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generic (
generic (
width : integer := 32
width : integer := 32
--!external_readable_widthad : integer := integer(ceil(log(real(external_readable_blocks),2.0))))
--!external_readable_widthad : integer := integer(ceil(log(real(external_readable_blocks),2.0))))
port (
port (
clk : in std_logic;
clk,ena : in std_logic;
paraminput : in std_logic_vector ((12*width)-1 downto 0); --! Vectores A,B,C,D
paraminput : in std_logic_vector ((12*width)-1 downto 0); --! Vectores A,B,C,D
prd32blko : in std_logic_vector ((06*width)-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de los 6 multiplicadores.
prd32blko : in std_logic_vector ((06*width)-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de los 6 multiplicadores.
add32blko : in std_logic_vector ((04*width)-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de los 4 sumadores.
add32blko : in std_logic_vector ((04*width)-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de los 4 sumadores.
sqr32blko,inv32blko : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de la raiz cuadradas y el inversor.
sqr32blko,inv32blko : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de la raiz cuadradas y el inversor.
fifo32x26_q : in std_logic_vector (03*width-1 downto 0); --! Salida de la cola intermedia.
fifo32x23_q : in std_logic_vector (03*width-1 downto 0); --! Salida de la cola intermedia.
fifo32x09_q : in std_logic_vector (02*width-1 downto 0); --! Salida de las colas de producto punto.
fifo32x09_q : in std_logic_vector (02*width-1 downto 0); --! Salida de las colas de producto punto.
unary,crossprod,addsub : in std_logic; --! Bit con el identificador del bloque AB vs CD e identificador del sub bloque (A/B) o (C/D).
unary,crossprod,addsub : in std_logic; --! Bit con el identificador del bloque AB vs CD e identificador del sub bloque (A/B) o (C/D).
scalar : in std_logic;
scalar : in std_logic;
sqr32blki,inv32blki : out std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de las 2 raices cuadradas y los 2 inversores.
sqr32blki,inv32blki : out std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); --! Salidas de las 2 raices cuadradas y los 2 inversores.
fifo32x26_d : out std_logic_vector (03*width-1 downto 0); --! Entrada a la cola intermedia para la normalización.
fifo32x26_d : out std_logic_vector (03*width-1 downto 0); --! Entrada a la cola intermedia para la normalización.
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for i in 07 downto 0 generate
for i in 07 downto 0 generate
add32blki(i*width+width-1 downto i*width) <= ssumando(i);
add32blki(i*width+width-1 downto i*width) <= ssumando(i);
resultoutput(i*width+width-1 downto i*width) <= sresult(i);
resultoutput(i*width+width-1 downto i*width) <= sresult(i);
end generate stuff08;
end generate stuff08;
process (clk)
process (clk,ena)
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if clk'event and clk='1' and ena='1' then
for i 05 downto 0 loop
for i 05 downto 0 loop
sprd32blk(p0) <= prd32blko(i*width+width-1 downto i*width);
sprd32blk(i) <= prd32blko(i*width+width-1 downto i*width);
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
for i in 03 downto 1 generate
process (clk,ena)
sadd32blk(i) <= add32blko(i*width+width-1 downto i*width);
end generate stuff04;
process (clk)
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if clk'event and clk='1' and ena='1' then
sadd32blk(a0) <= add32blko(a0*width+width-1 downto a0*width);
sadd32blk(a0) <= add32blko(a0*width+width-1 downto a0*width);
sinv32blk <= inv32blko;
sinv32blk <= inv32blko;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
for i in 03 downto 1 generate
sadd32blk(i) <= add32blko(i*width+width-1 downto i*width);
end generate stuff04;
for i in 02 downto 0 generate
for i in 02 downto 0 generate
snormfifo_q(i) <= fifo32x26_q(i*width+width-1 downto i*width);
snormfifo_q(i) <= fifo32x23_q(i*width+width-1 downto i*width);
fifo32x26_d(i*width+width-1 downto i*width) <= snormfifo_d(i);
fifo32x26_d(i*width+width-1 downto i*width) <= snormfifo_d(i);
end generate stuff03;
end generate stuff03;
for i in 01 downto 0 generate
for i in 01 downto 0 generate