Line 42... |
Line 42... |
// CVS Revision History
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.6 2002/03/29 15:16:55 lampret
// Some of the warnings fixed.
// Revision 1.5 2002/02/11 04:33:17 lampret
// Revision 1.5 2002/02/11 04:33:17 lampret
// Speed optimizations (removed duplicate _cyc_ and _stb_). Fixed D/IMMU cache-inhibit attr.
// Speed optimizations (removed duplicate _cyc_ and _stb_). Fixed D/IMMU cache-inhibit attr.
// Revision 1.4 2002/01/28 01:16:00 lampret
// Revision 1.4 2002/01/28 01:16:00 lampret
// Changed 'void' nop-ops instead of insn[0] to use insn[16]. Debug unit stalls the tick timer. Prepared new flag generation for add and and insns. Blocked DC/IC while they are turned off. Fixed I/D MMU SPRs layout except WAYs. TODO: smart IC invalidate, l.j 2 and TLB ways.
// Changed 'void' nop-ops instead of insn[0] to use insn[16]. Debug unit stalls the tick timer. Prepared new flag generation for add and and insns. Blocked DC/IC while they are turned off. Fixed I/D MMU SPRs layout except WAYs. TODO: smart IC invalidate, l.j 2 and TLB ways.
Line 250... |
Line 253... |
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_off
$display("Starting exception: %h.", except_type);
$display("Starting exception: %h.", except_type);
// synopsys translate_on
// synopsys translate_on
pc = { {4{except_prefix}}, 16'h0000, except_type, 8'h00};
pc = { {4{except_prefix}}, `OR1200_EXCEPT_MMMM, except_type, `OR1200_EXCEPT_VV};
taken = 1'b1;
taken = 1'b1;
default: begin
default: begin
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_off
Line 270... |
Line 273... |
// PC register
// PC register
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
if (rst)
if (rst)
pcreg <= #1 30'd63;
// pcreg <= #1 30'd63;
pcreg <= #1 ({`OR1200_EXCEPT_RESET, `OR1200_EXCEPT_VV} - 1) >> 2;
else if (spr_pc_we)
else if (spr_pc_we)
pcreg <= #1 spr_dat_i[31:2];
pcreg <= #1 spr_dat_i[31:2];
else if (no_more_dslot | except_start | !genpc_freeze & !icpu_rty_i & !genpc_refetch)
else if (no_more_dslot | except_start | !genpc_freeze & !icpu_rty_i & !genpc_refetch)
// else if (except_start | !genpc_freeze & !icpu_rty_i & !genpc_refetch)
// else if (except_start | !genpc_freeze & !icpu_rty_i & !genpc_refetch)
pcreg <= #1 pc[31:2];
pcreg <= #1 pc[31:2];