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# Author(s):
# Author(s):
# - Olivier Girard,
# - Olivier Girard,
# $Rev: 87 $
# $Rev: 110 $
# $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
# $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
# $LastChangedDate: 2011-02-05 14:40:22 +0100 (Sat, 05 Feb 2011) $
# $LastChangedDate: 2011-05-19 22:33:51 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2011) $
global clients
global clients
global server
global server
Line 91... |
Line 91... |
proc startServerGUI { } {
proc startServerGUI { } {
global serial_device
global serial_device
global hw_break
global hw_break
global omsp_info
# Connect to device
# Connect to device
if {![GetDevice]} {
if {![GetDevice]} {
.serial.l3 configure -text "Connection problem" -fg red
.info.cpu.con configure -text "Connection problem" -fg red
putsLog "ERROR: Could not open $serial_device"
putsLog "ERROR: Could not open $serial_device"
return 0
return 0
.serial.l3 configure -text "Connected" -fg green
if {$omsp_info(alias)==""} {
.info.cpu.con configure -text "Connected" -fg "\#00ae00"
} else {
.info.cpu.con configure -text "Connected to $omsp_info(alias)" -fg "\#00ae00"
# Display info
# Display info
putsLog "INFO: Sucessfully connected with the openMSP430 target."
putsLog "INFO: Sucessfully connected with the openMSP430 target."
set sizes [GetCPU_ID_SIZE]
set sizes [GetCPU_ID_SIZE]
putsLog "INFO: ROM Size - [lindex $sizes 0] B"
if {$omsp_info(asic)} {
putsLog "INFO: RAM Size - [lindex $sizes 1] B"
putsLog "INFO: CPU Version - $omsp_info(cpu_ver) / ASIC"
putsLog "INFO: $hw_break(num) Hardware Break/Watch-point unit(s) detected"
} else {
putsLog "INFO: CPU Version - $omsp_info(cpu_ver) / FPGA"
putsLog "INFO: User Version - $omsp_info(user_ver)"
if {$omsp_info(cpu_ver)==1} {
putsLog "INFO: Hardware Multiplier - --"
} elseif {$omsp_info(mpy)} {
putsLog "INFO: Hardware Multiplier - Yes"
} else {
putsLog "INFO: Hardware Multiplier - No"
putsLog "INFO: Program Memory Size - $omsp_info(pmem_size) B"
putsLog "INFO: Data Memory Size - $omsp_info(dmem_size) B"
putsLog "INFO: Peripheral Address Space - $omsp_info(per_size) B"
putsLog "INFO: $hw_break(num) Hardware Brea/Watch-point unit(s) detected"
putsLog " "
putsLog " "
# Activate Load TCL script section
# Activate Load TCL script section
.tclscript.ft.l configure -state normal
.tclscript.ft.l configure -state normal
.tclscript.ft.file configure -state normal
.tclscript.ft.file configure -state normal
.tclscript.ft.browse configure -state normal
.tclscript.ft.browse configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
| configure -state normal
# Activate extra cpu info button
.info.cpu.more configure -state normal
# Reset & Stop CPU
# Reset & Stop CPU
# Start server for GDB
# Start server for GDB
if {![startServer]} {
if {![startServer]} {
.server.port.l2 configure -text "Connection problem" -fg red
.info.server.con configure -text "Connection problem" -fg red
return 0
return 0
.server.port.l2 configure -text "Running" -fg green
.info.server.con configure -text "Running" -fg "\#00ae00"
# Disable gui entries
# Disable gui entries
.serial.p1 configure -state disabled
.connect.config.serial_port.p1 configure -state disabled
.serial.p2 configure -state disabled
.connect.config.serial_baudrate.p2 configure -state disabled
.server.port.p configure -state disabled
.connect.config.server_port.p configure -state disabled
.server.port.start configure -state disabled
.connect.start.but configure -state disabled
# #
# #
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proc putDebugChar {sock char} {
proc putDebugChar {sock char} {
puts -nonewline $sock $char
puts -nonewline $sock $char
No newline at end of file
No newline at end of file
# #
# #
proc displayMore { } {
global omsp_info
# Destroy windows if already existing
if {[lsearch -exact [winfo children .] .omsp_extra_info]!=-1} {
destroy .omsp_extra_info
# Create master window
toplevel .omsp_extra_info
wm title .omsp_extra_info "openMSP430 extra info"
wm geometry .omsp_extra_info +380+200
wm resizable .omsp_extra_info 0 0
# Title
set title "openMSP430"
if {$omsp_info(alias)!=""} {
set title $omsp_info(alias)
label .omsp_extra_info.title -text "$title" -anchor center -fg "\#00ae00" -font {-weight bold -size 16}
pack .omsp_extra_info.title -side top -padx {20 20} -pady {20 10}
# Add extra info
frame .omsp_extra_info.extra
pack .omsp_extra_info.extra -side top -padx 10 -pady {10 10}
scrollbar .omsp_extra_info.extra.yscroll -orient vertical -command {.omsp_extra_info.extra.text yview}
pack .omsp_extra_info.extra.yscroll -side right -fill both
text .omsp_extra_info.extra.text -wrap word -height 20 -font TkFixedFont -yscrollcommand {.omsp_extra_info.extra.yscroll set}
pack .omsp_extra_info.extra.text -side right
# Create OK button
button .omsp_extra_info.okay -text "OK" -font {-weight bold} -command {destroy .omsp_extra_info}
pack .omsp_extra_info.okay -side bottom -expand true -fill x -padx 5 -pady {0 10}
# Fill the text widget will configuration info
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text tag configure bold -font {-family TkFixedFont -weight bold}
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end "Configuration\n\n" bold
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "CPU Version : %5s\n" $omsp_info(cpu_ver)]
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "User Version : %5s\n" $omsp_info(user_ver)]
if {$omsp_info(cpu_ver)==1} {
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "Implementation : %5s\n" --]
} elseif {$omsp_info(asic)==0} {
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "Implementation : %5s\n" FPGA]
} elseif {$omsp_info(asic)==1} {
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "Implementation : %5s\n" ASIC]
if {$omsp_info(mpy)==1} {
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "Hardware Multiplier support: %5s\n" Yes]
} elseif {$omsp_info(mpy)==0} {
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "Hardware Multiplier support: %5s\n" No]
} else {
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "Hardware Multiplier support: %5s\n" --]
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "Program memory size : %5s B\n" $omsp_info(pmem_size)]
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "Data memory size : %5s B\n" $omsp_info(dmem_size)]
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "Peripheral address space : %5s B\n" $omsp_info(per_size)]
if {$omsp_info(alias)==""} {
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "Alias : %5s\n\n\n" None]
} else {
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "Alias : %5s\n\n\n" $omsp_info(alias)]
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end "Extra Info\n\n" bold
if {$omsp_info(alias)!=""} {
set aliasEXTRA [lsort -increasing [array names omsp_info -glob "extra,*"]]
if {[llength $aliasEXTRA]} {
foreach currentEXTRA $aliasEXTRA {
regexp {^.+,.+,(.+)$} $currentEXTRA whole_match extraATTR
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end [format "%-15s: %s\n" $extraATTR $omsp_info($currentEXTRA)]
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end "\n\n"
} else {
.omsp_extra_info.extra.text insert end "No alias found in 'omsp_alias.xml' file"
No newline at end of file
No newline at end of file