Line 22... |
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---- Author(s): ----
---- Author(s): ----
---- - Per Larsson, ----
---- - Per Larsson, ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- Copyright (C) 2013 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ----
---- Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- This source file may be used and distributed without ----
---- This source file may be used and distributed without ----
---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ----
---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ----
---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ----
---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ----
---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ----
---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ----
Line 76... |
Line 76... |
-- G_INITVALUE => '0'
-- G_INITVALUE => '0'
-- )
-- )
-- port map (
-- port map (
-- clk_o => clk,
-- clk_o => clk,
-- clk_n_o => clk_n,
-- clk_n_o => clk_n,
-- stop_sim_i => stop_sim
-- stop_sim_i => pltbs.stop_sim
-- );
component pltbutils_time_measure is
generic (
G_VERBOSITY : integer := 0;
G_RPT_LABEL : string := "pltbutils_time_measure"
port (
t_hi_o : out time; -- High time
t_lo_o : out time; -- Low time
t_per_o : out time; -- Period time
s_i : in std_logic -- Signal to measure
end component pltbutils_time_measure;
-- Instansiation template
-- (copy to your own file and remove the comment characters):
--pltbutils_time_measure0 : pltbutils_time_measure
-- generic map (
-- G_RPT_LABEL => "sig"
-- )
-- port map (
-- t_hi_o => sig_t_hi,
-- t_lo_o => sig_t_lo,
-- t_per_o => sig_t_per,
-- s_i => sig
-- );
component pltbutils_diff_check is
generic (
G_VERBOSITY : integer := 0;
G_RPT_LABEL : string := "pltbutils_diff_check"
port (
diff_error_o : out std_logic; -- High when diff error detected
diff_errors_o : out integer; -- Number of diff errors detected
s_i : in std_logic; -- Pos half of diff pair to check
s_n_i : in std_logic := '0'; -- Neg half of diff pair to check
rst_errors_i : in std_logic := '0' -- High resets diff error counter
end component pltbutils_diff_check;
-- Instansiation template
-- (copy to your own file and remove the comment characters):
--pltbutils_diff_check0 : pltbutils_diff_check
-- generic map (
-- G_RPT_LABEL => "sig"
-- )
-- port map (
-- diff_error => sig_diff_error,
-- diff_errors => sig_diff_errors,
-- s_i => sig,
-- s_n_i => sig_n,
-- rst_errors_i => sig_rst_errors
-- );
-- );
end package pltbutils_comp_pkg;
end package pltbutils_comp_pkg;