Line 106... |
Line 106... |
for i in 28 downto 1 loop
for i in 28 downto 1 loop
ssync_chain(i) <= ssync_chain(i-1);
ssync_chain(i) <= ssync_chain(i-1);
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end process sync_chain_proc;
end process sync_chain_proc;
--! Escritura en las colas de resultados y escritura/lectura en las colas intermedias mediante cadena de resultados.
--! Escritura en las colas de resultados y escritura/lectura en las colas intermedias mediante cadena de resultados.
fifo32x09_w <= ssync_chain(5);
fifo32x09_w <= ssync_chain(5);
fifo32x23_w <= ssync_chain(1);
fifo32x23_w <= ssync_chain(1);
fifo32x09_r <= ssync_chain(13);
fifo32x09_r <= ssync_chain(13);
fifo32x23_r <= ssync_chain(24);
fifo32x23_r <= ssync_chain(24);
Line 188... |
Line 189... |
end process;
end process;
--! Raiz Cuadrada.
ssqr32blk <= sqr32blko;
ssqr32blk <= sqr32blko;
--! Colas de salida de los distintos resultados;
--! Colas de salida de los distintos resultados;
sresult(0) <= ssqr32blk;
sresult(0) <= ssqr32blk;
sresult(1) <= sadd32blk(a0);
sresult(1) <= sadd32blk(a0);
Line 219... |
Line 220... |
--! Conectar las entradas del sumador a, a la salida
--! Conectar las entradas del sumador a, a la salida
ssumando(s6) <= sadd32blk(a2);
ssumando(s6) <= sadd32blk(a2);
ssumando(s7) <= sdpfifo_q(dpfifocd);
ssumando(s7) <= sdpfifo_q(dpfifocd);
--!El siguiente proceso conecta la señal de cola "casi llena", de la cola que corresponde al resultado de la operación indicada por los bit UCA (Unary, Crossprod, Addsub).
if unary='0' then
if unary='0' then
if crossprod='1' or addsub='1' then
if crossprod='1' or addsub='1' then
resf <= res13f;
resf <= res13f;
Line 235... |
Line 236... |
resf <= res0f;
resf <= res0f;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
--! Decodificación del Datapath.
sfactor(f4) <= sparaminput(az);
sfactor(f4) <= sparaminput(az);
if unary='1' then
if unary='1' then
Line 336... |
Line 337... |
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- interconnection:process(instr3,hblockslab,abblockslab,cdblockslab,sparaminput,sprd32blk,sadd32blk,sdpfifo_q)
-- begin
-- --! La cola para la normalizacion de los vectores.
-- snormfifo_d(qx) <= (hblockslab and ((cdblockslab and sparaminput(dx))or(not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cx)))) or (not(hblockslab) and ((abblockslab and sparaminput(bx))or(not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(ax))));
-- snormfifo_d(qy) <= (hblockslab and ((cdblockslab and sparaminput(dy))or(not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cy)))) or (not(hblockslab) and ((abblockslab and sparaminput(by))or(not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(ay))));
-- snormfifo_d(qz) <= (hblockslab and ((cdblockslab and sparaminput(dz))or(not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cz)))) or (not(hblockslab) and ((abblockslab and sparaminput(bz))or(not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(az))));
-- --! Combinatorio para decidir que operaciones realizan los sumadores / restadores.
