Line 27... |
Line 27... |
# Author(s):
# Author(s):
# - Olivier Girard,
# - Olivier Girard,
# $Rev: 110 $
# $Rev: 158 $
# $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
# $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
# $LastChangedDate: 2011-05-19 22:33:51 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2011) $
# $LastChangedDate: 2012-10-15 23:49:09 +0200 (Mon, 15 Oct 2012) $
global serial_baudrate
global serial_device
global serial_status
global hw_break
global clients
global server
global verbose
global shell
global omsp_info
# Initializations
set serial_status 0
# #
# #
# #
# #
Line 61... |
Line 47... |
set lib_path [file dirname $current_file]/../lib/tcl-lib
set lib_path [file dirname $current_file]/../lib/tcl-lib
# Source library
# Source library
source $lib_path/dbg_functions.tcl
source $lib_path/dbg_functions.tcl
source $lib_path/dbg_utils.tcl
# Source remaining files
# Source remaining files
source [file dirname $current_file]/../openmsp430-gdbproxy/server.tcl
source [file dirname $current_file]/../openmsp430-gdbproxy/server.tcl
source [file dirname $current_file]/../openmsp430-gdbproxy/commands.tcl
source [file dirname $current_file]/../openmsp430-gdbproxy/commands.tcl
# #
# #
# #
global CpuNr
global omsp_conf
global omsp_info
global omsp_nr
global gui_dbg_if
global gui_adapter
global clients
global server
global verbose
global shell
# Initialize to default values
set CpuNr 0
set omsp_nr 1
set omsp_conf(interface) uart_generic
#set omsp_nr 4
#set omsp_conf(interface) i2c_usb-iss
set omsp_conf(device) [lindex [utils::uart_port_list] end]
set omsp_conf(baudrate) [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] 1]
set omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr) 50
set omsp_conf(1,cpuaddr) 51
set omsp_conf(2,cpuaddr) 52
set omsp_conf(3,cpuaddr) 53
set server(port) 2000
set shell 0
set verbose 0
# #
# #
# #
proc help {} {
proc help {} {
puts ""
puts ""
puts "USAGE : openmsp430-gdbproxy.tcl \[-device <communication device>\]"
puts "USAGE : openmsp430-gdbproxy.tcl \[-device <communication port>\]"
puts " \[-baudrate <communication speed>\]"
puts " \[-adaptor <adaptor type>\]"
puts " \[-speed <communication speed>\]"
puts " \[-i2c_addr <cpu address>\]"
puts " \[-port <server port>\]"
puts " \[-port <server port>\]"
puts " \[-shell]"
puts " \[-shell]"
puts " \[-verbose\]"
puts " \[-verbose\]"
puts " \[-help\]"
puts " \[-help\]"
puts ""
puts ""
puts "Examples: openmsp430-gdbproxy.tcl -device /dev/ttyUSB0 -baudrate 9600 -port 2000"
puts "Examples: openmsp430-gdbproxy.tcl -device /dev/ttyUSB0 -adaptor uart_generic -speed 115200 -port 2000"
puts " openmsp430-gdbproxy.tcl -device COM2: -baudrate 38400 -port 2000"
puts " openmsp430-gdbproxy.tcl -device COM2: -adaptor i2c_usb-iss -speed I2C_S_100KHZ -i2c_addr 75 -port 2000"
puts ""
puts ""
# Default values
set serial_device [lindex [dbg_list_uart] end]
set serial_baudrate 115200
set server(port) 2000
set shell 0
set verbose 0
# Parse arguments
# Parse arguments
for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
switch -exact -- [lindex $argv $i] {
switch -exact -- [lindex $argv $i] {
-device {set serial_device [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
-device {set omsp_conf(device) [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
-baudrate {set serial_baudrate [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
-adaptor {set omsp_conf(interface) [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
-speed {set omsp_conf(baudrate) [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
-i2c_addr {set omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr) [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
-port {set server(port) [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
-port {set server(port) [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
-shell {set shell 1}
-shell {set shell 1}
-verbose {set verbose 1}
-verbose {set verbose 1}
-h {help; exit 0}
-h {help; exit 0}
-help {help; exit 0}
-help {help; exit 0}
default {}
default {}
# Make sure the selected adptor is valid
if {![string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "uart_generic"] &
![string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "i2c_usb-iss"]} {
puts "\nERROR: Specified adaptor is not valid (should be \"uart_generic\" or \"i2c_usb-iss\")"
exit 1
# Make sure the I2C address is an integer
if {![string is integer $omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr)]} {
puts "\nERROR: Specified I2C address is not an integer"
exit 1
# Make sure the I2C address is valid
if {($omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr)<8) | ($omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr)>119)} {
puts "\nERROR: Specified I2C address should lay between 7 and 120"
exit 1
# If the selected interface is a UART, make sure the selected speed is an integer
if {[string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "uart_generic"]} {
if {![string is integer $omsp_conf(baudrate)]} {
puts "\nERROR: Specified UART communication speed is not an integer"
exit 1
} elseif {[string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "i2c_usb-iss"]} {
if {[lsearch [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] 2] $omsp_conf(baudrate)]==-1} {
puts "\nERROR: Specified I2C communication speed is not valid."
