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// *Author(s):
// *Author(s):
// - Olivier Girard,
// - Olivier Girard,
// $Rev: 104 $
// $Rev: 105 $
// $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
// $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
// $LastChangedDate: 2011-03-06 21:02:27 +0100 (Sun, 06 Mar 2011) $
// $LastChangedDate: 2011-03-10 22:10:30 +0100 (Thu, 10 Mar 2011) $
`include "openMSP430_defines.v"
`include "openMSP430_defines.v"
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inst_bw, // Decoded Inst: byte width
inst_bw, // Decoded Inst: byte width
inst_dest, // Decoded Inst: destination (one hot)
inst_dest, // Decoded Inst: destination (one hot)
inst_dext, // Decoded Inst: destination extended instruction word
inst_dext, // Decoded Inst: destination extended instruction word
inst_irq_rst, // Decoded Inst: Reset interrupt
inst_irq_rst, // Decoded Inst: Reset interrupt
inst_jmp, // Decoded Inst: Conditional jump
inst_jmp, // Decoded Inst: Conditional jump
inst_mov, // Decoded Inst: mov instruction
inst_sext, // Decoded Inst: source extended instruction word
inst_sext, // Decoded Inst: source extended instruction word
inst_so, // Decoded Inst: Single-operand arithmetic
inst_so, // Decoded Inst: Single-operand arithmetic
inst_src, // Decoded Inst: source (one hot)
inst_src, // Decoded Inst: source (one hot)
inst_type, // Decoded Instruction type
inst_type, // Decoded Instruction type
irq_acc, // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
irq_acc, // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
Line 94... |
Line 95... |
output inst_bw; // Decoded Inst: byte width
output inst_bw; // Decoded Inst: byte width
output [15:0] inst_dest; // Decoded Inst: destination (one hot)
output [15:0] inst_dest; // Decoded Inst: destination (one hot)
output [15:0] inst_dext; // Decoded Inst: destination extended instruction word
output [15:0] inst_dext; // Decoded Inst: destination extended instruction word
output inst_irq_rst; // Decoded Inst: Reset interrupt
output inst_irq_rst; // Decoded Inst: Reset interrupt
output [7:0] inst_jmp; // Decoded Inst: Conditional jump
output [7:0] inst_jmp; // Decoded Inst: Conditional jump
output inst_mov; // Decoded Inst: mov instruction
output [15:0] inst_sext; // Decoded Inst: source extended instruction word
output [15:0] inst_sext; // Decoded Inst: source extended instruction word
output [7:0] inst_so; // Decoded Inst: Single-operand arithmetic
output [7:0] inst_so; // Decoded Inst: Single-operand arithmetic
output [15:0] inst_src; // Decoded Inst: source (one hot)
output [15:0] inst_src; // Decoded Inst: source (one hot)
output [2:0] inst_type; // Decoded Instruction type
output [2:0] inst_type; // Decoded Instruction type
output [13:0] irq_acc; // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
output [13:0] irq_acc; // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
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// 12'b100000000000: AND
// 12'b100000000000: AND
wire [15:0] inst_to_1hot = one_hot16(ir[15:12]) & {16{inst_type_nxt[`INST_TO]}};
wire [15:0] inst_to_1hot = one_hot16(ir[15:12]) & {16{inst_type_nxt[`INST_TO]}};
wire [11:0] inst_to_nxt = inst_to_1hot[15:4];
wire [11:0] inst_to_nxt = inst_to_1hot[15:4];
reg inst_mov;
always @(posedge mclk or posedge puc)
if (puc) inst_mov <= 1'b0;
else if (decode) inst_mov <= inst_to_nxt[`MOV];