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//// ////
//// OR1200's WISHBONE BIU ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the OpenRISC 1200 project ////
////,or1k ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// Implements WISHBONE interface ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// - if biu_cyc/stb are deasserted and wb_ack_i is asserted ////
//// and this happens even before aborted_r is asssrted, ////
//// wb_ack_i will be delivered even though transfer is ////
//// internally considered already aborted. However most ////
//// wb_ack_i are externally registered and delayed. Normally ////
//// this shouldn't cause any problems. ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Damjan Lampret, ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
// $Log: or1200_wb_biu.v,v $
// Revision 2.0 2010/06/30 11:00:00 ORSoC
// Major update:
// Structure reordered and bugs fixed.
// synopsys translate_off
`include "timescale.v"
// synopsys translate_on
`include "or1200_defines.v"
module or1200_wb_biu(
// RISC clock, reset and clock control
clk, rst, clmode,
// WISHBONE interface
wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_ack_i, wb_err_i, wb_rty_i, wb_dat_i,
wb_cyc_o, wb_adr_o, wb_stb_o, wb_we_o, wb_sel_o, wb_dat_o,
`ifdef OR1200_WB_CAB
`ifdef OR1200_WB_B3
wb_cti_o, wb_bte_o,
// Internal RISC bus
biu_dat_i, biu_adr_i, biu_cyc_i, biu_stb_i, biu_we_i, biu_sel_i, biu_cab_i,
biu_dat_o, biu_ack_o, biu_err_o
parameter dw = `OR1200_OPERAND_WIDTH;
parameter aw = `OR1200_OPERAND_WIDTH;
// RISC clock, reset and clock control
input clk; // RISC clock
input rst; // RISC reset
input [1:0] clmode; // 00 WB=RISC, 01 WB=RISC/2, 10 N/A, 11 WB=RISC/4
// WISHBONE interface
input wb_clk_i; // clock input
input wb_rst_i; // reset input
input wb_ack_i; // normal termination
input wb_err_i; // termination w/ error
input wb_rty_i; // termination w/ retry
input [dw-1:0] wb_dat_i; // input data bus
output wb_cyc_o; // cycle valid output
output [aw-1:0] wb_adr_o; // address bus outputs
output wb_stb_o; // strobe output
output wb_we_o; // indicates write transfer
output [3:0] wb_sel_o; // byte select outputs
output [dw-1:0] wb_dat_o; // output data bus
`ifdef OR1200_WB_CAB
output wb_cab_o; // consecutive address burst
`ifdef OR1200_WB_B3
output [2:0] wb_cti_o; // cycle type identifier
output [1:0] wb_bte_o; // burst type extension
// Internal RISC interface
input [dw-1:0] biu_dat_i; // input data bus
input [aw-1:0] biu_adr_i; // address bus
input biu_cyc_i; // WB cycle
input biu_stb_i; // WB strobe
input biu_we_i; // WB write enable
input biu_cab_i; // CAB input
input [3:0] biu_sel_i; // byte selects
output [31:0] biu_dat_o; // output data bus
output biu_ack_o; // ack output
output biu_err_o; // err output
// Registers
wire wb_ack; // normal termination
reg [aw-1:0] wb_adr_o; // address bus outputs
reg wb_cyc_o; // cycle output
reg wb_stb_o; // strobe output
reg wb_we_o; // indicates write transfer
reg [3:0] wb_sel_o; // byte select outputs
`ifdef OR1200_WB_CAB
reg wb_cab_o; // CAB output
`ifdef OR1200_WB_B3
reg [2:0] wb_cti_o; // cycle type identifier
reg [1:0] wb_bte_o; // burst type extension
`ifdef OR1200_NO_DC
reg [dw-1:0] wb_dat_o; // output data bus
assign wb_dat_o = biu_dat_i; // No register on this - straight from DCRAM
`ifdef OR1200_WB_RETRY
reg [`OR1200_WB_RETRY-1:0] retry_cnt; // Retry counter
wire retry_cnt;
assign retry_cnt = 1'b0;
`ifdef OR1200_WB_B3