-- add32blks <= (instr3(0) xor (instr3(1) xor instr3(0)))&(instr3(0) xor (instr3(1) xor instr3(0))) ;
-- --! Por defecto conectar los sumandos en producto punto/cruz
-- ssumando(s0) <= sprd32blk(p0);ssumando(s1) <= sprd32blk(p1);
-- ssumando(s6) <= sadd32blk(a0);ssumando(s7) <= sdpfifo_q(dpfifoab);
-- ssumando(s10) <= sdpfifo_q(dpfifocd);ssumando(s11) <= sadd32blk(a2);
-- ssumando(s4) <= sprd32blk(p4);ssumando(s5) <= sprd32blk(p5);
-- ssumando(s2) <= sprd32blk(p2);ssumando(s3) <= sprd32blk(p3);
-- --! El segundo sumador del segundo bloque siempre sera suma o resta independiente de la operacion
-- ssumando(s8) <= sparaminput(cy);ssumando(s9) <= sparaminput(dy);
-- --! Por defecto conectar los factores en producto punto
-- sfactor(f0) <= sparaminput(ax);sfactor(f1) <= sparaminput(bx);
-- sfactor(f2) <= sparaminput(ay);sfactor(f3) <= sparaminput(by);
-- sfactor(f4) <= sparaminput(az);sfactor(f5) <= sparaminput(bz);
-- sfactor(f6) <= sparaminput(bx);sfactor(f7) <= sparaminput(dx);
-- sfactor(f8) <= sparaminput(by);sfactor(f9) <= sparaminput(dy);
-- sfactor(f10) <= sparaminput(bz);sfactor(f11) <= sparaminput(dz);
-- --!Los resultados por defecto se acomodan al producto punto y parcialmente a los productos simple y escalar.
-- sresult(ax) <= sadd32blk(aa);
-- sresult(ay) <= sprd32blk(p1);
-- sresult(az) <= sprd32blk(p2);
-- sresult(bx) <= sadd32blk(ac);
-- sresult(by) <= sprd32blk(p4);
-- sresult(bz) <= sprd32blk(p5);
-- if (instr3(2 downto 1)="11" or instr3="100") then
-- sresult(ax) <= sprd32blk(p0);
-- sresult(bx) <= sprd32blk(p3);
-- elsif instr3(0)='1' then
-- sresult(ax) <= sprd32blk(a0);
-- sresult(ay) <= sprd32blk(a1);
-- sresult(az) <= sprd32blk(a2);
-- sresult(bx) <= sadd32blk(aa);
-- sresult(by) <= sprd32blk(ab);
-- sresult(bz) <= sadd32blk(ac);
-- elsif instr3(1)='1' then
-- sresult(ax) <= ssqr32blk(sqrt320);
-- sresult(bx) <= ssqr32blk(sqrt321);
-- end if;
-- if instr3(0)='1' then --! Producto Cruz, suma, resta, multiplicacion simple
-- if (instr3(2) or instr3(1))='1' then --! Suma, Resta, Multiplicacion simple
-- --! Conectar las entradas de los sumadores en suma o resta de vectores
-- ssumando(s0) <= sparaminput(ax);ssumando(s1) <= sparaminput(bx);
-- ssumando(s2) <= sparaminput(ay);ssumando(s3) <= sparaminput(by);
-- ssumando(s4) <= sparaminput(az);ssumando(s5) <= sparaminput(bz);
-- ssumando(s6) <= sparaminput(cx);ssumando(s7) <= sparaminput(dx);
-- ssumando(s10) <= sparaminput(cz);ssumando(s11) <= sparaminput(dz);
-- else --! Producto Cruz!