puts " Allowed values are:"
foreach allowedVal [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] 2] {
puts " - $allowedVal"
puts ""
exit 1
# Source additional library for graphical interface
# Source additional library for graphical interface
if {!$shell} {
if {!$shell} {
source $lib_path/combobox.tcl
source $lib_path/combobox.tcl
package require combobox 2.3
package require combobox 2.3
catch {namespace import combobox::*}
catch {namespace import combobox::*}
Line 147... |
Line 210... |
if {$shell} {
if {$shell} {
# Connect to device
# Connect to device
if {![GetDevice]} {
if {![GetDevice $CpuNr]} {
puts "ERROR: Could not open $serial_device"
puts "ERROR: Could not open $omsp_conf(device)
puts "INFO: Available serial ports are:"
puts "INFO: Available serial ports are:"
foreach port [dbg_list_uart] {
foreach port [utils::uart_port_list] {
puts "INFO: - $port"
puts "INFO: - $port"
exit 1
if {[string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "i2c_usb-iss"]} {
puts "\nMake sure the specified I2C device address is correct: $omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr)\n"
# Display info
exit 1
if {$omsp_info(alias)==""} {
puts "INFO: Sucessfully connected with the openMSP430 target."
} else {
# Display info
puts "INFO: Sucessfully connected with the openMSP430 target ($omsp_info(alias))."
if {$omsp_info($CpuNr,alias)==""} {
puts "INFO: Sucessfully connected with the openMSP430 target."
set sizes [GetCPU_ID_SIZE]
} else {
if {$omsp_info(asic)} {
puts "INFO: Sucessfully connected with the openMSP430 target ($omsp_info($CpuNr,alias))."
puts "INFO: CPU Version - $omsp_info(cpu_ver) / ASIC"
} else {
set sizes [GetCPU_ID_SIZE $CpuNr]
puts "INFO: CPU Version - $omsp_info(cpu_ver) / FPGA"
if {$omsp_info($CpuNr,asic)} {
puts "INFO: CPU Version - $omsp_info($CpuNr,cpu_ver) / ASIC"
puts "INFO: User Version - $omsp_info(user_ver)"
} else {
if {$omsp_info(cpu_ver)==1} {
puts "INFO: CPU Version - $omsp_info($CpuNr,cpu_ver) / FPGA"
puts "INFO: Hardware Multiplier - --"
} elseif {$omsp_info(mpy)} {
puts "INFO: User Version - $omsp_info($CpuNr,user_ver)"
puts "INFO: Hardware Multiplier - Yes"
if {$omsp_info($CpuNr,cpu_ver)==1} {
} else {
puts "INFO: Hardware Multiplier - --"
puts "INFO: Hardware Multiplier - No"
} elseif {$omsp_info($CpuNr,mpy)} {
puts "INFO: Hardware Multiplier - Yes"
puts "INFO: Program Memory Size - $omsp_info(pmem_size) B"
} else {
puts "INFO: Data Memory Size - $omsp_info(dmem_size) B"
puts "INFO: Hardware Multiplier - No"
puts "INFO: Peripheral Address Space - $omsp_info(per_size) B"
puts "INFO: $hw_break(num) Hardware Brea/Watch-point unit(s) detected"
puts "INFO: Program Memory Size - $omsp_info($CpuNr,pmem_size) B"
puts ""
puts "INFO: Data Memory Size - $omsp_info($CpuNr,dmem_size) B"
puts "INFO: Peripheral Address Space - $omsp_info($CpuNr,per_size) B"
# Reset & Stop CPU
puts "INFO: $omsp_info($CpuNr,hw_break) Hardware Brea/Watch-point unit(s) detected"
puts ""
# Start server for GDB
# Reset & Stop CPU
if {![startServer]} {
ExecutePOR_Halt $CpuNr
exit 1
# Start server for GDB
if {![startServer]} {
exit 1
vwait forever
vwait forever
proc getConfiguration {} {
global gui_dbg_if
global gui_adapter
global omsp_conf
regexp {(.+)_(.+)} $omsp_conf(interface) whole_match tmp_if tmp_adapter
set gui_dbg_if [string toupper $tmp_if]
set gui_adapter [string toupper $tmp_adapter]
return 1
proc updateConfiguration {{w ""} {sel ""}} {
global gui_dbg_if
global gui_adapter
global omsp_conf
global omsp_nr
if {$sel=="UART"} {
eval .connect.cfg.if.config2.adapter.p2 list delete 0 end
eval .connect.cfg.if.config2.adapter.p2 list insert end [list "GENERIC"]
set gui_adapter "GENERIC"
set omsp_conf(interface) uart_generic
} elseif {$sel=="I2C"} {
eval .connect.cfg.if.config2.adapter.p2 list delete 0 end
