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// *Author(s):
// *Author(s):
// - Olivier Girard,
// - Olivier Girard,
// $Rev: 128 $
// $Rev: 136 $
// $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
// $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
// $LastChangedDate: 2011-12-16 22:05:46 +0100 (Fri, 16 Dec 2011) $
// $LastChangedDate: 2012-03-22 22:14:16 +0100 (Thu, 22 Mar 2012) $
`include "openMSP430_defines.v"
`include "openMSP430_defines.v"
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mb_wr, // Memory bus write transfer
mb_wr, // Memory bus write transfer
mdb_out, // Memory data bus output
mdb_out, // Memory data bus output
oscoff, // Turns off LFXT1 clock input
oscoff, // Turns off LFXT1 clock input
pc_sw, // Program counter software value
pc_sw, // Program counter software value
pc_sw_wr, // Program counter software write
pc_sw_wr, // Program counter software write
scg0, // System clock generator 1. Turns off the DCO
scg1, // System clock generator 1. Turns off the SMCLK
scg1, // System clock generator 1. Turns off the SMCLK
dbg_halt_st, // Halt/Run status from CPU
dbg_halt_st, // Halt/Run status from CPU
dbg_mem_dout, // Debug unit data output
dbg_mem_dout, // Debug unit data output
Line 81... |
Line 82... |
inst_type, // Decoded Instruction type
inst_type, // Decoded Instruction type
mclk, // Main system clock
mclk, // Main system clock
mdb_in, // Memory data bus input
mdb_in, // Memory data bus input
pc, // Program counter
pc, // Program counter
pc_nxt, // Next PC value (for CALL & IRQ)
pc_nxt, // Next PC value (for CALL & IRQ)
puc_rst // Main system reset
puc_rst, // Main system reset
scan_enable // Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
output cpuoff; // Turns off the CPU
output cpuoff; // Turns off the CPU
Line 96... |
Line 98... |
output [1:0] mb_wr; // Memory bus write transfer
output [1:0] mb_wr; // Memory bus write transfer
output [15:0] mdb_out; // Memory data bus output
output [15:0] mdb_out; // Memory data bus output
output oscoff; // Turns off LFXT1 clock input
output oscoff; // Turns off LFXT1 clock input
output [15:0] pc_sw; // Program counter software value
output [15:0] pc_sw; // Program counter software value
output pc_sw_wr; // Program counter software write
output pc_sw_wr; // Program counter software write
output scg0; // System clock generator 1. Turns off the DCO
output scg1; // System clock generator 1. Turns off the SMCLK
output scg1; // System clock generator 1. Turns off the SMCLK
input dbg_halt_st; // Halt/Run status from CPU
input dbg_halt_st; // Halt/Run status from CPU
Line 123... |
Line 126... |
input mclk; // Main system clock
input mclk; // Main system clock
input [15:0] mdb_in; // Memory data bus input
input [15:0] mdb_in; // Memory data bus input
input [15:0] pc; // Program counter
input [15:0] pc; // Program counter
input [15:0] pc_nxt; // Next PC value (for CALL & IRQ)
input [15:0] pc_nxt; // Next PC value (for CALL & IRQ)
input puc_rst; // Main system reset
input puc_rst; // Main system reset
input scan_enable; // Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
Line 180... |
Line 184... |
.oscoff (oscoff), // Turns off LFXT1 clock input
.oscoff (oscoff), // Turns off LFXT1 clock input
.pc_sw (pc_sw), // Program counter software value
.pc_sw (pc_sw), // Program counter software value
.pc_sw_wr (pc_sw_wr), // Program counter software write
.pc_sw_wr (pc_sw_wr), // Program counter software write
.reg_dest (reg_dest), // Selected register destination content
.reg_dest (reg_dest), // Selected register destination content
.reg_src (reg_src), // Selected register source content
.reg_src (reg_src), // Selected register source content
