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[/] [ppx16/] [trunk/] [sw/] [xrom.cpp] - Diff between revs 4 and 5

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Rev 4 Rev 5
Line 39... Line 39...
// The latest version of this file can be found at:
// The latest version of this file can be found at:
// Limitations :
// Limitations :
//      Not all address/data widths produce working code
//      Requires stl to compile
//      Requires stl to compile
// File history :
// File history :
// 0220 : Initial release
// 0220 : Initial release
Line 58... Line 59...
#if !(defined(max)) && _MSC_VER
#if !(defined(max)) && _MSC_VER
        // VC fix
        // VC fix
        #define max __max
        #define max __max
class File
        explicit File(const char *fileName, const char *mode)
                m_file = fopen(fileName, mode);
                if (m_file != NULL)
                string errorStr = "Error opening ";
                errorStr += fileName;
                errorStr += "\n";
                throw errorStr;
        FILE *Handle() { return m_file; };
        FILE                            *m_file;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
        cerr << "Xilinx VHDL ROM generator by Daniel Wallner. Version 0220\n";
        cerr << "Xilinx VHDL ROM generator by Daniel Wallner. Version 0220\n";
Line 154... Line 129...
                                        throw "Error in options!\n";
                                        throw "Error in options!\n";
                string  outFileName = argv[1];
                outFileName = outFileName + ".vhd";
                File    outFile(outFileName.c_str(), "wt");
                unsigned long selectIter = 0;
                unsigned long selectIter = 0;
                unsigned long blockIter = 0;
                unsigned long blockIter = 0;
                unsigned long bytes = (dWidth + 7) / 8;
                unsigned long bytes = (dWidth + 7) / 8;
                if (!select)
                if (!select)
Line 177... Line 147...
                        blockIter = ((1UL << aWidth) * (16 - select) / 16 + 511) / 512;
                        blockIter = ((1UL << aWidth) * (16 - select) / 16 + 511) / 512;
                        selectIter = ((1UL << aWidth) - blockIter * 512 + 15) / 16;
                        selectIter = ((1UL << aWidth) - blockIter * 512 + 15) / 16;
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "-- This file was generated with xrom written by Daniel Wallner\n");
                unsigned long blockTotal = ((1UL << aWidth) + 511) / 512;
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\nlibrary IEEE;");
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\nuse IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;");
                printf("-- This file was generated with xrom written by Daniel Wallner\n");
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\nuse IEEE.numeric_std.all;");
                printf("\nlibrary IEEE;");
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\nlibrary UNISIM;");
                printf("\nuse IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;");
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\nuse UNISIM.vcomponents.all;");
                printf("\nuse IEEE.numeric_std.all;");
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\nentity %s is", argv[1]);
                printf("\nlibrary UNISIM;");
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tport(");
                printf("\nuse UNISIM.vcomponents.all;");
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tClk\t: in std_logic;");
                printf("\n\nentity %s is", argv[1]);
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tA\t: in std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);", aWidth - 1);
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tD\t: out std_logic_vector(%d downto 0)", dWidth - 1);
                printf("\n\t\tClk\t: in std_logic;");
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t);");
                printf("\n\t\tA\t: in std_logic_vector(%d downto 0);", aWidth - 1);
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\nend %s;", outFileName.c_str());
                printf("\n\t\tD\t: out std_logic_vector(%d downto 0)", dWidth - 1);
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\narchitecture rtl of %s is", argv[1]);
                printf("\nend %s;", argv[1]);
                printf("\n\narchitecture rtl of %s is", argv[1]);
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tsignal zero : std_logic := '0';");
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tsignal DI : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := \"-------\";");
                if (selectIter > 0)
                if (selectIter > 0)
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tsignal A_r: unsigned(A'range);");
                        printf("\n\tsignal A_r: unsigned(A'range);");
                if (selectIter > 1)
                if (selectIter > 1)
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tsignal sEN : unsigned(%d downto 0);", selectIter - 1);
                        printf("\n\ttype sRAMOut_a is array(0 to %d) of std_logic_vector(D'range);", selectIter - 1);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\ttype sRAMOut is array (0 to %d) of UNSIGNED(D'range);", selectIter - 1);
