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-- VHDL Units : open8_cfg
-- VHDL Units : open8_cfg
-- Description: Contains project specific constants to configure an Open8
-- Description: Contains project specific constants to configure an Open8
-- system. This file contains an example from a working
-- system
-- configuration to demonstrate how it was used.
-- Revision History
-- Revision History
-- Author Date Change
-- Author Date Change
------------------ -------- ---------------------------------------------------
------------------ -------- ---------------------------------------------------
-- Seth Henry 04/16/20 Design Start
-- Seth Henry 04/16/20 Design Start
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-- SDLC Configuration
-- SDLC Configuration
constant Master_Mode : boolean := true;
constant Master_Mode : boolean := true;
constant BitClock_Freq : real := 20000000.0;
constant BitClock_Freq : real := 20000000.0;
constant Clock_Offset : integer := 3;
constant Clock_Offset : integer := 3;
-- FM Serial Configuration
constant SERIAL_58_125K : real := 58125.0;
constant PARITY_ENABLE : boolean := true;
constant PARITY_ODD_EVENn : std_logic := '1';
-- MAX7221 Driver Configuration
-- MAX7221 Driver Configuration
constant MAX7221_BITRATE : real := 5000000.0;
constant MAX7221_BITRATE : real := 5000000.0;
-- Test Vector Receiver Configuration
constant VECTOR_BITRATE : real := 10000000.0;
constant VECTOR_PARITY : boolean := TRUE;
constant VECTOR_ODD_EVENn : std_logic := '0';
-- Open8 CPU Options
-- Open8 CPU Options
constant Allow_Stack_Address_Move : boolean := true;
constant Allow_Stack_Address_Move : boolean := true;
constant Stack_Xfer_Flag : integer := PSR_GP4;
constant Stack_Xfer_Flag : integer := PSR_GP4;
constant Enable_Auto_Increment : boolean := true;
constant Enable_Auto_Increment : boolean := true;
constant BRK_Implements_WAI : boolean := true;
constant BRK_Implements_WAI : boolean := true;
constant Enable_NMI : boolean := true;
constant Enable_NMI : boolean := true;
constant Sequential_Interrupts : boolean := true;
constant Sequential_Interrupts : boolean := true;
constant RTI_Ignores_GP_Flags : boolean := true;
constant RTI_Ignores_GP_Flags : boolean := true;
constant Default_Int_Mask : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
constant Default_Int_Mask : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
-- Location and size of variable memory (BSS_START)
-- System Memory Map
constant LRAM_Size : integer := 4096; -- Should match the LRAM model
constant RAM_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"0000"; -- System RAM
constant LRAM_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"0000";
-- Store interrupt vectors at the top of ROM (INTR_VEC_TABLE)
constant ISR_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"FFF0";
-- Interrupt assignments
-- These are assigned in order priority from 0 (highest) to 7 (lowest)
constant INT_PIT : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 0;
constant INT_ETC : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 1;
constant INT_ALU : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 2;
constant INT_RTC : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 3;
constant INT_SDLC : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 4;
constant INT_BTN : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 5;
constant INT_VEC : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 6;
-- Peripheral I/O map
constant ALU_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"1000"; -- ALU16 coprocessor
constant ALU_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"1000"; -- ALU16 coprocessor
constant TMR_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"1100"; -- System Timer / RT Clock
constant RTC_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"1100"; -- System Timer / RT Clock
constant ETC_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"1200"; -- Epoch Timer/Alarm Clock
constant ETC_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"1200"; -- Epoch Timer/Alarm Clock
constant LED_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"1400"; -- LED Display
constant TMR_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"1400"; -- PIT timer
constant DSW_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"1800"; -- Dip Switches
constant SDLC_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"1800"; -- LCD serial interface
constant BTN_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"2000"; -- Push Buttons
constant LED_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"2000"; -- LED Display
constant SDLC_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"2200"; -- LCD serial interface
constant DSW_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"2100"; -- Dip Switches
constant BTN_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"2200"; -- Push Buttons
constant SER_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"2400"; -- UART interface
constant SER_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"2400"; -- UART interface
constant MAX_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"2800"; -- Max 7221 base address
constant MAX_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"2800"; -- Max 7221 base address
constant VEC_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"3000"; -- Vector RX base address
constant CHR_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"3100"; -- Elapsed Time / Chronometer
constant ROM_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"8000"; -- Application ROM
constant ROM_Address : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"8000"; -- Application ROM
constant ISR_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"FFF0"; -- ISR Vector Table
-- Set this to the number of readable modules in the design, as it sets the
-- RAM size is used to calculate the initial stack pointer, which is set at
-- number of ports on the read aggregator function.
