Line 215... |
Line 215... |
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MIE, 0);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MIE, 0);
// test intro
// test intro
PRINT_STANDARD("\nStarting tests.\n\n");
PRINT_STANDARD("\nStarting tests.\n\n");
// sync (test)
asm volatile ("fence.i");
// enable global interrupts
// enable global interrupts
// **********************************************************************************************
// **********************************************************************************************
// Run CPU and SoC tests
// Run CPU and SoC tests
// **********************************************************************************************
// **********************************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test fence instructions (just make sure CPU does not crash)
// Test fence instructions
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] FENCE(.I): ", cnt_test);
asm volatile ("fence");
asm volatile ("fence.i");
asm volatile ("fence");
asm volatile ("fence");
asm volatile ("fence.i");
asm volatile ("fence.i");
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == 0) {
else {
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test performance counter: setup as many events and counter as feasible
// Test performance counter: setup as many events and counter as feasible
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
Line 273... |
Line 284... |
else {
else {
PRINT_STANDARD("skipped (n.a.)\n");
PRINT_STANDARD("skipped (n.a.)\n");
//// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
//// Test standard RISC-V performance counter [m]cycle[h]
// Test standard RISC-V performance counter [m]cycle[h]
//// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
//neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
//PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] cycle counter: ", cnt_test);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] cycle counter: ", cnt_test);
//// make sure counter is enabled
//asm volatile ("csrci %[addr], %[imm]" : : [addr] "i" (CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT), [imm] "i" (1<<CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT_CY));
//// prepare overflow
//// get current cycle counter HIGH
//tmp_a = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCYCLEH);
//// make sure cycle counter high has incremented and there was no exception during access
//if ((tmp_a == 1) && (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == 0)) {
// test_ok();
//else {
// test_fail();
//// ----------------------------------------------------------
// make sure counter is enabled
//// Test standard RISC-V performance counter [m]instret[h]
asm volatile ("csrci %[addr], %[imm]" : : [addr] "i" (CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT), [imm] "i" (1<<CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT_CY));
//// ----------------------------------------------------------
//neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
// prepare overflow
//PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] instret counter: ", cnt_test);
// get current cycle counter HIGH
tmp_a = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCYCLEH);
//// make sure counter is enabled
//asm volatile ("csrci %[addr], %[imm]" : : [addr] "i" (CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT), [imm] "i" (1<<CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT_IR));
// make sure cycle counter high has incremented and there was no exception during access
if ((tmp_a == 1) && (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == 0)) {
//// prepare overflow
else {
//// get instruction counter HIGH
//tmp_a = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_INSTRETH);
//// make sure instruction counter high has incremented and there was no exception during access
//if ((tmp_a == 1) && (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == 0)) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// test_ok();
// Test standard RISC-V performance counter [m]instret[h]
// ----------------------------------------------------------
//else {
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
// test_fail();
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] instret counter: ", cnt_test);
// make sure counter is enabled
asm volatile ("csrci %[addr], %[imm]" : : [addr] "i" (CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT), [imm] "i" (1<<CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT_IR));
// prepare overflow
// get instruction counter HIGH
tmp_a = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_INSTRETH);
// make sure instruction counter high has incremented and there was no exception during access
if ((tmp_a == 1) && (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == 0)) {
else {
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test mcountinhibt: inhibit auto-inc of [m]cycle
// Test mcountinhibt: inhibit auto-inc of [m]cycle
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
Line 374... |
Line 385... |
// do not allow user-level code to access cycle[h] CSRs
// do not allow user-level code to access cycle[h] CSRs
tmp_a = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCOUNTEREN);
tmp_a = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCOUNTEREN);
tmp_a &= ~(1<<CSR_MCOUNTEREN_CY); // clear access right
tmp_a &= ~(1<<CSR_MCOUNTEREN_CY); // clear access right
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCOUNTEREN, tmp_a);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCOUNTEREN, tmp_a);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_CYCLEH, 1); // make sure CSR is != 0 for this test