                        printf("\n\tsignal sRAMOut : sRAMOut_a;");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tsignal sRAMOut : sRAMOut_a;");
                        printf("\n\tsignal siA_r : integer;");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tsignal siA, siA2 : integer;");
                if (selectIter && blockIter)
                        printf("\n\tsignal sD : std_logic_vector(D'range);");
                if (blockIter > 1)
                if (blockIter > 1)
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tsignal bEN : unsigned(%d downto 0);", blockIter - 1);
                        printf("\n\ttype bRAMOut_a is array(%d to %d) of std_logic_vector(D'range);", blockTotal - blockIter, blockTotal - 1);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\ttype bRAMOut_a is array (0 to %d) of UNSIGNED(D'range);", blockIter - 1);
                        printf("\n\tsignal bRAMOut : bRAMOut_a;");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tsignal bRAMOut : bRAMOut_a;");
                        printf("\n\tsignal biA_r : integer;");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tsignal biA, biA_r : integer;");
                        if (!selectIter)
                        if (!selectIter)
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tsignal A_r: UNSIGNED(A'left downto 9);");
                                printf("\n\tsignal A_r : unsigned(A'left downto 9);");
                if (selectIter && blockIter)
                        printf("\n\tsignal bD : std_logic_vector(D'range);");
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\nbegin");
                if (selectIter > 0 || blockIter > 1)
                if (selectIter > 0 || blockIter > 1)
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tprocess (Clk)");
                        printf("\n\tprocess (Clk)");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tbegin");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tif Clk'event and Clk = '1' then");
                        printf("\n\t\tif Clk'event and Clk = '1' then");
                        if (!selectIter)
                        if (!selectIter)
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\t\tA_r <= A(A'left downto 9);");
                                printf("\n\t\t\tA_r <= unsigned(A(A'left downto 9));");
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\t\tA_r <= A;");
                                printf("\n\t\t\tA_r <= unsigned(A);");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tend if;");
                        printf("\n\t\tend if;");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tend process;");
                        printf("\n\tend process;");
                if (selectIter == 1)
                if (selectIter == 1)
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tU_ROM: RAMB4_S8\n\t\tport map (Zero, Zero, Clk, A(0), A(1), A(2), A(3), D(0));");
                        printf("\n\n\tsG1: for I in 0 to %d generate", dWidth - 1);
                        printf("\n\t\tS%s : LUT4\n\t\t\tport map (", argv[1]);
                        if (blockIter)
                        printf("D(I), A_r(0), A_r(1), A_r(2), A_r(3));");
                        printf("\n\tend generate;");
                if (selectIter > 1)
                if (selectIter > 1)
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\n\tsiA <= to_integer(A(A'left downto 4));");
                        printf("\n\n\tsiA_r <= to_integer(A_r(A'left downto 4));");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tsiA_r <= TO_INTEGER(A_r(A'left downto 4));");
                        printf("\n\n\tsG1: for I in 0 to %d generate", selectIter - 1);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\n\tprocess (siA)\n\t\tvariable S:UNSIGNED(%d downto 0);", selectIter - 1);
                        printf("\n\t\tsG2: for J in 0 to %d generate", dWidth - 1);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tbegin\n\t\tS := TO_UNSIGNED(1,%d);", selectIter);
                        printf("\n\t\t\tS%s : LUT4\n\t\t\t\tport map (sRAMOut(I)(J), A_r(0), A_r(1), A_r(2), A_r(3));", argv[1]);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tfor I in 0 to %d loop", selectIter - 1);
                        printf("\n\t\tend generate;");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\t\tif I < iA then\n\t\t\t\tS := SHL(S,\"1\");\n\t\t\tend if;\n\t\tend loop;");
                        if (z == 'z')
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tbEN <= to_unsigned(S,%d);\n\tend process;", selectIter);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\n\tsG1_1: for I in 0 to %d generate", selectIter - 1);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tU_ROM: RAMB4_S8\n\t\t\tport map (DI, sEN(I), Zero, Zero, Clk, A(3 downto 0), bRAMOut(I));");
                                if (blockIter)
                        if (z)
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tD <= bRAMOut(I) when iA2=I else (others=>'Z');");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tend generate;");
                        if (!z)
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\n\tprocess (biA_r,RAMOut)\n\tbegin");
