Line 5... |
Line 5... |
// Inputs
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg clk;
reg reset;
reg reset;
reg [`WIDTH:0] x1, y1, x2, y2;
reg [`WIDTH:0] x1, y1, x2, y2;
reg [7:0] sel;
reg [149:0] o0,o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7;
reg [`W6:0] wish;
// Outputs
// Outputs
wire done;
wire done;
wire [149:0] out;
wire [`W6:0] out;
// Vars
reg [`W6:0] wish;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
tate_pairing uut (
tate_pairing uut (
initial begin
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
// Initialize Inputs
Line 34... |
Line 33... |
reset = 0;
reset = 0;
x1 = 0;
x1 = 0;
y1 = 0;
y1 = 0;
x2 = 0;
x2 = 0;
y2 = 0;
y2 = 0;
sel = 0;
o0 = 0;
o1 = 0;
o2 = 0;
o3 = 0;
o4 = 0;
o5 = 0;
o6 = 0;
o7 = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
// Add stimulus here
Line 56... |
Line 46... |
y2 = 194'h8481099460280628960a82559920000a99a2106955289a40;
y2 = 194'h8481099460280628960a82559920000a99a2106955289a40;
wish = {{194'h148a60225a14a81189aa09a22848104418aa6505801246205,194'h520094820010a12551069915258a58848501052005a85609},{194'ha484046591204499252009806480198a2549624a5181695,194'h21905848428558a806805a4518844049651812a88955a8868},{194'h5565059245921805891121a95a6949564201a2a068910558,194'ha6298884510610298462582969269a122260a05a8241055a}};
wish = {{194'h148a60225a14a81189aa09a22848104418aa6505801246205,194'h520094820010a12551069915258a58848501052005a85609},{194'ha484046591204499252009806480198a2549624a5181695,194'h21905848428558a806805a4518844049651812a88955a8868},{194'h5565059245921805891121a95a6949564201a2a068910558,194'ha6298884510610298462582969269a122260a05a8241055a}};
@ (negedge clk); reset = 1;
@ (negedge clk); reset = 1;
@ (negedge clk); reset = 0;
@ (negedge clk); reset = 0;
@ (posedge done); @ (negedge clk);
@ (posedge done); @ (negedge clk);
sel = 8'b0000_0001; #20; o0=out;
if (out !== wish) $display("E");
sel = 8'b0000_0010; #20; o1=out;
sel = 8'b0000_0100; #20; o2=out;
sel = 8'b0000_1000; #20; o3=out;
sel = 8'b0001_0000; #20; o4=out;
sel = 8'b0010_0000; #20; o5=out;
sel = 8'b0100_0000; #20; o6=out;
sel = 8'b1000_0000; #20; o7=out;
if ({o7[113:0],o6,o5,o4,o3,o2,o1,o0} !== wish) begin $display("E"); end
always #5 clk = ~clk;
always #5 clk = ~clk;