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-- Component declaration
-- Component declaration
-- (assumes a 1K RAM at 0x0000 and ROM at the top of the memory map)
-- (assumes a 1K RAM at 0x0000 and ROM at the top of the memory map)
component o8_cpu is
component o8_cpu is
Program_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"8000";
Program_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"8000"; -- Initial PC location
ISR_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"FFF0";
ISR_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"FFF0"; -- Bottom of ISR vec's
Stack_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"03FF";
Stack_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"03FF"; -- Top of Stack
Allow_Stack_Address_Move : boolean := false;
Allow_Stack_Address_Move : boolean := false; -- Use Normal v8 RSP
Enable_Auto_Increment : boolean := false;
Enable_Auto_Increment : boolean := false; -- Modify indexed instr
BRK_Implements_WAI : boolean := false;
BRK_Implements_WAI : boolean := false; -- BRK -> Wait for Int
Enable_NMI : boolean := true;
Enable_NMI : boolean := false; -- Force INTR0 enabled
RTI_Ignores_GP_Flags : boolean := false;
Sequential_Interrupts : boolean := false; -- Interruptable ISRs
Default_Interrupt_Mask : DATA_TYPE := x"FF";
RTI_Ignores_GP_Flags : boolean := false; -- RTI sets all flags
Clock_Frequency : real
Supervisor_Mode : boolean := false; -- I bit is restricted
Unsigned_Index_Offsets : boolean := false; -- Offsets are signed
Rotate_Ignores_Carry : boolean := false; -- Rotate thru Carry
Default_Interrupt_Mask : DATA_TYPE := x"FF"; -- Enable all Ints
Clock_Frequency : real -- Clock Frequency
Clock : in std_logic;
Clock : in std_logic;
PLL_Locked : in std_logic;
PLL_Locked : in std_logic;
Halt_Req : in std_logic := '0';
Halt_Req : in std_logic := '0';