Line 27... |
Line 27... |
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
--USE ieee.textio.ALL;
USE std.textio.ALL;
ENTITY testtop IS
ENTITY testtop IS
END testtop;
END testtop;
ARCHITECTURE behavior OF testtop IS
ARCHITECTURE behavior OF testtop IS
Line 124... |
Line 124... |
-- RXD <= bytetosend(7); wait for bittime;
-- RXD <= bytetosend(7); wait for bittime;
-- RXD <= '1'; wait for bittime; -- first sixbit 000101
-- RXD <= '1'; wait for bittime; -- first sixbit 000101
-- wait for waittime;
-- wait for waittime;
end send_byte;
end send_byte;
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
uut: top PORT MAP (
uut: top PORT MAP (
CLK_50M => CLK_50M,
CLK_50M => CLK_50M,
Line 178... |
Line 177... |
INP => write_byte,
INP => write_byte,
READY => tx_ready, -- indicates that we may write
READY => tx_ready, -- indicates that we may write
WR => wrote
WR => wrote
-- Stimulus process
-- Stimulus process
stim_proc: process
stim_proc: process
type bytefile is file of integer; -- TODO: assert 32-bit?
file rimfile : bytefile;
variable tapefileword : integer;
variable tapebytes : signed(31 downto 0);
wait for 1ms;
file_open(rimfile, "tapefile.rim", READ_MODE);
send_byte("10000101", tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote);
while not endfile(rimfile) loop
send_byte("00111111", tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote); -- ignored, as bit 7 is not set
--wait for bittime*12;
send_byte("10000110", tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote);
wait until received_byte='1';
send_byte("10111000", tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote); -- Together 050670
-- I seem to be getting 32-bit signed little endian numbers.
-- Which naturally don't fit in a byte.
read (rimfile, tapefileword);
tapebytes := to_signed(tapefileword, 32);
--report "Read a word, value: " & integer'image(tapefileword);
send_byte(std_logic_vector(tapebytes(7 downto 0)), tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote);
wait until received_byte='1';
send_byte(std_logic_vector(tapebytes(15 downto 8)), tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote);
wait until received_byte='1';
send_byte(std_logic_vector(tapebytes(23 downto 16)), tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote);
wait until received_byte='1';
send_byte(std_logic_vector(tapebytes(31 downto 24)), tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote);
-- send_byte(conv(tapebyte), tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote);
-- send_byte(std_logic_vector(to_signed(integer(tapebyte(0)),8)), tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote);
-- send_byte("10000101", tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote);
-- send_byte("00111111", tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote); -- ignored, as bit 7 is not set
-- send_byte("10000110", tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote);
-- send_byte("10111000", tx_ready, eot, write_byte, wrote); -- Together 050670
-- TODO: show reply data
-- TODO: show reply data
end loop;
report "Reached end of RIM (paper tape) file";
wait for CLK_50M_period*10;
wait for CLK_50M_period*10;
-- insert stimulus here
-- insert stimulus here