Line 26... |
Line 26... |
inputImm : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Input of Datapath from imediate value (instructions...)
inputImm : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (n downto 0); --! Input of Datapath from imediate value (instructions...)
clk : in STD_LOGIC; --! Clock signal
clk : in STD_LOGIC; --! Clock signal
outEn : in typeEnDis; --! Enable/Disable datapath output
outEn : in typeEnDis; --! Enable/Disable datapath output
aluOp : in aluOps; --! Alu operations
aluOp : in aluOps; --! Alu operations
muxSel : in dpMuxInputs; --! Select inputs from dataPath(Memory,Imediate,RegisterFile,Alu)
muxSel : in dpMuxInputs; --! Select inputs from dataPath(Memory,Imediate,RegisterFile,Alu)
muxRegFile : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0); --! Select Alu InputA (Memory,Imediate,RegFileA)
muxRegFile : in dpMuxAluIn; --! Select Alu InputA (Memory,Imediate,RegFileA)
regFileWriteAddr : in generalRegisters; --! General register write address
regFileWriteAddr : in generalRegisters; --! General register write address
regFileWriteEn : in STD_LOGIC; --! RegisterFile write enable signal
regFileWriteEn : in STD_LOGIC; --! RegisterFile write enable signal
regFileReadAddrA : in generalRegisters; --! General register read address (PortA)
regFileReadAddrA : in generalRegisters; --! General register read address (PortA)
regFileReadAddrB : in generalRegisters; --! General register read address (PortB)
regFileReadAddrB : in generalRegisters; --! General register read address (PortB)
regFileEnA : in STD_LOGIC; --! Enable RegisterFile PortA
regFileEnA : in STD_LOGIC; --! Enable RegisterFile PortA
Line 45... |
Line 45... |
signal inputImm : std_logic_vector(n downto 0) := (others => 'U'); --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal inputImm : std_logic_vector(n downto 0) := (others => 'U'); --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal clk : std_logic := '0'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal clk : std_logic := '0'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal outEn : typeEnDis := disable; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal outEn : typeEnDis := disable; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal aluOp : aluOps := alu_pass; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal aluOp : aluOps := alu_pass; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal muxSel : dpMuxInputs := fromMemory; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal muxSel : dpMuxInputs := fromMemory; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal muxRegFile : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => 'U'); --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal muxRegFile : dpMuxAluIn := fromMemory; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal regFileWriteAddr : generalRegisters := r0; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal regFileWriteAddr : generalRegisters := r0; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal regFileWriteEn : std_logic := '0'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal regFileWriteEn : std_logic := '0'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal regFileReadAddrA : generalRegisters := r0; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal regFileReadAddrA : generalRegisters := r0; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal regFileReadAddrB : generalRegisters := r0; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal regFileReadAddrB : generalRegisters := r0; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal regFileEnA : std_logic := '0'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
signal regFileEnA : std_logic := '0'; --! Wire to connect Test signal to component
Line 99... |
Line 99... |
inputImm <= conv_std_logic_vector(10, nBits);
inputImm <= conv_std_logic_vector(10, nBits);
regFileWriteAddr <= r0;
regFileWriteAddr <= r0;
aluOp <= alu_pass;
aluOp <= alu_pass;
muxSel <= fromImediate;
muxSel <= fromImediate;
muxRegFile <= muxRegPos(fromRegFileA);
muxRegFile <= fromRegFileA;
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to latch some data to the register file