eval .connect.cfg.if.config2.adapter.p2 list insert end [list "USB-ISS"]
set gui_adapter "USB-ISS"
set omsp_conf(interface) i2c_usb-iss
if {$gui_dbg_if=="UART"} {
set omsp_nr 1
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state normal
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
} elseif {$gui_dbg_if=="I2C"} {
# configure -state normal
# configure -state normal
# configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
# configure -state normal
if {$omsp_nr < 2} {
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
} else {
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
if {$omsp_nr < 3} {
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
} else {
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
if {$omsp_nr < 4} {
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
| configure -state disabled
} else {
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
.connect.cfg.if.config2.serial_port.p2 configure -editable 1
eval .connect.cfg.if.config2.serial_port.p2 list delete 0 end
eval .connect.cfg.if.config2.serial_port.p2 list insert end [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] 2]
set omsp_conf(baudrate) [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] 1];
.connect.cfg.if.config2.serial_port.p2 configure -editable [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] 0];
wm title . "openMSP430 GDB Proxy"
wm title . "openMSP430 GDB Proxy"
wm iconname . "openMSP430 GDB Proxy"
wm iconname . "openMSP430 GDB Proxy"
# Create the Main Menu frame
# Create the Main Menu frame
frame .menu
frame .menu
pack .menu -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill x
pack .menu -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill x
# Create the Connection frame
# Create the Connection frame
frame .connect -bd 2 -relief ridge ;# solid
frame .connect -bd 2 -relief ridge ;# solid
pack .connect -side top -padx 10 -pady {5 0} -fill x
pack .connect -side top -padx 10 -pady {5 0} -fill x
# Create the Info frame
# Create the Info frame
frame .info -bd 2 -relief ridge ;# solid
frame .info -bd 2 -relief ridge ;# solid
pack .info -side top -padx 10 -pady {10 0} -fill x
pack .info -side top -padx 10 -pady {10 0} -fill x
# Create the Server frame
# Create the Server frame
frame .server -bd 2 -relief ridge ;# solid
frame .server -bd 2 -relief ridge ;# solid
pack .server -side top -padx 10 -pady {10 0} -fill x
pack .server -side top -padx 10 -pady {10 0} -fill x
# Create the TCL script field
# Create the TCL script field
frame .tclscript -bd 2 -relief ridge ;# solid
frame .tclscript -bd 2 -relief ridge ;# solid
pack .tclscript -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill x
pack .tclscript -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill x
# Exit button
# Exit button
button .menu.exit -text "Exit" -command {stopServer; exit 0}
button .menu.exit -text "Exit" -command {stopServer; exit 0}
pack .menu.exit -side left
pack .menu.exit -side left
# openMSP430 label
# openMSP430 label
label .menu.omsp -text "openMSP430 GDB proxy" -anchor center -fg "\#6a5acd" -font {-weight bold -size 14}
label .menu.omsp -text "openMSP430 GDB proxy" -anchor center -fg "\#6a5acd" -font {-weight bold -size 14}
pack .menu.omsp -side right -padx 20
pack .menu.omsp -side right -padx 20
# Create the Configuration, Start & Info frames
# Create the Configuration, Start & Info frames
frame .connect.config
pack .connect.config -side left -padx 10 -pady 0 -fill x -expand true
frame .connect.cfg
pack .connect.cfg -side left -padx 0 -pady 0 -fill x -expand true
frame .connect.cfg.if -bd 2 -relief ridge
pack .connect.cfg.if -side top -padx 10 -pady {10 0} -fill x -expand true
frame -bd 2 -relief ridge
pack -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill both -expand true
frame .connect.start
