Line 212... |
Line 212... |
// The WB bus interconnect, herein called fastmaster, which handles
// The WB bus interconnect, herein called fastmaster, which handles
// just about ... everything.
// just about ... everything.
wire w_qspi_sck;
wire w_qspi_sck, w_qspi_cs_n;
wire [1:0] qspi_bmod;
wire [1:0] qspi_bmod;
wire [3:0] qspi_dat;
wire [3:0] qspi_dat;
wire [3:0] i_qspi_dat;
wire [3:0] i_qspi_dat;
Line 239... |
Line 239... |
i_sw, i_btn, o_led,
i_sw, i_btn, o_led,
o_clr_led0, o_clr_led1, o_clr_led2, o_clr_led3,
o_clr_led0, o_clr_led1, o_clr_led2, o_clr_led3,
// Board level PMod I/O
// Board level PMod I/O
i_aux_rx, o_aux_tx, o_aux_cts, i_gps_rx, o_gps_tx,
i_aux_rx, o_aux_tx, o_aux_cts, i_gps_rx, o_gps_tx,
// Quad SPI flash
// Quad SPI flash
o_qspi_cs_n, w_qspi_sck, qspi_dat, io_qspi_dat, qspi_bmod,
w_qspi_cs_n, w_qspi_sck, qspi_dat, i_qspi_dat, qspi_bmod,
o_ddr_reset_n, o_ddr_cke,
o_ddr_reset_n, o_ddr_cke,
w_ddr_cs_n, w_ddr_ras_n, w_ddr_cas_n, w_ddr_we_n,
w_ddr_cs_n, w_ddr_ras_n, w_ddr_cas_n, w_ddr_we_n,
w_ddr_dqs, w_ddr_dm, w_ddr_odt, w_ddr_bus_oe,
w_ddr_dqs, w_ddr_dm, w_ddr_odt, w_ddr_bus_oe,
w_ddr_addr, w_ddr_ba, wo_ddr_data, r_ddr_data,
w_ddr_addr, w_ddr_ba, wo_ddr_data, r_ddr_data,
Line 276... |
Line 276... |
// ?? Dual mode in (not yet)
// ?? Dual mode in (not yet)
// ?? Dual mode out (not yet)
// ?? Dual mode out (not yet)
assign io_qspi_dat = (~qspi_bmod[1])?({2'b11,1'bz,qspi_dat[0]})
assign io_qspi_dat = (~qspi_bmod[1])?({2'b11,1'bz,qspi_dat[0]})
assign i_qspi_dat = io_qspi_dat;
assign i_qspi_dat = io_qspi_dat;
assign o_qspi_sck = w_qspi_sck;
assign o_qspi_sck = w_qspi_sck;
wire [3:0] i_qspi_ignore;
wire [3:0] i_qspi_pedge, i_qspi_nedge;
xoddr xqspi_sck( i_clk, { w_qspi_sck, w_qspi_sck }, o_qspi_sck);
xoddr xqspi_sck( i_clk, { w_qspi_sck, w_qspi_sck }, o_qspi_sck);
xoddr xqspi_csn( i_clk, { w_qspi_cs_n, w_qspi_cs_n },o_qspi_cs_n);
xioddr xqspi_d0( i_clk, (~qspi_bmod[0])||(~qspi_bmod[1]),
xioddr xqspi_d0( i_clk, (qspi_bmod != 2'b11),
{ qspi_dat[0], qspi_dat[0] },
{ qspi_dat[0], qspi_dat[0] },
{ i_qspi_ignore[0], i_qspi_dat[0] }, io_qspi_dat[0]);
{ i_qspi_pedge[0], i_qspi_nedge[0] }, io_qspi_dat[0]);
xioddr xqspi_d1( i_clk, (qspi_bmod==2'b10),
xioddr xqspi_d1( i_clk, (qspi_bmod==2'b10),
{ qspi_dat[1], qspi_dat[1] },
{ qspi_dat[1], qspi_dat[1] },
{ i_qspi_ignore[1], i_qspi_dat[1] }, io_qspi_dat[1]);
{ i_qspi_pedge[1], i_qspi_nedge[1] }, io_qspi_dat[1]);
xioddr xqspi_d2( i_clk, (qspi_bmod!=2'b11),
xioddr xqspi_d2( i_clk, (qspi_bmod!=2'b11),
(qspi_bmod[1])?{ qspi_dat[2], qspi_dat[2] }:2'b11,
(qspi_bmod[1])?{ qspi_dat[2], qspi_dat[2] }:2'b11,
{ i_qspi_ignore[2], i_qspi_dat[2] }, io_qspi_dat[2]);
{ i_qspi_pedge[2], i_qspi_nedge[2] }, io_qspi_dat[2]);
xioddr xqspi_d3( i_clk, (qspi_bmod!=2'b11),