.scg0 (scg0), // System clock generator 1. Turns off the DCO
.scg1 (scg1), // System clock generator 1. Turns off the SMCLK
.scg1 (scg1), // System clock generator 1. Turns off the SMCLK
.status (status), // R2 Status {V,N,Z,C}
.status (status), // R2 Status {V,N,Z,C}
.alu_stat (alu_stat), // ALU Status {V,N,Z,C}
.alu_stat (alu_stat), // ALU Status {V,N,Z,C}
Line 199... |
Line 204... |
.reg_pc_call (reg_pc_call), // Trigger PC update for a CALL instruction
.reg_pc_call (reg_pc_call), // Trigger PC update for a CALL instruction
.reg_sp_val (alu_out_add), // Stack Pointer next value
.reg_sp_val (alu_out_add), // Stack Pointer next value
.reg_sp_wr (reg_sp_wr), // Stack Pointer write
.reg_sp_wr (reg_sp_wr), // Stack Pointer write
.reg_sr_clr (reg_sr_clr), // Status register clear for interrupts
.reg_sr_clr (reg_sr_clr), // Status register clear for interrupts
.reg_sr_wr (reg_sr_wr), // Status Register update for RETI instruction
.reg_sr_wr (reg_sr_wr), // Status Register update for RETI instruction
.reg_incr (reg_incr) // Increment source register
.reg_incr (reg_incr), // Increment source register
.scan_enable (scan_enable) // Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
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Line 344... |
// Memory address bus
// Memory address bus
assign mab = alu_out_add[15:0];
assign mab = alu_out_add[15:0];
// Memory data bus output
// Memory data bus output
reg [15:0] mdb_out_nxt;
reg [15:0] mdb_out_nxt;
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
wire mdb_out_nxt_en = (e_state==`E_DST_RD) |
(((e_state==`E_EXEC) & ~inst_so[`CALL]) |
(e_state==`E_IRQ_0) | (e_state==`E_IRQ_2));
wire mclk_mdb_out_nxt;
omsp_clock_gate clock_gate_mdb_out_nxt (.gclk(mclk_mdb_out_nxt),
.clk (mclk), .enable(mdb_out_nxt_en), .scan_enable(scan_enable));
wire mclk_mdb_out_nxt = mclk;
always @(posedge mclk_mdb_out_nxt or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) mdb_out_nxt <= 16'h0000;
if (puc_rst) mdb_out_nxt <= 16'h0000;
else if (e_state==`E_DST_RD) mdb_out_nxt <= pc_nxt;
else if (e_state==`E_DST_RD) mdb_out_nxt <= pc_nxt;
else mdb_out_nxt <= alu_out;
else if ((e_state==`E_EXEC & ~inst_so[`CALL]) |
else if ((e_state==`E_EXEC & ~inst_so[`CALL]) |
(e_state==`E_IRQ_0) | (e_state==`E_IRQ_2)) mdb_out_nxt <= alu_out;
(e_state==`E_IRQ_0) | (e_state==`E_IRQ_2)) mdb_out_nxt <= alu_out;
assign mdb_out = inst_bw ? {2{mdb_out_nxt[7:0]}} : mdb_out_nxt;
assign mdb_out = inst_bw ? {2{mdb_out_nxt[7:0]}} : mdb_out_nxt;
// Format memory data bus input depending on BW
// Format memory data bus input depending on BW
reg mab_lsb;
reg mab_lsb;
Line 368... |
Line 390... |
if (puc_rst) mdb_in_buf_valid <= 1'b0;
if (puc_rst) mdb_in_buf_valid <= 1'b0;
else if (e_state==`E_EXEC) mdb_in_buf_valid <= 1'b0;
else if (e_state==`E_EXEC) mdb_in_buf_valid <= 1'b0;
else if (mdb_in_buf_en) mdb_in_buf_valid <= 1'b1;
else if (mdb_in_buf_en) mdb_in_buf_valid <= 1'b1;
reg [15:0] mdb_in_buf;
reg [15:0] mdb_in_buf;
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc_rst)
wire mclk_mdb_in_buf;
omsp_clock_gate clock_gate_mdb_in_buf (.gclk(mclk_mdb_in_buf),
.clk (mclk), .enable(mdb_in_buf_en), .scan_enable(scan_enable));
wire mclk_mdb_in_buf = mclk;
always @(posedge mclk_mdb_in_buf or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) mdb_in_buf <= 16'h0000;
if (puc_rst) mdb_in_buf <= 16'h0000;
else mdb_in_buf <= mdb_in_bw;
else if (mdb_in_buf_en) mdb_in_buf <= mdb_in_bw;
else if (mdb_in_buf_en) mdb_in_buf <= mdb_in_bw;
assign mdb_in_val = mdb_in_buf_valid ? mdb_in_buf : mdb_in_bw;
assign mdb_in_val = mdb_in_buf_valid ? mdb_in_buf : mdb_in_bw;
endmodule // omsp_execution_unit
endmodule // omsp_execution_unit