reg [1:0] burst_len; // burst counter
reg biu_stb_reg; // WB strobe
wire biu_stb; // WB strobe
reg wb_cyc_nxt; // next WB cycle value
reg wb_stb_nxt; // next WB strobe value
reg [2:0] wb_cti_nxt; // next cycle type identifier value
reg wb_ack_cnt; // WB ack toggle counter
reg wb_err_cnt; // WB err toggle counter
reg wb_rty_cnt; // WB rty toggle counter
reg biu_ack_cnt; // BIU ack toggle counter
reg biu_err_cnt; // BIU err toggle counter
reg biu_rty_cnt; // BIU rty toggle counter
wire biu_rty; // BIU rty indicator
reg [1:0] wb_fsm_state_cur; // WB FSM - surrent state
reg [1:0] wb_fsm_state_nxt; // WB FSM - next state
wire [1:0] wb_fsm_idle = 2'h0; // WB FSM state - IDLE
wire [1:0] wb_fsm_trans = 2'h1; // WB FSM state - normal TRANSFER
wire [1:0] wb_fsm_last = 2'h2; // EB FSM state - LAST transfer
// WISHBONE I/F <-> Internal RISC I/F conversion
//assign wb_ack = wb_ack_i;
assign wb_ack = wb_ack_i & !wb_err_i & !wb_rty_i;
// WB FSM - register part
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or `OR1200_RST_EVENT wb_rst_i) begin
if (wb_rst_i == `OR1200_RST_VALUE)
wb_fsm_state_cur <= wb_fsm_idle;
wb_fsm_state_cur <= wb_fsm_state_nxt;
// WB burst tength counter
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or `OR1200_RST_EVENT wb_rst_i) begin
if (wb_rst_i == `OR1200_RST_VALUE) begin
burst_len <= 2'h0;
else begin
// burst counter
if (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_idle)
burst_len <= 2'h2;
else if (wb_stb_o & wb_ack)
burst_len <= burst_len - 1'b1;
// WB FSM - combinatorial part
always @(wb_fsm_state_cur or burst_len or wb_err_i or wb_rty_i or wb_ack or
wb_cti_o or wb_sel_o or wb_stb_o or wb_we_o or biu_cyc_i or
biu_stb or biu_cab_i or biu_sel_i or biu_we_i) begin
// States of WISHBONE Finite State Machine
wb_fsm_idle : begin
wb_cyc_nxt = biu_cyc_i & biu_stb;
wb_stb_nxt = biu_cyc_i & biu_stb;
wb_cti_nxt = {!biu_cab_i, 1'b1, !biu_cab_i};
if (biu_cyc_i & biu_stb)
wb_fsm_state_nxt = wb_fsm_trans;
wb_fsm_state_nxt = wb_fsm_idle;
// normal TRANSFER
wb_fsm_trans : begin
wb_cyc_nxt = !wb_stb_o | !wb_err_i & !wb_rty_i &
!(wb_ack & wb_cti_o == 3'b111);
wb_stb_nxt = !wb_stb_o | !wb_err_i & !wb_rty_i & !wb_ack |
!wb_err_i & !wb_rty_i & wb_cti_o == 3'b010 /*& !wb_we_o -- Removed to add burst write, JPB*/;
wb_cti_nxt[2] = wb_stb_o & wb_ack & burst_len == 'h0 | wb_cti_o[2];
wb_cti_nxt[1] = 1'b1 ;
wb_cti_nxt[0] = wb_stb_o & wb_ack & burst_len == 'h0 | wb_cti_o[0];
//if ((!biu_cyc_i | !biu_stb | !biu_cab_i) & wb_cti_o == 3'b010 |
// biu_sel_i != wb_sel_o | biu_we_i != wb_we_o)
if ((!biu_cyc_i | !biu_stb | !biu_cab_i | biu_sel_i != wb_sel_o |
biu_we_i != wb_we_o) & wb_cti_o == 3'b010)
wb_fsm_state_nxt = wb_fsm_last;
else if ((wb_err_i | wb_rty_i | wb_ack & wb_cti_o==3'b111) &
wb_fsm_state_nxt = wb_fsm_idle;
wb_fsm_state_nxt = wb_fsm_trans;
// LAST transfer
wb_fsm_last : begin
wb_cyc_nxt = !wb_stb_o | !wb_err_i & !wb_rty_i &
!(wb_ack & wb_cti_o == 3'b111);
wb_stb_nxt = !wb_stb_o | !wb_err_i & !wb_rty_i &
!(wb_ack & wb_cti_o == 3'b111);
wb_cti_nxt[2] = wb_ack & wb_stb_o | wb_cti_o[2];
wb_cti_nxt[1] = 1'b1 ;
wb_cti_nxt[0] = wb_ack & wb_stb_o | wb_cti_o[0];
if ((wb_err_i | wb_rty_i | wb_ack & wb_cti_o == 3'b111) & wb_stb_o)
wb_fsm_state_nxt = wb_fsm_idle;
wb_fsm_state_nxt = wb_fsm_last;
// default state
wb_cyc_nxt = 1'bx;
wb_stb_nxt = 1'bx;
wb_cti_nxt = 3'bxxx;
wb_fsm_state_nxt = 2'bxx;
// WB FSM - output signals
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or `OR1200_RST_EVENT wb_rst_i) begin