frame .connect.start
pack .connect.start -side right -padx 10 -pady 0 -fill x -expand true
pack .connect.start -side right -padx 10 -pady 0 -fill x -expand true
# Serial Port fields
frame .connect.cfg.if.config1
set serial_device [lindex [dbg_list_uart] end]
pack .connect.cfg.if.config1 -side left -padx 0 -pady 0 -fill x -expand true
frame .connect.config.serial_port
frame .connect.cfg.if.config2
pack .connect.config.serial_port -side top -padx 5 -pady {10 0} -fill x
pack .connect.cfg.if.config2 -side left -padx 0 -pady 0 -fill x -expand true
label .connect.config.serial_port.l1 -text "Serial Port:" -anchor w
pack .connect.config.serial_port.l1 -side left -padx 5
# Interface & Adapter selection
combobox .connect.config.serial_port.p1 -textvariable serial_device -editable true -width 20
frame .connect.cfg.if.config1.adapter
eval .connect.config.serial_port.p1 list insert end [dbg_list_uart]
pack .connect.cfg.if.config1.adapter -side top -padx 5 -pady {10 0} -fill x
pack .connect.config.serial_port.p1 -side right -padx 20
label .connect.cfg.if.config1.adapter.l1 -text "Serial Debug Interface:" -anchor w
pack .connect.cfg.if.config1.adapter.l1 -side left -padx 5
# Serial Baudrate fields
combobox .connect.cfg.if.config1.adapter.p1 -textvariable gui_dbg_if -editable false -width 15 -command {updateConfiguration}
set serial_baudrate 115200
eval .connect.cfg.if.config1.adapter.p1 list insert end [list "UART" "I2C"]
frame .connect.config.serial_baudrate
pack .connect.cfg.if.config1.adapter.p1 -side right -padx 10
pack .connect.config.serial_baudrate -side top -padx 5 -pady {5 0} -fill x
label .connect.config.serial_baudrate.l2 -text " Baudrate:" -anchor w
frame .connect.cfg.if.config2.adapter
pack .connect.config.serial_baudrate.l2 -side left
pack .connect.cfg.if.config2.adapter -side top -padx 5 -pady {10 0} -fill x
combobox .connect.config.serial_baudrate.p2 -textvariable serial_baudrate -editable true -width 20
label .connect.cfg.if.config2.adapter.l2 -text "Adapter selection:" -anchor w
eval .connect.config.serial_baudrate.p2 list insert end [list 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 \
pack .connect.cfg.if.config2.adapter.l2 -side left -padx 5
230400 460800 500000 576000 921600 \
combobox .connect.cfg.if.config2.adapter.p2 -textvariable gui_adapter -editable false -width 15
1000000 1152000]
eval .connect.cfg.if.config2.adapter.p2 list insert end [list "GENERIC"]
pack .connect.config.serial_baudrate.p2 -side right -padx 20
pack .connect.cfg.if.config2.adapter.p2 -side right -padx 5
# Server Port field
# Device port & Speed selection
frame .connect.config.server_port
frame .connect.cfg.if.config1.serial_port
pack .connect.config.server_port -side top -padx 10 -pady {15 10} -fill x
pack .connect.cfg.if.config1.serial_port -side top -padx 5 -pady {10 10} -fill x
label .connect.config.server_port.l1 -text "Proxy Server Port:" -anchor w
label .connect.cfg.if.config1.serial_port.l1 -text "Device Port:" -anchor w
pack .connect.config.server_port.l1 -side left
pack .connect.cfg.if.config1.serial_port.l1 -side left -padx 5
entry .connect.config.server_port.p -textvariable server(port) -relief sunken -width 20
combobox .connect.cfg.if.config1.serial_port.p1 -textvariable omsp_conf(device) -editable true -width 15
pack .connect.config.server_port.p -side right -padx 5 -padx 20
eval .connect.cfg.if.config1.serial_port.p1 list insert end [utils::uart_port_list]
pack .connect.cfg.if.config1.serial_port.p1 -side right -padx 10
# Connect to CPU & start proxy server
frame .connect.cfg.if.config2.serial_port
button .connect.start.but -text "Connect to CPU\n and \nStart Proxy Server" -command {startServerGUI}
pack .connect.cfg.if.config2.serial_port -side top -padx 5 -pady {10 10} -fill x
pack .connect.start.but -side right -padx 30
