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// *Author(s):
// *Author(s):
// - Olivier Girard,
// - Olivier Girard,
// $Rev: 175 $
// $Rev: 192 $
// $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
// $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
// $LastChangedDate: 2013-01-30 22:21:42 +0100 (Wed, 30 Jan 2013) $
// $LastChangedDate: 2013-12-17 21:15:28 +0100 (Tue, 17 Dec 2013) $
`include "openMSP430_defines.v"
`include "openMSP430_defines.v"
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output dco_wkup; // ASIC ONLY: Fast oscillator wake-up (asynchronous)
output dco_wkup; // ASIC ONLY: Fast oscillator wake-up (asynchronous)
output [`DMEM_MSB:0] dmem_addr; // Data Memory address
output [`DMEM_MSB:0] dmem_addr; // Data Memory address
output dmem_cen; // Data Memory chip enable (low active)
output dmem_cen; // Data Memory chip enable (low active)
output [15:0] dmem_din; // Data Memory data input
output [15:0] dmem_din; // Data Memory data input
output [1:0] dmem_wen; // Data Memory write enable (low active)
output [1:0] dmem_wen; // Data Memory write enable (low active)
output [13:0] irq_acc; // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
output [`IRQ_NR-3:0] irq_acc; // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
output lfxt_enable; // ASIC ONLY: Low frequency oscillator enable
output lfxt_enable; // ASIC ONLY: Low frequency oscillator enable
output lfxt_wkup; // ASIC ONLY: Low frequency oscillator wake-up (asynchronous)
output lfxt_wkup; // ASIC ONLY: Low frequency oscillator wake-up (asynchronous)
output mclk; // Main system clock
output mclk; // Main system clock
output [13:0] per_addr; // Peripheral address
output [13:0] per_addr; // Peripheral address
output [15:0] per_din; // Peripheral data input
output [15:0] per_din; // Peripheral data input
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input dbg_i2c_scl; // Debug interface: I2C SCL
input dbg_i2c_scl; // Debug interface: I2C SCL
input dbg_i2c_sda_in; // Debug interface: I2C SDA IN
input dbg_i2c_sda_in; // Debug interface: I2C SDA IN
input dbg_uart_rxd; // Debug interface: UART RXD (asynchronous)
input dbg_uart_rxd; // Debug interface: UART RXD (asynchronous)
input dco_clk; // Fast oscillator (fast clock)
input dco_clk; // Fast oscillator (fast clock)
input [15:0] dmem_dout; // Data Memory data output
input [15:0] dmem_dout; // Data Memory data output
input [13:0] irq; // Maskable interrupts
input [`IRQ_NR-3:0] irq; // Maskable interrupts (14, 30 or 62)
input lfxt_clk; // Low frequency oscillator (typ 32kHz)
input lfxt_clk; // Low frequency oscillator (typ 32kHz)
input nmi; // Non-maskable interrupt (asynchronous and non-glitchy)
input nmi; // Non-maskable interrupt (asynchronous and non-glitchy)
input [15:0] per_dout; // Peripheral data output
input [15:0] per_dout; // Peripheral data output
input [15:0] pmem_dout; // Program Memory data output
input [15:0] pmem_dout; // Program Memory data output
input reset_n; // Reset Pin (active low, asynchronous and non-glitchy)
input reset_n; // Reset Pin (active low, asynchronous and non-glitchy)
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.scan_enable (scan_enable), // Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
.scan_enable (scan_enable), // Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
.scan_mode (scan_mode), // Scan mode
.scan_mode (scan_mode), // Scan mode
.smclk (smclk), // SMCLK
.smclk (smclk), // SMCLK
.smclk_en (smclk_en), // SMCLK enable
.smclk_en (smclk_en), // SMCLK enable
.wdtie (wdtie), // Watchdog-timer interrupt enable
.wdtie (wdtie), // Watchdog-timer interrupt enable
.wdtifg_irq_clr (irq_acc[10]), // Clear Watchdog-timer interrupt flag
.wdtifg_irq_clr (irq_acc[`IRQ_NR-6]), // Clear Watchdog-timer interrupt flag
.wdtifg_sw_clr (wdtifg_sw_clr), // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag software clear
.wdtifg_sw_clr (wdtifg_sw_clr), // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag software clear
.wdtifg_sw_set (wdtifg_sw_set) // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag software set
.wdtifg_sw_set (wdtifg_sw_set) // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag software set
assign per_dout_wdog = 16'h0000;
assign per_dout_wdog = 16'h0000;