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* Enable and configure watchdog timer. The WDT control register bits are listed in #NEORV32_WDT_CT_enum.
* Configure and enable watchdog timer. The WDT control register bits are listed in #NEORV32_WDT_CT_enum.
* @param[in] clk_prsc Clock prescaler to selet timeout interval. See #NEORV32_CLOCK_PRSC_enum.
* @param[in] prsc Clock prescaler to selet timeout interval. See #NEORV32_CLOCK_PRSC_enum.
* @param[in] timeout_mode Trigger system reset on timeout when 1, trigger interrupt on timeout when 0.
* @param[in] mode Trigger system reset on timeout when 1, trigger interrupt on timeout when 0.
* @param[in] lock Control register will be locked when 1 (unitl next reset).
void neorv32_wdt_setup(uint8_t clk_prsc, uint8_t timeout_mode) {
void neorv32_wdt_setup(uint8_t prsc, uint8_t mode, uint8_t lock) {
uint32_t prsc = (uint32_t)(clk_prsc & 0x07);
WDT_CT = (1 << WDT_CT_RESET); // reset WDT counter
prsc = prsc << WDT_CT_CLK_SEL0;
uint32_t mode = (uint32_t)(timeout_mode & 0x01);
uint32_t prsc_int = (uint32_t)(prsc & 0x07);
mode = mode << WDT_CT_MODE;
prsc_int = prsc_int << WDT_CT_CLK_SEL0;
uint32_t password = (uint32_t)(WDT_PASSWORD);
uint32_t mode_int = (uint32_t)(mode & 0x01);
password = password << WDT_CT_PASSWORD_LSB;
mode_int = mode_int << WDT_CT_MODE;
uint32_t enable = (uint32_t)(1 << WDT_CT_EN);
uint32_t lock_int = (uint32_t)(lock & 0x01);
lock_int = lock_int << WDT_CT_LOCK;
WDT_CT = password | enable | mode | prsc;
const uint32_t enable = (uint32_t)(1 << WDT_CT_EN);
// update WDT control register
WDT_CT = enable | mode_int | prsc_int | lock_int;
* Disable watchdog timer.
* Disable watchdog timer.
* @return Returns 0 if WDT is really deativated, -1 otherwise.
void neorv32_wdt_disable(void) {
int neorv32_wdt_disable(void) {
WDT_CT = ((uint32_t)(WDT_PASSWORD << WDT_CT_PASSWORD_LSB)) | ((uint32_t)(0 << WDT_CT_EN));
WDT_CT = 0;
// check if wdt is really off
if (WDT_CT & (1 << WDT_CT_EN)) {
return -1; // WDT still active
else {
return 0;
* Reset (running) watchdog.
* Reset (running) watchdog.
void neorv32_wdt_reset(void) {
void neorv32_wdt_reset(void) {
* Get cause of last watchdog action.
* Get cause of last system reset.
* @return Cause of last reset/IRQ (0: undefined, 1: external reset, 2: watchdog timeout, 3: watchdog access error (wrong password)).
* @return Cause of last reset/IRQ (0: external reset, 1: watchdog timeout).
uint8_t neorv32_wdt_get_cause(void) {
int neorv32_wdt_get_cause(void) {
uint8_t cause = 0;
if (WDT_CT & (1 << WDT_CT_RCAUSE)) { // reset caused by watchdog
uint32_t ctrl = WDT_CT;
return 1;
if (ctrl & (1 << WDT_CT_CAUSE)) { // reset/IRQ casued by watchdog
if (ctrl & (1 << WDT_CT_PWFAIL)) { // reset/IRQ due to wrong password
cause = 3;
else { // reset/IRQ due to timeout
cause = 2;
else { // external reset
else { // external reset
cause = 1;
return 0;
return cause;
* Force watchdog action (reset/IRQ) via wrong-password access.
* Force immediate watchdog action (reset/IRQ).
void neorv32_wdt_force(void) {
void neorv32_wdt_force(void) {
WDT_CT = 0; // invalid access
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