-- if hblock='1' then --! Producto crux CxD
-- --!Multiplicadores:
-- sfactor(f0) <= sparaminput(cy);sfactor(f1) <= sparaminput(dz);sfactor(f2) <= sparaminput(cz);sfactor(f3) <= sparaminput(dy);
-- sfactor(f4) <= sparaminput(cx);sfactor(f5) <= sparaminput(dz);sfactor(f6) <= sparaminput(cz);sfactor(f7) <= sparaminput(dx);
-- sfactor(f8) <= sparaminput(cx);sfactor(f9) <= sparaminput(dy);sfactor(f10) <= sparaminput(cy);sfactor(f11) <= sparaminput(dx);
-- else --! Producto crux AxD
-- --!Multiplicadores:
-- sfactor(f0) <= sparaminput(ay);sfactor(f1) <= sparaminput(bz);sfactor(f2) <= sparaminput(az);sfactor(f3) <= sparaminput(by);
-- sfactor(f4) <= sparaminput(ax);sfactor(f5) <= sparaminput(bz);sfactor(f6) <= sparaminput(az);sfactor(f7) <= sparaminput(bx);
-- sfactor(f8) <= sparaminput(ax);sfactor(f9) <= sparaminput(by);sfactor(f10) <= sparaminput(ay);sfactor(f11) <= sparaminput(bx);
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- else --! Producto Punto, magnitud, producto escalar y normalizacion
-- if instr3(2)='1' then --!Producto Escalar (INSTR3(1)=0) o Normalizacion (INSTR3(1)=1)
-- sfactor(f0) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(ax)) or (instr31slab and ((not(hblockslab) and ((not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(ax)) or(abblockslab and sparaminput(bx))))or( hblockslab and snormfifo_q(qx)) ) );
-- sfactor(f1) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(bx)) or (instr31slab and ((not(hblockslab) and ((not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(ax)) or(abblockslab and sparaminput(bx))))or( hblockslab and sinv32blk(invr321)) ) );
-- sfactor(f2) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(ay)) or (instr31slab and ((not(hblockslab) and ((not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(ay)) or(abblockslab and sparaminput(by))))or( hblockslab and snormfifo_q(qy)) ) );
-- sfactor(f3) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(bx)) or (instr31slab and ((not(hblockslab) and ((not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(ay)) or(abblockslab and sparaminput(by))))or( hblockslab and sinv32blk(invr321)) ) );
-- sfactor(f4) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(az)) or (instr31slab and ((not(hblockslab) and ((not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(az)) or(abblockslab and sparaminput(bz))))or( hblockslab and snormfifo_q(qz)) ) );
-- sfactor(f5) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(bx)) or (instr31slab and ((not(hblockslab) and ((not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(az)) or(abblockslab and sparaminput(bz))))or( hblockslab and sinv32blk(invr321)) ) );
-- sfactor(f6) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(cx)) or (instr31slab and ((hblockslab and ((not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cx)) or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dx))))or( not(hblockslab) and snormfifo_q(qx)) ) );
-- sfactor(f7) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(dx)) or (instr31slab and ((hblockslab and ((not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cx)) or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dx))))or( not(hblockslab) and sinv32blk(invr320)) ) );
-- sfactor(f8) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(cy)) or (instr31slab and ((hblockslab and ((not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cy)) or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dy))))or( not(hblockslab) and snormfifo_q(qy)) ) );
-- sfactor(f9) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(dx)) or (instr31slab and ((hblockslab and ((not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cy)) or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dy))))or( not(hblockslab) and sinv32blk(invr320)) ) );
-- sfactor(f10) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(cz)) or (instr31slab and ((hblockslab and ((not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cz)) or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dz))))or( not(hblockslab) and snormfifo_q(qz)) ) );
-- sfactor(f11) <= (not instr31slab and sparaminput(dx)) or (instr31slab and ((hblockslab and ((not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cz)) or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dz))))or( not(hblockslab) and sinv32blk(invr320)) ) );
-- elsif instr3(1)='1' then --!Magnitud. El producto punto no se computa porque los factores estan por defecto configurados en producto punto.
-- sfactor(f0) <= (not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(ax))or(abblockslab and sparaminput(bx));
-- sfactor(f1) <= (not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(ax))or(abblockslab and sparaminput(bx));
-- sfactor(f2) <= (not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(ay))or(abblockslab and sparaminput(by));
-- sfactor(f3) <= (not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(ay))or(abblockslab and sparaminput(by));
-- sfactor(f4) <= (not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(az))or(abblockslab and sparaminput(bz));
-- sfactor(f5) <= (not(abblockslab) and sparaminput(az))or(abblockslab and sparaminput(bz));
-- sfactor(f6) <= (not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cx))or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dx));
-- sfactor(f7) <= (not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cx))or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dx));
-- sfactor(f8) <= (not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cy))or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dy));
-- sfactor(f9) <= (not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cy))or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dy));
-- sfactor(f10) <= (not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cz))or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dz));
-- sfactor(f11) <= (not(cdblockslab) and sparaminput(cz))or(cdblockslab and sparaminput(dz));
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end process;
end dpc_arch;
end dpc_arch;
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