Line 1... |
Line 1... |
Welcome to Xilinx CORE Generator.
Welcome to Xilinx CORE Generator.
Help system initialized.
Help system initialized.
The IP Catalog has been reloaded.
The IP Catalog has been reloaded.
Wrote CGP file for project 'coregen'.
Opening project file
Customize and GenerateINFO:sim:172 - Generating IP...
Applying current project options...
Finished applying current project options.
Recustomize and Generate (Under Original Project Settings)INFO:sim:172 - Generating IP...
Resolving generics for 'ram_16x512'...
Resolving generics for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
Applying external generics to 'ram_16x512'...
Applying external generics to 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
Delivering associated files for 'ram_16x512'...
Delivering associated files for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
WARNING:sim - Component blk_mem_gen_v7_2 does not have a valid model name for
VHDL synthesis
Delivering EJava files for 'ram_16x512'...
Generating implementation netlist for 'ram_16x512'...
INFO:sim - Pre-processing HDL files for 'ram_16x512'...
Running synthesis for 'ram_16x512'
Running ngcbuild...
Writing VHO instantiation template for 'ram_16x512'...
Writing VHDL instantiation wrapper for 'ram_16x512'...
Writing VHDL behavioral simulation model for 'ram_16x512'...
WARNING:sim - No files were found for the view xilinx_documentation
Generating ASY schematic symbol...
INFO:sim:949 - Finished generation of ASY schematic symbol.
Generating metadata file...
Generating ISE project file for 'ram_16x512'...
Generating ISE project...
XCO file found: ram_16x512.xco
XMDF file found: ram_16x512_xmdf.tcl
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.asy -view all -origin_type imported
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.ngc -view all -origin_type created
Checking file
rilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.ngc" for project device match ...
rilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.ngc" device information matches project device.
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.vhd -view all -origin_type created
INFO:HDLCompiler:1061 - Parsing VHDL file
/verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.vhd" into library work
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.vho -view all -origin_type imported
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512_synth.vhd -view all -origin_type created
INFO:HDLCompiler:1061 - Parsing VHDL file
/verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512_synth.vhd" into library work
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.
WARNING:ProjectMgmt - Duplicate Design Unit 'ram_16x512' found in library 'work'
WARNING:ProjectMgmt -
/verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.vhd" line 43 (active)
WARNING:ProjectMgmt -
/verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512_synth.vhd" line 64
INFO:TclTasksC:2116 - The automatic calculation of top has been turned-off.
Please set the new top explicitly by running the "project set top" command.
To re-calculate the new top automatically, set the "Auto Implementation Top"
property to true.
Top level has been set to "/ram_16x512"
Generating README file...
Generating FLIST file...
INFO:sim:948 - Finished FLIST file generation.
Launching README viewer...
Moving files to output directory...
Finished moving files to output directory
Saved CGP file for project 'coregen'.
Saved CGP file for project 'coregen'.
Regenerate (Under Current Project Settings)INFO:sim:172 - Generating IP...
Applying current project options...
Finished applying current project options.
Resolving generics for 'ram_16x512'...
WARNING:sim - A core named 'ram_16x512' already exists in the project. Output
products for this core may be overwritten.
Applying external generics to 'ram_16x512'...
Delivering associated files for 'ram_16x512'...
WARNING:sim - Component blk_mem_gen_v7_2 does not have a valid model name for
Verilog synthesis
Delivering EJava files for 'ram_16x512'...
Generating implementation netlist for 'ram_16x512'...
INFO:sim - Pre-processing HDL files for 'ram_16x512'...
Running synthesis for 'ram_16x512'
Running ngcbuild...
Writing VEO instantiation template for 'ram_16x512'...
Writing Verilog instantiation wrapper for 'ram_16x512'...
Writing Verilog behavioral simulation model for 'ram_16x512'...
WARNING:sim - No files were found for the view xilinx_documentation
Generating ASY schematic symbol...
INFO:sim:949 - Finished generation of ASY schematic symbol.
Generating metadata file...
Regenerating ISE project file for 'ram_16x512'...
Generating ISE project...
XCO file found: ram_16x512.xco
XMDF file found: ram_16x512_xmdf.tcl
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.asy -view all -origin_type imported
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.ngc -view all -origin_type created
Checking file
rilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.ngc" for project device match ...
rilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.ngc" device information matches project device.
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.v -view all -origin_type created
INFO:HDLCompiler:1845 - Analyzing Verilog file
/verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.v" into library work
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512.veo -view all -origin_type imported
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512_synth.v -view all -origin_type created
INFO:HDLCompiler:1845 - Analyzing Verilog file
/verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x512_synth.v" into library work
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.
