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-- VHDL Units : o8_sys_timer
-- VHDL Units : o8_sys_timer
-- Description: Provides an 8-bit microsecond resolution timer for generating
-- Description: Provides an 8-bit microsecond resolution timer for generating
-- : periodic interrupts for the Open8 CPU.
-- : periodic interrupts for the Open8 CPU.
-- Notes : Setting the output to 0x00 will disable the timer
-- Notes : It is possible to set the value to zero, resulting in the
-- : output staying high indefinitely. This may cause an issue if
-- : the output is connected to an interrupt input.
-- : Also provides uSec_Tick as an output
-- Revision History
-- Revision History
-- Author Date Change
-- Author Date Change
------------------ -------- ---------------------------------------------------
------------------ -------- ---------------------------------------------------
-- Seth Henry 07/28/11 Design Start
-- Seth Henry 07/28/11 Design Start
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library work;
library work;
use work.open8_pkg.all;
use work.open8_pkg.all;
entity o8_sys_timer is
entity o8_sys_timer is
Write_Protect : boolean := FALSE;
Open8_Bus : in OPEN8_BUS_TYPE;
Open8_Bus : in OPEN8_BUS_TYPE;
Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE;
Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE;
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architecture behave of o8_sys_timer is
architecture behave of o8_sys_timer is
alias Clock is Open8_Bus.Clock;
alias Clock is Open8_Bus.Clock;
alias Reset is Open8_Bus.Reset;
alias Reset is Open8_Bus.Reset;
alias uSec_Tick is Open8_Bus.uSec_Tick;
alias uSec_Tick is Open8_Bus.uSec_Tick;
alias ISR_En is Open8_Bus.GP_Flags(EXT_ISR);
signal Wr_En_d : std_logic;
signal Rd_En_d : std_logic;
alias Wr_Data is Open8_Bus.Wr_Data;
constant User_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := Address;
constant User_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := Address;
alias Comp_Addr is Open8_Bus.Address(15 downto 0);
alias Comp_Addr is Open8_Bus.Address(15 downto 0);
signal Addr_Match : std_logic := '0';
signal Addr_Match : std_logic := '0';
signal Wr_En : std_logic := '0';
signal Wr_En : std_logic := '0';
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Addr_Match <= '1' when Comp_Addr = User_Addr else '0';
Addr_Match <= '1' when Comp_Addr = User_Addr else '0';
-- If the Write_Protect generic is set only allow the memory to be written
-- if the ISR bit is set. Otherwise, the memory should be read-only
Write_Protect_On : if( Write_Protect )generate
Wr_En_d <= Addr_Match and Open8_Bus.Wr_En and ISR_En;
end generate;
Write_Protect_Off : if( not Write_Protect )generate
Wr_En_d <= Addr_Match and Open8_Bus.Wr_En;
end generate;
Rd_En_d <= Addr_Match and Open8_Bus.Rd_En;
io_reg: process( Clock, Reset )
io_reg: process( Clock, Reset )
if( Reset = Reset_Level )then
if( Reset = Reset_Level )then
Wr_En <= '0';
Wr_En <= '0';
Wr_Data_q <= x"00";
Wr_Data_q <= x"00";
Rd_En <= '0';
Rd_En <= '0';
Interval <= x"00";
Interval <= x"00";
Update_Interval <= '0';
Update_Interval <= '0';
elsif( rising_edge( Clock ) )then
elsif( rising_edge( Clock ) )then
Wr_En <= Addr_Match and Open8_Bus.Wr_En;
Wr_En <= Wr_En_d;
Wr_Data_q <= Open8_Bus.Wr_Data;
Wr_Data_q <= Wr_Data;
Update_Interval <= '0';
Update_Interval <= Wr_En;
if( Wr_En = '1' )then
if( Wr_En = '1' )then
Interval <= Wr_Data_q;
Interval <= Wr_Data_q;
Update_Interval <= '1';
end if;
end if;
Rd_Data <= (others => '0');
Rd_En <= Addr_Match and Open8_Bus.Rd_En;
Rd_En <= Rd_En_d;
if( Rd_En = '1' )then
if( Rd_En = '1' )then
Rd_Data <= Interval;
Rd_Data <= Interval;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;