label .connect.cfg.if.config2.serial_port.l2 -text "Speed:" -anchor w
pack .connect.cfg.if.config2.serial_port.l2 -side left -padx 5
combobox .connect.cfg.if.config2.serial_port.p2 -textvariable omsp_conf(baudrate) -editable [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] 0] -width 15
# CPU Info
eval .connect.cfg.if.config2.serial_port.p2 list insert end [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] 2]
frame .info.cpu
pack .connect.cfg.if.config2.serial_port.p2 -side right -padx 5
pack .info.cpu -side top -padx 10 -pady {5 0} -fill x
label .info.cpu.l -text "CPU Info:" -anchor w
# Server Port field & I2C address selection
pack .info.cpu.l -side left -padx {10 10}
label .info.cpu.con -text "Disconnected" -anchor w -fg Red
pack -side left -padx 5 -fill y
pack .info.cpu.con -side left
label -text "Core 3:" -anchor w
button .info.cpu.more -text "More..." -width 9 -command {displayMore} -state disabled
pack -side bottom -padx {25 0} -pady {10 10}
pack .info.cpu.more -side right -padx {0 30}
label -text "Core 2:" -anchor w
pack -side bottom -padx {25 0} -pady {10 2}
label -text "Core 1:" -anchor w
# Server Info
pack -side bottom -padx {25 0} -pady {10 2}
frame .info.server
label -text "Core 0:" -anchor w
pack .info.server -side top -padx 10 -pady {0 10} -fill x
pack -side bottom -padx {25 0} -pady {10 2}
label .info.server.l -text "Server Info:" -anchor w
pack .info.server.l -side left -padx {10 10}
label .info.server.con -text "Not running" -anchor w -fg Red
pack -side left -padx 5 -fill y
pack .info.server.con -side left
entry -textvariable server(port) -relief sunken -width 10
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 10}
entry -textvariable server(port) -relief sunken -width 10
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 0}
entry -textvariable server(port) -relief sunken -width 10
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 0}
entry -textvariable server(port) -relief sunken -width 10
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 0}
label -text "Proxy Server Port" -anchor w
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 0}
pack -side left -padx 5 -fill y
label -text "==>" -anchor w
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 10}
label -text "==>" -anchor w
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 2}
label -text "==>" -anchor w
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 2}
label -text "==>" -anchor w
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 2}
pack -side left -padx 5 -fill y
spinbox -from 8 -to 119 -textvariable omsp_conf(3,cpuaddr) -width 4
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 10}
spinbox -from 8 -to 119 -textvariable omsp_conf(2,cpuaddr) -width 4
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 0}
spinbox -from 8 -to 119 -textvariable omsp_conf(1,cpuaddr) -width 4
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 0}
spinbox -from 8 -to 119 -textvariable omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr) -width 4
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 0}
label -text "I2C Address" -anchor w
pack -side bottom -padx 5 -pady {10 0}
pack -side right -padx 5 -fill y
label -text "Number of cores" -anchor w
pack -side top -padx 50 -pady {10 0}
spinbox -from 1 -to 4 -textvariable omsp_nr -state readonly -width 4 -command {updateConfiguration}
pack -side top -padx 50 -pady {10 10}
# Update according to default values
# Connect to CPU & start proxy server
button .connect.start.but -text "Connect to CPU(s)\n and \nStart Proxy Server(s)" -command {startServerGUI}
pack .connect.start.but -side right -padx 30
# CPU Info
frame .info.cpu
pack .info.cpu -side top -padx 10 -pady {5 0} -fill x
label .info.cpu.l -text "CPU Info:" -anchor w
pack .info.cpu.l -side left -padx {10 10}
