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architecture logic of pipeline is
architecture logic of pipeline is
signal rd_index_reg : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal rd_index_reg : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal reg_dest_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal reg_dest_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal c_source_reg : c_source_type;
signal c_source_reg : c_source_type;
signal pause_reg : std_logic;
signal pause_enable_reg : std_logic;
--When operating in three stage pipeline mode, the following signals
--When operating in three stage pipeline mode, the following signals
--are delayed by one clock cycle: a_bus, b_bus, alu/shift/mult_func,
--are delayed by one clock cycle: a_bus, b_bus, alu/shift/mult_func,
--c_source, and rd_index.
--c_source, and rd_index.
pipeline3: process(clk, reset, a_bus, b_bus, alu_func, shift_func, mult_func,
pipeline3: process(clk, reset, a_bus, b_bus, alu_func, shift_func, mult_func,
rd_index, rd_index_reg, pause_any, pause_reg,
rd_index, rd_index_reg, pause_any, pause_enable_reg,
rs_index, rt_index,
rs_index, rt_index,
pc_source, mem_source, a_source, b_source, c_source, c_source_reg,
pc_source, mem_source, a_source, b_source, c_source, c_source_reg,
reg_dest, reg_dest_reg, c_bus)
reg_dest, reg_dest_reg, c_bus)
variable pause_mult_clock : std_logic;
variable pause_mult_clock : std_logic;
variable freeze_pipeline : std_logic;
variable freeze_pipeline : std_logic;
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pause_mult_clock := '1';
pause_mult_clock := '1';
pause_mult_clock := '0';
pause_mult_clock := '0';
end if;
end if;
freeze_pipeline := not (pause_mult_clock and pause_reg) and pause_any;
freeze_pipeline := not (pause_mult_clock and pause_enable_reg) and pause_any;
pause_pipeline <= pause_mult_clock and pause_reg;
pause_pipeline <= pause_mult_clock and pause_enable_reg;
rd_indexD <= rd_index_reg;
rd_indexD <= rd_index_reg;
if c_source_reg = c_from_alu then
if c_source_reg = c_from_alu then
reg_destD <= c_bus;
reg_destD <= c_bus;
reg_destD <= reg_dest_reg;
reg_destD <= reg_dest_reg;
end if;
end if;
if rising_edge(clk) and freeze_pipeline = '0' then
if reset = '1' then
pause_enable_reg <= '1';
rd_index_reg <= "000000";
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if freeze_pipeline = '0' then
if (rs_index = "000000" or rs_index /= rd_index_reg) or
if (rs_index = "000000" or rs_index /= rd_index_reg) or
(a_source /= a_from_reg_source or pause_reg = '0') then
(a_source /= a_from_reg_source or pause_enable_reg = '0') then
a_busD <= a_bus;
a_busD <= a_bus;
elsif c_source_reg = c_from_alu then
elsif c_source_reg = c_from_alu then
a_busD <= c_bus; --rs from previous operation (bypass stage)
a_busD <= c_bus; --rs from previous operation (bypass stage)
a_busD <= reg_dest_reg;
a_busD <= reg_dest_reg;
end if;
end if;
if (rt_index = "000000" or rt_index /= rd_index_reg) or
if (rt_index = "000000" or rt_index /= rd_index_reg) or
(b_source /= b_from_reg_target or pause_reg = '0') then
(b_source /= b_from_reg_target or pause_enable_reg = '0') then
b_busD <= b_bus;
b_busD <= b_bus;
elsif c_source_reg = c_from_alu then
elsif c_source_reg = c_from_alu then
b_busD <= c_bus; --rt from previous operation
b_busD <= c_bus; --rt from previous operation
b_busD <= reg_dest_reg;
b_busD <= reg_dest_reg;
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alu_funcD <= alu_func;
alu_funcD <= alu_func;
shift_funcD <= shift_func;
shift_funcD <= shift_func;
mult_funcD <= mult_func;
mult_funcD <= mult_func;
reg_dest_reg <= reg_dest;
reg_dest_reg <= reg_dest;
c_source_reg <= c_source;
c_source_reg <= c_source;
rd_index_reg <= rd_index;
end if;
end if;
if reset = '1' then
if pause_enable_reg = '0' and pause_any = '0' then
pause_reg <= '1';
pause_enable_reg <= '1'; --enable pause_pipeline
rd_index_reg <= "000000";
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if pause_reg = '0' and pause_any = '0' then
pause_reg <= '1'; --enable pause_pipeline
elsif pause_mult_clock = '1' then
elsif pause_mult_clock = '1' then
pause_reg <= '0'; --disable pause_pipeline
pause_enable_reg <= '0'; --disable pause_pipeline
end if;
if freeze_pipeline = '0' then
rd_index_reg <= rd_index;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process; --pipeline3
end process; --pipeline3