if (wb_rst_i == `OR1200_RST_VALUE) begin
wb_cyc_o <= 1'b0;
wb_stb_o <= 1'b0;
wb_cti_o <= 3'b111;
wb_bte_o <= 2'b01; // 4-beat wrap burst = constant
`ifdef OR1200_WB_CAB
wb_cab_o <= 1'b0;
wb_we_o <= 1'b0;
wb_sel_o <= 4'hf;
wb_adr_o <= {aw{1'b0}};
`ifdef OR1200_NO_DC
wb_dat_o <= {dw{1'b0}};
else begin
wb_cyc_o <= wb_cyc_nxt;
// wb_stb_o <= wb_stb_nxt;
if (wb_ack & wb_cti_o == 3'b111)
wb_stb_o <= 1'b0;
wb_stb_o <= wb_stb_nxt;
wb_cti_o <= wb_cti_nxt;
wb_bte_o <= 2'b01; // 4-beat wrap burst = constant
`ifdef OR1200_WB_CAB
wb_cab_o <= biu_cab_i;
// we and sel - set at beginning of access
if (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_idle) begin
wb_we_o <= biu_we_i;
wb_sel_o <= biu_sel_i;
// adr - set at beginning of access and changed at every termination
if (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_idle) begin
wb_adr_o <= biu_adr_i;
else if (wb_stb_o & wb_ack) begin
wb_adr_o[3:2] <= wb_adr_o[3:2] + 1'b1;
`ifdef OR1200_NO_DC
// dat - write data changed after avery subsequent write access
if (!wb_stb_o) begin
wb_dat_o <= biu_dat_i;
// WB & BIU termination toggle counters
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or `OR1200_RST_EVENT wb_rst_i) begin
if (wb_rst_i == `OR1200_RST_VALUE) begin
wb_ack_cnt <= 1'b0;
wb_err_cnt <= 1'b0;
wb_rty_cnt <= 1'b0;
else begin
// WB ack toggle counter
if (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_idle | !clmode)
wb_ack_cnt <= 1'b0;
else if (wb_stb_o & wb_ack)
wb_ack_cnt <= !wb_ack_cnt;
// WB err toggle counter
if (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_idle | !clmode)
wb_err_cnt <= 1'b0;
else if (wb_stb_o & wb_err_i)
wb_err_cnt <= !wb_err_cnt;
// WB rty toggle counter
if (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_idle | !clmode)
wb_rty_cnt <= 1'b0;
else if (wb_stb_o & wb_rty_i)
wb_rty_cnt <= !wb_rty_cnt;
always @(posedge clk or `OR1200_RST_EVENT rst) begin
if (rst == `OR1200_RST_VALUE) begin
biu_stb_reg <= 1'b0;
biu_ack_cnt <= 1'b0;
biu_err_cnt <= 1'b0;
biu_rty_cnt <= 1'b0;
`ifdef OR1200_WB_RETRY
retry_cnt <= {`OR1200_WB_RETRY{1'b0}};
else begin
// BIU strobe
if (biu_stb_i & !biu_cab_i & biu_ack_o)
biu_stb_reg <= 1'b0;
biu_stb_reg <= biu_stb_i;
// BIU ack toggle counter
if (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_idle | !clmode)
biu_ack_cnt <= 1'b0 ;
else if (biu_ack_o)
biu_ack_cnt <= !biu_ack_cnt ;
// BIU err toggle counter
if (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_idle | !clmode)
biu_err_cnt <= 1'b0 ;
else if (wb_err_i & biu_err_o)
biu_err_cnt <= !biu_err_cnt ;
// BIU rty toggle counter
if (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_idle | !clmode)
biu_rty_cnt <= 1'b0 ;
else if (biu_rty)
biu_rty_cnt <= !biu_rty_cnt ;
`ifdef OR1200_WB_RETRY
if (biu_ack_o | biu_err_o)
retry_cnt <= {`OR1200_WB_RETRY{1'b0}};
else if (biu_rty)
retry_cnt <= retry_cnt + 1'b1;
assign biu_stb = biu_stb_i & biu_stb_reg;
// Input BIU data bus
assign biu_dat_o = wb_dat_i;
// Input BIU termination signals
assign biu_rty = (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_trans) & wb_rty_i & wb_stb_o & (wb_rty_cnt ~^ biu_rty_cnt);
assign biu_ack_o = (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_trans) & wb_ack & wb_stb_o & (wb_ack_cnt ~^ biu_ack_cnt);
assign biu_err_o = (wb_fsm_state_cur == wb_fsm_trans) & wb_err_i & wb_stb_o & (wb_err_cnt ~^ biu_err_cnt)
`ifdef OR1200_WB_RETRY
| biu_rty & retry_cnt[`OR1200_WB_RETRY-1];
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