt0_bss_start
la x12, __crt0_bss_end
bge x11, x12, __crt0_clear_bss_loop_end
sb zero, 0(x11)
addi x11, x11, 1
j __crt0_clear_bss_loop
// ************************************************************************************************
// Copy initialized .data section from ROM to RAM (byte-wise)
// Copy initialized .data section from ROM to RAM (byte-wise)
// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************
la x11, __crt0_copy_data_src_begin // start of data area (copy source)
la x11, __crt0_copy_data_src_begin // start of data area (copy source)
la x12, __crt0_copy_data_dst_begin // start of data area (copy destination)
la x12, __crt0_copy_data_dst_begin // start of data area (copy destination)
Line 186... |
Line 168... |
// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************
// Clear .bss section (byte-wise)
// ************************************************************************************************
la x14, __crt0_bss_start
la x15, __crt0_bss_end
bge x14, x15, __crt0_clear_bss_loop_end
sb zero, 0(x14)
addi x14, x14, 1
j __crt0_clear_bss_loop
// ************************************************************************************************
// Setup arguments and call main function
// Setup arguments and call main function
// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************
addi a0, zero, 0 // a0 = argc = 0
addi a0, zero, 0 // a0 = argc = 0
addi a1, zero, 0 // a1 = argv = 0
addi a1, zero, 0 // a1 = argv = 0
Line 218... |
Line 216... |
// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************
// go to endless sleep mode
// go to endless sleep mode
// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************
csrci mstatus, 8 // disable global IRQs (clear mstatus.mie)
csrci mstatus, 8 // disable global IRQs (clear mstatus.mie)
wfi // go to sleep mode
wfi // go to sleep mode
j __crt0_shutdown_loop // endless loop
j . // endless loop
// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************
// dummy trap handler (for exceptions & IRQs during very early boot stage)
// dummy trap handler (for exceptions & IRQs during very early boot stage)
// does nothing but trying to move on to the next instruction
// does nothing but trying to move on to the next instruction