-- the top of the RAM region.
constant OPEN8_READ_BUSES : integer := 10;
constant RAM_Size : integer := 4096;
-- Interrupt assignments
-- These are assigned in order priority from 0 (highest) to 7 (lowest)
constant INT_PIT : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 0;
constant INT_ETC : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 1;
constant INT_TMR : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 2;
constant INT_ALU : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 3;
constant INT_RTC : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 4;
constant INT_SDLC : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 5;
constant INT_BTN : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 6;
constant INT_VEC : integer range 0 to OPEN8_DATA_WIDTH - 1 := 7;
-- Set this to the number of readable modules (entities wth a Rd_Data port) in the design,
-- as it sets the number of ports on the read aggregator function.
constant NUM_READ_BUSES : integer := 13;
-- Read Data Bus aggregator and bus assignments.
-- Read Data Bus aggregator and bus assignments.
-- Note that the ordering isn't important, only that each device has a
-- Note that the ordering isn't important, only that each device has a
-- unique number less than READ_BUS_COUNT.
-- unique number less than READ_BUS_COUNT.
constant RDB_RAM : integer range 0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1 := 0;
constant RDB_RAM : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 0;
constant RDB_ALU : integer range 0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1 := 1;
constant RDB_ALU : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 1;
constant RDB_TMR : integer range 0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1 := 2;
constant RDB_RTC : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 2;
constant RDB_ETC : integer range 0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1 := 3;
constant RDB_TMR : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 3;
constant RDB_LED : integer range 0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1 := 4;
constant RDB_ETC : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 4;
constant RDB_DSW : integer range 0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1 := 5;
constant RDB_LED : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 5;
constant RDB_BTN : integer range 0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1 := 6;
constant RDB_DSW : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 6;
constant RDB_SDLC : integer range 0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1 := 7;
constant RDB_BTN : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 7;
constant RDB_SER : integer range 0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1 := 8;
constant RDB_SDLC : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 8;
constant RDB_ROM : integer range 0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1 := 9;
constant RDB_SER : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 9;
constant RDB_VEC : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 10;
constant RDB_CHR : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 11;
constant RDB_ROM : integer range 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 := 12;
-- System configuration calculations - no adjustable parameters below this point
-- System configuration calculations - no adjustable parameters below this point
type OPEN8_BUS_ARRAY is array(0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1) of DATA_TYPE;
type OPEN8_BUS_ARRAY is array(0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1) of DATA_TYPE;
constant INIT_READ_BUS : OPEN8_BUS_ARRAY := (others => OPEN8_NULLBUS);
constant INIT_READ_BUS : OPEN8_BUS_ARRAY := (others => OPEN8_NULLBUS);
function merge_buses (x : in OPEN8_BUS_ARRAY) return DATA_TYPE;
function merge_buses (x : in OPEN8_BUS_ARRAY) return DATA_TYPE;
-- Compute the stack start address based on the RAM size
-- Compute the stack start address based on the RAM size
constant RAM_Vector_Size : integer := ceil_log2(LRAM_Size - 1);
constant RAM_Vector_Size : integer := ceil_log2(RAM_Size - 1);
constant RAM_END_vector : std_logic_vector(RAM_Vector_Size - 1 downto 0)
constant RAM_End_Addr : std_logic_vector(RAM_Vector_Size - 1 downto 0)
:= (others => '1');
:= (others => '1');
constant Stack_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := LRAM_Address + RAM_END_vector;
constant Stack_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := RAM_Address + RAM_End_Addr;
end package;
end package;
package body open8_cfg is
package body open8_cfg is
function merge_buses (x : in OPEN8_BUS_ARRAY) return DATA_TYPE is
function merge_buses (x : in OPEN8_BUS_ARRAY) return DATA_TYPE is
variable i : integer := 0;
variable i : integer := 0;
variable retval : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
variable retval : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
retval := x"00";
retval := x"00";
for i in 0 to OPEN8_READ_BUSES - 1 loop
for i in 0 to NUM_READ_BUSES - 1 loop
retval := retval or x(i);
retval := retval or x(i);
end loop;
end loop;
return retval;
return retval;
end function;
end function;