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--! ALU is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations.
--! ALU is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations.
--! ALU is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations. It's the fundamental part of the CPU
--! ALU is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations. It's the fundamental part of the CPU
entity Alu is
entity Alu is
generic (n : integer := nBits - 1);
generic (n : integer := nBits - 1); --! Generic value (Used to easily change the size of the Alu on the package)
Port ( A : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Alu Operand 1
Port ( A : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Alu Operand 1
B : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Alu Operand 2
B : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Alu Operand 2
S : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Alu Output
S : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Alu Output
sel : in aluOps); --! Select operation
sel : in aluOps); --! Select operation
end Alu;
end Alu;
--! @brief Architure definition of the ALU
--! @brief Arithmetic logic unit, refer to this page for more information
--! @details More details about this mux element.
--! @details This circuit will be excited by the control unit to perfom some arithimetic, or logic operation (Depending on the opcode selected)
--! You can see some samples on the Internet:
architecture Behavioral of Alu is
architecture Behavioral of Alu is
--! Behavior description of combinational circuit (Can not infer any FF(Flip flop))
--! Behavior description of combinational circuit (Can not infer any FF(Flip flop)) of the Alu
process (A,B,sel) is
process (A,B,sel) is
case sel is
case sel is
when alu_sum =>
when alu_sum =>
--Sum operation
S <= A + B;
S <= A + B;
when alu_sub =>
when alu_sub =>
--Subtraction operation
S <= A - B;
S <= A - B;
when alu_inc =>
when alu_inc =>
S <= A - B;
--Increment operation
S <= A + conv_std_logic_vector(1, n+1);
when alu_dec =>
when alu_dec =>
S <= A - B;
--Decrement operation
S <= A - conv_std_logic_vector(1, n+1);
when alu_mul =>
--Multiplication operation
S <= A * B;
when alu_and =>
when alu_and =>
--And operation
S <= A and B;
S <= A and B;
when alu_or =>
when alu_or =>
--Or operation
S <= A or B;
S <= A or B;
when alu_xor =>
when alu_xor =>
--Xor operation
S <= A xor B;
S <= A xor B;
when alu_not =>
--Not operation
S <= not A;
when others =>
when others =>
S <= (others => 'Z');
S <= (others => 'Z');
end case;
end case;
end process;
end process;