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to latch some data to the register file
-- Read value in r0 to verify if is equal to 20
-- Read value in r0 to verify if is equal to 20
regFileWriteEn <= '0';
regFileWriteEn <= '0';
inputImm <= (others => 'U');
inputImm <= (others => 'U');
Line 123... |
Line 123... |
inputImm <= conv_std_logic_vector(20, nBits);
inputImm <= conv_std_logic_vector(20, nBits);
regFileWriteAddr <= r1;
regFileWriteAddr <= r1;
aluOp <= alu_pass;
aluOp <= alu_pass;
muxSel <= fromImediate;
muxSel <= fromImediate;
muxRegFile <= muxRegPos(fromRegFileA);
muxRegFile <= fromRegFileA;
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to latch some data to the register file
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to latch some data to the register file
-- Read value in r1 to verify if is equal to 20
-- Read value in r1 to verify if is equal to 20
regFileWriteEn <= '0';
regFileWriteEn <= '0';
inputImm <= (others => 'U');
inputImm <= (others => 'U');
Line 147... |
Line 147... |
regFileReadAddrB <= r1; -- Read data from r1
regFileReadAddrB <= r1; -- Read data from r1
regFileEnB <= '1';
regFileEnB <= '1';
regFileWriteAddr <= r2; -- Write data in r2
regFileWriteAddr <= r2; -- Write data in r2
muxSel <= fromRegFileB; -- Select the PortB output from regFile
muxSel <= fromRegFileB; -- Select the PortB output from regFile
muxRegFile <= muxRegPos(fromRegFileA);
muxRegFile <= fromRegFileA;
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to write into r2
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to write into r2
-- Read value in r2 to verify if is equal to r1(20)
-- Read value in r2 to verify if is equal to r1(20)
regFileWriteEn <= '0';
regFileWriteEn <= '0';
inputImm <= (others => 'U');
inputImm <= (others => 'U');
Line 174... |
Line 174... |
regFileReadAddrB <= r0; -- Read data from r0
regFileReadAddrB <= r0; -- Read data from r0
regFileEnB <= '1';
regFileEnB <= '1';
aluOp <= alu_sum;
aluOp <= alu_sum;
regFileWriteAddr <= r2; -- Write data in r2
regFileWriteAddr <= r2; -- Write data in r2
muxSel <= fromAlu; -- Select the Alu output
muxSel <= fromAlu; -- Select the Alu output
muxRegFile <= muxRegPos(fromRegFileA);
muxRegFile <= fromRegFileA;
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to write into r2
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to write into r2
-- Read value in r2 to verify if is equal to 30(10+20)
-- Read value in r2 to verify if is equal to 30(10+20)
regFileWriteEn <= '0';
regFileWriteEn <= '0';
inputImm <= (others => 'U');
inputImm <= (others => 'U');
Line 202... |
Line 202... |
regFileReadAddrB <= r0; -- Read data from r0
regFileReadAddrB <= r0; -- Read data from r0
regFileEnB <= '1';
regFileEnB <= '1';
aluOp <= alu_sum;
aluOp <= alu_sum;
regFileWriteAddr <= r3; -- Write data in r2
regFileWriteAddr <= r3; -- Write data in r2
muxSel <= fromAlu; -- Select the Alu output
muxSel <= fromAlu; -- Select the Alu output
muxRegFile <= muxRegPos(fromRegFileA);
muxRegFile <= fromRegFileA;
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to write into r2
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to write into r2
-- Read value in r2 to verify if is equal to 30(10+20)
-- Read value in r2 to verify if is equal to 30(10+20)
regFileWriteEn <= '0';
regFileWriteEn <= '0';
inputImm <= (others => 'U');
inputImm <= (others => 'U');
Line 226... |
Line 226... |
inputImm <= conv_std_logic_vector(2, nBits);
inputImm <= conv_std_logic_vector(2, nBits);
regFileReadAddrB <= r3; -- Read data from r2
regFileReadAddrB <= r3; -- Read data from r2
regFileEnB <= '1';
regFileEnB <= '1';
regFileWriteAddr <= r3;
regFileWriteAddr <= r3;
muxRegFile <= muxRegPos(fromImediate);
muxRegFile <= fromImediate;
aluOp <= alu_sum;
aluOp <= alu_sum;
muxSel <= fromAlu; -- Select the Alu output
muxSel <= fromAlu; -- Select the Alu output
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
regFileWriteEn <= '1';
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to write into r2
wait for CLK_period; -- Wait for clock cycle to write into r2
-- Read value in r2 to verify if is equal to 42(40+2)
-- Read value in r2 to verify if is equal to 42(40+2)