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tD <= sRAMOut(0);");
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tfor I in 1 to %d loop", selectIter - 1);
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\t\tif siA_r=I then\n\t\t\t\tD <= sRAMOut(I);\n\t\t\tend if;");
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tend loop;\n\tend process;");
                                printf("D <= sRAMOut(I) when siA_r = I else (others => 'Z');");
                        printf("\n\tend generate;");
                        if (z != 'z')
                                printf("\n\n\tprocess (siA_r, sRAMOut)\n\tbegin\n\t\t");
                                if (blockIter)
                                printf("D <= sRAMOut(0);");
                                printf("\n\t\tfor I in 1 to %d loop", selectIter - 1);
                                printf("\n\t\t\tif siA_r = I then\n\t\t\t\t");
                                if (blockIter)
                                printf("D <= sRAMOut(I);\n\t\t\tend if;");
                                printf("\n\t\tend loop;\n\tend process;");
                if (blockIter == 1)
                if (blockIter == 1)
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tU_ROM: RAMB4_S8\n\t\tport map (DI, One, Zero, Zero, Clk, A, D);");
                        printf("\n\n\tbG1: for J in 0 to %d generate", bytes - 1);
                        printf("\n\t\tB%s : RAMB4_S8\n\t\t\tport map (\"00000000\", '1', '0', '0', Clk, A(8 downto 0), ", argv[1]);
                        if (selectIter)
                        printf("D(7 + 8 * J downto 8 * J));");
                        printf("\n\tend generate;");
                if (blockIter > 1)
                if (blockIter > 1)
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\n\tbiA <= to_integer(A(A'left downto 9));");
                        printf("\n\n\tbiA_r <= to_integer(A_r(A'left downto 9));");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tbiA_r <= TO_INTEGER(A_r(A'left downto 9));");
                        printf("\n\n\tbG1: for I in %d to %d generate", blockTotal - blockIter, blockTotal - 1);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\n\tprocess (biA)\n\t\tvariable S:UNSIGNED(%d downto 0);", blockIter - 1);
                        printf("\n\t\tbG2: for J in 0 to %d generate", bytes - 1);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tbegin\n\t\tS := TO_UNSIGNED(1,%d);", blockIter);
                        printf("\n\t\t\tB%s : RAMB4_S8\n\t\t\t\tport map (\"00000000\", '1', '0', '0', Clk, A(8 downto 0), bRAMOut(I)(7 + 8 * J downto 8 * J));", argv[1]);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tfor I in 0 to %d loop", blockIter - 1);
                        printf("\n\t\tend generate;");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\t\tif I < iA then\n\t\t\t\tS := SHL(S,\"1\");\n\t\t\tend if;\n\t\tend loop;");
                        if (z == 'z')
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tbEN <= to_unsigned(S,%d);\n\tend process;", blockIter);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\n\tbG1_1: for I in 0 to %d generate", blockIter - 1);
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tU_ROM: RAMB4_S8\n\t\t\tport map (DI, bEN(I), Zero, Zero, Clk, A(8 downto 0), bRAMOut(I));");
                                if (selectIter)
                        if (z)
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tD <= bRAMOut(I) when iA2=I else (others=>'Z');");
                        fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\tend generate;");
                        if (!z)
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\n\tprocess (biA_r,RAMOut)\n\tbegin");
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tD <= bRAMOut(0);");
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tfor I in 1 to %d loop", blockIter - 1);
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\t\tif biA_r=I then\n\t\t\t\tD <= bRAMOut(I);\n\t\t\tend if;");
                                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\n\t\tend loop;\n\tend process;");
                                printf("D <= bRAMOut(I) when biA_r = I else (others => 'Z');");
                        printf("\n\tend generate;");
                        if (z != 'z')
                                printf("\n\n\tprocess (biA_r, bRAMOut)\n\tbegin\n\t\t");
                                if (selectIter)
                                printf("D <= bRAMOut(%d)(%d downto 0);", blockTotal - blockIter, dWidth - 1);
                                printf("\n\t\tfor I in %d to %d loop", blockTotal - blockIter + 1, blockTotal - 1);
                                printf("\n\t\t\tif biA_r = I then\n\t\t\t\t");
                                if (selectIter)
                                printf("D <= bRAMOut(I);\n\t\t\tend if;");
                                printf("\n\t\tend loop;\n\tend process;");
                if (selectIter && blockIter)
                        printf("\n\n\tD <= bD when A_r(A'left downto 9) >= %d else sD;", blockTotal - blockIter);
                fprintf(outFile.Handle(), "\nend;\n");
                return 0;
                return 0;
        catch (string error)
        catch (string error)

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