label .info.cpu.con -text "Disconnected" -anchor w -fg Red
pack .info.cpu.con -side left
button .info.cpu.more -text "More..." -width 9 -command {displayMore} -state disabled
pack .info.cpu.more -side right -padx {0 30}
# Server Info
frame .info.server
pack .info.server -side top -padx 10 -pady {0 10} -fill x
label .info.server.l -text "Server Info:" -anchor w
pack .info.server.l -side left -padx {10 10}
label .info.server.con -text "Not running" -anchor w -fg Red
pack .info.server.con -side left
# Create the text widget to log received messages
# Create the text widget to log received messages
frame .server.t
frame .server.t
pack .server.t -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill x
pack .server.t -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill x
set server(log) [text .server.t.log -width 80 -height 15 -borderwidth 2 \
set server(log) [text .server.t.log -width 80 -height 15 -borderwidth 2 \
-setgrid true -yscrollcommand {.server.t.scroll set}]
-setgrid true -yscrollcommand {.server.t.scroll set}]
pack .server.t.log -side left -fill both -expand true
pack .server.t.log -side left -fill both -expand true
scrollbar .server.t.scroll -command {.server.t.log yview}
scrollbar .server.t.scroll -command {.server.t.log yview}
pack .server.t.scroll -side right -fill both
pack .server.t.scroll -side right -fill both
# Log commands
# Log commands
frame .server.cmd
frame .server.cmd
pack .server.cmd -side top -pady {0 10} -fill x
pack .server.cmd -side top -pady {0 10} -fill x
button .server.cmd.clear -text "Clear log" -command {$server(log) delete 1.0 end}
button .server.cmd.clear -text "Clear log" -command {$server(log) delete 1.0 end}
pack .server.cmd.clear -side left -padx 10
pack .server.cmd.clear -side left -padx 10
checkbutton .server.cmd.verbose -text "Verbose" -variable verbose
checkbutton .server.cmd.verbose -text "Verbose" -variable verbose
pack .server.cmd.verbose -side right -padx 10
pack .server.cmd.verbose -side right -padx 10
# Load TCL script fields
# Load TCL script fields
frame .tclscript.ft
frame .tclscript.ft
pack .tclscript.ft -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill x
pack .tclscript.ft -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill x
label .tclscript.ft.l -text "TCL script:" -state disabled
label .tclscript.ft.l -text "TCL script:" -state disabled
pack .tclscript.ft.l -side left -padx "0 10"
pack .tclscript.ft.l -side left -padx "0 10"
entry .tclscript.ft.file -width 58 -relief sunken -textvariable tcl_file_name -state disabled
entry .tclscript.ft.file -width 58 -relief sunken -textvariable tcl_file_name -state disabled
pack .tclscript.ft.file -side left -padx 10
pack .tclscript.ft.file -side left -padx 10
button .tclscript.ft.browse -text "Browse" -state disabled -command {set tcl_file_name [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes {{{TCL Files} {.tcl}} {{All Files} *}}]}
button .tclscript.ft.browse -text "Browse" -state disabled -command {set tcl_file_name [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes {{{TCL Files} {.tcl}} {{All Files} *}}]}
pack .tclscript.ft.browse -side left -padx 5
pack .tclscript.ft.browse -side left -padx 5
frame .tclscript.fb
frame .tclscript.fb
pack .tclscript.fb -side top -fill x
pack .tclscript.fb -side top -fill x
button -text "Source TCL script !" -state disabled -command {if {[file exists $tcl_file_name]} {source $tcl_file_name}}
button -text "Source TCL script !" -state disabled -command {if {[file exists $tcl_file_name]} {source $tcl_file_name}}
pack -side left -padx 20 -pady {0 10} -fill x
pack -side left -padx 20 -pady {0 10} -fill x
wm resizable . 0 0
No newline at end of file
No newline at end of file
wm resizable . 0 0
No newline at end of file
No newline at end of file