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCYCLE, 0);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCYCLEH, 123); // make sure CSR is != 0 for this test
// switch to user mode (hart will be back in MACHINE mode when trap handler returns)
// switch to user mode (hart will be back in MACHINE mode when trap handler returns)
// access to cycle CSR is no longer allowed
// access to cycle CSR is no longer allowed
asm volatile (" li %[result], 0xcc11aa22 \n" // initialize
asm volatile (" li %[result], 0xcc11aa22 \n" // initialize
" rdcycleh %[result] " // read CSR_CYCLE, is not allowed and should not alter [result]
" csrrw %[result], cycleh, %[input] " // read and write CSR_CYCLE, not allowed and should not alter [result] nor CSR
: [result] "=r" (tmp_a) : );
: [result] "=r" (tmp_a) : [input] "r" (tmp_a) );
// make sure there was an illegal instruction trap
// make sure there was an illegal instruction trap
if ((neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) &&
if ((neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) &&
(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_CYCLEH) == 123) && // csr not altered
(tmp_a == 0xcc11aa22)) { // destination register not altered
(tmp_a == 0xcc11aa22)) { // destination register not altered
else {
else {
Line 497... |
Line 510... |
else {
else {
//// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
//// No "real" CSR write access (because rs1 = r0)
// No "real" CSR write access (because rs1 = r0)
//// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
//neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
//PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] Read-only CSR 'no-write' (rs1=0) access: ", cnt_test);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] Read-only CSR 'no-write' (rs1=0) access: ", cnt_test);
//// time CSR is read-only, but no actual write is performed because rs1=r0
// time CSR is read-only, but no actual write is performed because rs1=r0
//// -> should cause no exception
// -> should cause no exception
//asm volatile("csrrs zero, time, zero");
asm volatile("csrrs zero, time, zero");
//if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == 0) {
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == 0) {
// test_ok();
//else {
else {
// test_fail();
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Unaligned instruction address
// Unaligned instruction address
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
Line 571... |
Line 584... |
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] I_ILLEG (illegal instr.) EXC: ", cnt_test);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] I_ILLEG (illegal instr.) EXC: ", cnt_test);
// illegal 32-bit instruction (malformed SRA)
// clear mstatus.mie and set mstatus.mpie
tmp_a = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MSTATUS);
tmp_a &= ~(1 << CSR_MSTATUS_MIE);
tmp_a |= (1 << CSR_MSTATUS_MPIE);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MSTATUS, tmp_a);
// illegal 32-bit instruction (MRET with incorrect opcode)
asm volatile (".align 4 \n"
asm volatile (".align 4 \n"
".word 0xC0000033");
".word 0x3020007f");
// make sure this has cause an illegal exception
// make sure this has cause an illegal exception
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
if ((neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) && // illegal instruction exception
// make sure this is really the instruction that caused the exception
(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MTVAL) == 0x3020007f) && // correct instruction word
// -> for illegal instructions MTVAL contains the faulting instruction word
((neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MSTATUS) & (1 << CSR_MSTATUS_MIE)) == 0)) { // MIE should still be cleared
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MTVAL) == 0xC0000033) {
else {
else {
else {
// clear mstatus.mie
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Illegal compressed instruction
// Illegal compressed instruction
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
Line 1437... |
Line 1454... |
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test WFI ("sleep") instruction (executed in user mode), wakeup via MTIME
// Test WFI ("sleep") instruction (executed in user mode), wakeup via MTIME
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] WFI (sleep instruction, wake-up via MTIME): ", cnt_test);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] WFI (wake-up via MTIME): ", cnt_test);
// program wake-up timer
// program wake-up timer
neorv32_mtime_set_timecmp(neorv32_mtime_get_time() + 500);
neorv32_mtime_set_timecmp(neorv32_mtime_get_time() + 500);
Line 1469... |
Line 1486... |
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test unallowed WFI ("sleep") instruction (executed in user mode)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] WFI (not allowed in u-mode): ", cnt_test);
// set mstatus.TW to disallow execution of WFI in user-mode
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MSTATUS, neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MSTATUS) | (1<<CSR_MSTATUS_TW));
// put CPU into sleep mode (from user mode)
asm volatile ("wfi"); // this has to fail
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
else {
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test invalid CSR access in user mode
// Test invalid CSR access in user mode
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] Invalid CSR access (mstatus) from user mode: ", cnt_test);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] Invalid CSR access (mstatus) from user mode: ", cnt_test);