xioddr xqspi_d3( i_clk, (qspi_bmod!=2'b11),
(qspi_bmod[1])?{ qspi_dat[3], qspi_dat[3] }:2'b11,
(qspi_bmod[1])?{ qspi_dat[3], qspi_dat[3] }:2'b11,
{ i_qspi_ignore[3], i_qspi_dat[3] }, io_qspi_dat[3]);
{ i_qspi_pedge[3], i_qspi_nedge[3] }, io_qspi_dat[3]);
// Proposed QSPI mode select, to allow dual I/O mode
// 000 Normal SPI mode
// 001 Dual mode input
// 010 Dual mode, output
// 101 Quad I/O mode input
// 110 Quad I/O mode output
// assign io_qspi_dat[3:2] = (~qspi_bmod[2]) ? 2'b11
// : (qspi_bmod[0])?2'bzz : qspi_dat[3:2];
// assign io_qspi_dat[1] = (~qspi_bmod[1])?qspi_dat[1]:1'bz;
// assign io_qspi_dat[0] = (qspi_bmod[0])?1'bz : qspi_dat[0];
// The following primitive is necessary on other boards in order to
// gain access to the o_qspi_sck pin. On the Arty, however, there is
// a clock PIN, so we don't need this primitive.
wire [3:0] su_nc; // Startup primitive, no connect
// Leave PROG_USR false to avoid activating the program
// event security feature. Notes state that such a feature
// requires encrypted bitstreams.
// Sets the configuration clock frequency (in ns) for
// simulation.
) STARTUPE2_inst (
// CFGCLK, 1'b output: Configuration main clock output -- no connect
// CFGMCLK, 1'b output: Configuration internal oscillator clock output
// EOS, 1'b output: Active high output indicating the End Of Startup.
// PREQ, 1'b output: PROGRAM request to fabric output
// Only enabled if PROG_USR is set. This lets the fabric know
// that a request has been made (either JTAG or pin pulled low)
// to program the device
// CLK, 1'b input: User start-up clock input
// GSR, 1'b input: Global Set/Reset input
// GTS, 1'b input: Global 3-state input
// KEYCLEARB, 1'b input: Clear AES Decrypter Key input from BBRAM
// PACK, 1-bit input: PROGRAM acknowledge input
// This pin is only enabled if PROG_USR is set. This allows the
// FPGA to acknowledge a request for reprogram to allow the FPGA
// to get itself into a reprogrammable state first.
// USRCLKO, 1-bit input: User CCLK input -- This is why I am using this
// module at all.
// USRCCLKTS, 1'b input: User CCLK 3-state enable input
// An active high here places the clock into a high impedence
// state. Since we wish to use the clock as an active output
// always, we drive this pin low.
// USRDONEO, 1'b input: User DONE pin output control
// Set this to "high" to make sure that the DONE LED pin is
// high.
// USRDONETS, 1'b input: User DONE 3-state enable output
// This enables the FPGA DONE pin to be active. Setting this
// active high sets the DONE pin to high impedence, setting it
// low allows the output of this pin to be as stated above.
assign i_qspi_dat = i_qspi_pedge;
// Wires for setting up the SD Card Controller
// Wires for setting up the SD Card Controller