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// CVS Revision History
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.3 2002/01/18 14:21:43 lampret
// Fixed 'the NPC single-step fix'.
// Revision 1.2 2002/01/14 06:18:22 lampret
// Revision 1.2 2002/01/14 06:18:22 lampret
// Fixed mem2reg bug in FAST implementation. Updated debug unit to work with new genpc/if.
// Fixed mem2reg bug in FAST implementation. Updated debug unit to work with new genpc/if.
// Revision 1.1 2002/01/03 08:16:15 lampret
// Revision 1.1 2002/01/03 08:16:15 lampret
// New prefixes for RTL files, prefixed module names. Updated cache controllers and MMUs.
// New prefixes for RTL files, prefixed module names. Updated cache controllers and MMUs.
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module or1200_ctrl(
module or1200_ctrl(
// Clock and reset
// Clock and reset
clk, rst,
clk, rst,
// Internal i/f
// Internal i/f
id_freeze, ex_freeze, wb_freeze, flushpipe, if_insn, ex_insn, branch_op,
id_freeze, ex_freeze, wb_freeze, flushpipe, if_insn, ex_insn, branch_op, branch_taken,
rf_addra, rf_addrb, rf_rda, rf_rdb, alu_op, mac_op, shrot_op, comp_op, rf_addrw, rfwb_op,
rf_addra, rf_addrb, rf_rda, rf_rdb, alu_op, mac_op, shrot_op, comp_op, rf_addrw, rfwb_op,
wb_insn, simm, branch_addrofs, lsu_addrofs, sel_a, sel_b, lsu_op,
wb_insn, simm, branch_addrofs, lsu_addrofs, sel_a, sel_b, lsu_op,
multicycle, spr_addrimm, wbforw_valid, sig_syscall, sig_trap,
multicycle, spr_addrimm, wbforw_valid, sig_syscall, sig_trap,
force_dslot_fetch, has_dslot, ex_void, id_macrc_op, ex_macrc_op, rfe, except_illegal
force_dslot_fetch, no_more_dslot, ex_void, id_macrc_op, ex_macrc_op, rfe, except_illegal
// I/O
// I/O
Line 112... |
Line 115... |
input wb_freeze;
input wb_freeze;
input flushpipe;
input flushpipe;
input [31:0] if_insn;
input [31:0] if_insn;
output [31:0] ex_insn;
output [31:0] ex_insn;
output [`OR1200_BRANCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] branch_op;
output [`OR1200_BRANCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] branch_op;
input branch_taken;
output [`OR1200_REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rf_addrw;
output [`OR1200_REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rf_addrw;
output [`OR1200_REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rf_addra;
output [`OR1200_REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rf_addra;
output [`OR1200_REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rf_addrb;
output [`OR1200_REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rf_addrb;
output rf_rda;
output rf_rda;
output rf_rdb;
output rf_rdb;
Line 135... |
Line 139... |
output [15:0] spr_addrimm;
output [15:0] spr_addrimm;
input wbforw_valid;
input wbforw_valid;
output sig_syscall;
output sig_syscall;
output sig_trap;
output sig_trap;
output force_dslot_fetch;
output force_dslot_fetch;
output has_dslot;
output no_more_dslot;
output ex_void;
output ex_void;
output id_macrc_op;
output id_macrc_op;
output ex_macrc_op;
output ex_macrc_op;
output rfe;
output rfe;
output except_illegal;
output except_illegal;
Line 186... |
Line 190... |
// instructions
// instructions
// assign force_dslot_fetch = ((|pre_branch_op) & (|lsu_op));
// assign force_dslot_fetch = ((|pre_branch_op) & (|lsu_op));
assign force_dslot_fetch = 1'b0;
assign force_dslot_fetch = 1'b0;
assign has_dslot = |branch_op & !id_void;
assign no_more_dslot = |branch_op & !id_void & branch_taken | (branch_op == `OR1200_BRANCHOP_RFE);
assign id_void = (id_insn[31:26] == `OR1200_OR32_NOP) & id_insn[0];
assign id_void = (id_insn[31:26] == `OR1200_OR32_NOP) & id_insn[16];
assign ex_void = (ex_insn[31:26] == `OR1200_OR32_NOP) & ex_insn[0];
assign ex_void = (ex_insn[31:26] == `OR1200_OR32_NOP) & ex_insn[16];
// Sign/Zero extension of immediates
// Sign/Zero extension of immediates
assign simm = (imm_signextend == 1'b1) ? {{16{id_insn[15]}}, id_insn[15:0]} : {{16'b0}, id_insn[15:0]};
assign simm = (imm_signextend == 1'b1) ? {{16{id_insn[15]}}, id_insn[15:0]} : {{16'b0}, id_insn[15:0]};
Line 401... |
Line 405... |
// Instruction latch in id_insn
// Instruction latch in id_insn
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst)
if (rst)
id_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h000_444F};
id_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h041_0000};
else if (flushpipe)
else if (flushpipe)
id_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h000_444F}; // id_insn[0] must be 1
id_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h041_0000}; // id_insn[16] must be 1
else if (!id_freeze) begin
else if (!id_freeze) begin
id_insn <= #1 if_insn;
id_insn <= #1 if_insn;
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_off
$display("%t: id_insn <= %h", $time, if_insn);
$display("%t: id_insn <= %h", $time, if_insn);
Line 419... |
Line 423... |
// Instruction latch in ex_insn
// Instruction latch in ex_insn
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst)
if (rst)
ex_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h000_444F};
ex_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h041_0000};
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze | flushpipe)
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze | flushpipe)
ex_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h000_444F}; // ex_insn[0] must be 1
ex_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h041_0000}; // ex_insn[16] must be 1
else if (!ex_freeze) begin
else if (!ex_freeze) begin
ex_insn <= #1 id_insn;
ex_insn <= #1 id_insn;
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
// synopsys translate_off
$display("%t: ex_insn <= %h", $time, id_insn);
$display("%t: ex_insn <= %h", $time, id_insn);
Line 437... |
Line 441... |
// Instruction latch in wb_insn
// Instruction latch in wb_insn
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst)
if (rst)
wb_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h000_444F};
wb_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h041_0000};
else if (flushpipe)
else if (flushpipe)
wb_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h000_444F}; // wb_insn[0] must be 1
wb_insn <= #1 {`OR1200_OR32_NOP, 26'h041_0000}; // wb_insn[16] must be 1
else if (!wb_freeze) begin
else if (!wb_freeze) begin
wb_insn <= #1 ex_insn;
wb_insn <= #1 ex_insn;