INFO:TclTasksC:2116 - The automatic calculation of top has been turned-off.
Please set the new top explicitly by running the "project set top" command.
To re-calculate the new top automatically, set the "Auto Implementation Top"
property to true.
Top level has been set to "/ram_16x512"
Generating README file...
Generating FLIST file...
INFO:sim:948 - Finished FLIST file generation.
Moving files to output directory...
Finished moving files to output directory
Saved CGP file for project 'coregen'.
Customize and GenerateINFO:sim:172 - Generating IP...
Applying current project options...
Finished applying current project options.
Resolving generics for 'ram_16x2k'...
Applying external generics to 'ram_16x2k'...
Delivering associated files for 'ram_16x2k'...
WARNING:sim - Component blk_mem_gen_v7_2 does not have a valid model name for
WARNING:sim - Component blk_mem_gen_v7_2 does not have a valid model name for
Verilog synthesis
Verilog synthesis
Delivering EJava files for 'ram_16x2k'...
Delivering EJava files for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
Generating implementation netlist for 'ram_16x2k'...
Generating implementation netlist for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
INFO:sim - Pre-processing HDL files for 'ram_16x2k'...
INFO:sim - Pre-processing HDL files for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
Running synthesis for 'ram_16x2k'
Running synthesis for 'ram_16x8k_dp'
Running ngcbuild...
Running ngcbuild...
Writing VEO instantiation template for 'ram_16x2k'...
Writing VEO instantiation template for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
Writing Verilog instantiation wrapper for 'ram_16x2k'...
Writing Verilog instantiation wrapper for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
Writing Verilog behavioral simulation model for 'ram_16x2k'...
Writing Verilog behavioral simulation model for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
WARNING:sim - No files were found for the view xilinx_documentation
WARNING:sim - No files were found for the view xilinx_documentation
Generating ASY schematic symbol...
Generating ASY schematic symbol...
INFO:sim:949 - Finished generation of ASY schematic symbol.
INFO:sim:949 - Finished generation of ASY schematic symbol.
Generating metadata file...
Generating metadata file...
Generating ISE project file for 'ram_16x2k'...
Generating ISE project file for 'ram_16x8k_dp'...
Generating ISE project...
Generating ISE project...
XCO file found: ram_16x2k.xco
XCO file found: ram_16x8k_dp.xco
XMDF file found: ram_16x2k_xmdf.tcl
XMDF file found: ram_16x8k_dp_xmdf.tcl
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x2k.asy -view all -origin_type imported
log/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.asy -view all -origin_type imported
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x2k.ngc -view all -origin_type created
log/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.ngc -view all -origin_type created
Checking file
Checking file
rilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x2k.ngc" for project device match ...
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.ngc" for project device match ...
rilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x2k.ngc" device information matches project device.
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.ngc" device information matches project
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x2k.v -view all -origin_type created
log/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.v -view all -origin_type created
INFO:HDLCompiler:1845 - Analyzing Verilog file
INFO:HDLCompiler:1845 - Analyzing Verilog file
/verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x2k.v" into library work
verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.v" into library work
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x2k.veo -view all -origin_type imported
log/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp.veo -view all -origin_type imported
ilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x2k_synth.v -view all -origin_type created
log/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp_synth.v -view all -origin_type created
INFO:HDLCompiler:1845 - Analyzing Verilog file
INFO:HDLCompiler:1845 - Analyzing Verilog file
/verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x2k_synth.v" into library work
verilog/coregen/tmp/_cg/ram_16x8k_dp_synth.v" into library work
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.
INFO:TclTasksC:2116 - The automatic calculation of top has been turned-off.
INFO:TclTasksC:2116 - The automatic calculation of top has been turned-off.
Please set the new top explicitly by running the "project set top" command.
Please set the new top explicitly by running the "project set top" command.
To re-calculate the new top automatically, set the "Auto Implementation Top"
To re-calculate the new top automatically, set the "Auto Implementation Top"
property to true.
property to true.
Top level has been set to "/ram_16x2k"
Top level has been set to "/ram_16x8k_dp"
Generating README file...
Generating README file...
Generating FLIST file...
Generating FLIST file...
INFO:sim:948 - Finished FLIST file generation.
INFO:sim:948 - Finished FLIST file generation.
Launching README viewer...
Launching README viewer...
Moving files to output directory...
Moving files to output directory...
Finished moving files to output directory
Finished moving files to output directory
Saved CGP file for project 'coregen'.
Saved CGP file for project 'coregen'.
Saved CGP file for project 'coregen'.
Closed project file.
Closed project file.