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#include "iclass.h"
#include <riscv-isa.h>
#include "iservice.h"
#include "ihap.h"
#include "async_tqueue.h"
#include "coreservices/ithread.h"
#include "coreservices/icpuriscv.h"
#include "coreservices/imemop.h"
#include "coreservices/iclock.h"
#include "coreservices/iclklistener.h"
#include "instructions.h"
#include "instructions.h"
#include "generic/cpu_generic.h"
#include "coreservices/icpuriscv.h"
#include "coreservices/isocinfo.h"
namespace debugger {
namespace debugger {
class CpuRiscV_Functional : public IService,
class CpuRiver_Functional : public CpuGeneric,
public IThread,
public ICpuRiscV {
public ICpuRiscV,
public IClock,
public IHap {
CpuRiscV_Functional(const char *name);
explicit CpuRiver_Functional(const char *name);
virtual ~CpuRiscV_Functional();
virtual ~CpuRiver_Functional();
/** IService interface */
/** IService interface */
virtual void postinitService();
virtual void postinitService();
/** ICpuRiscV interface */
/** IResetListener itnterface */
virtual void reset(bool active);
/** ICpuGeneric interface */
virtual void raiseSignal(int idx);
virtual void raiseSignal(int idx);
virtual void lowerSignal(int idx);
virtual void lowerSignal(int idx);
virtual void nb_transport_debug_port(DebugPortTransactionType *trans,
virtual void raiseSoftwareIrq() {}
IDbgNbResponse *cb);
virtual uint64_t getIrqAddress(int idx) { return readCSR(CSR_mtvec); }
/** IClock */
// Common River methods shared with instructions:
virtual uint64_t getStepCounter() { return cpu_context_.step_cnt; }
uint64_t *getpRegs() { return portRegs_.getpR64(); }
virtual void registerStepCallback(IClockListener *cb, uint64_t t);
uint64_t readCSR(int idx);
void writeCSR(int idx, uint64_t val);
/** IHap */
virtual void hapTriggered(IFace *isrc, EHapType type, const char *descr);
/** IThread interface */
/** CpuGeneric common methods */
virtual void busyLoop();
virtual EEndianessType endianess() { return LittleEndian; }
virtual GenericInstruction *decodeInstruction(Reg64Type *cache);
virtual void generateIllegalOpcode();
bool isHalt() { return dbg_state_ == STATE_Halted; }
virtual void handleTrap();
void halt(const char *descr=NULL);
/** Tack Registers changes during execution */
void go();
virtual void trackContextStart();
void step(uint64_t cnt);
/** // Stop tracking and write trace file */
uint64_t getReg(uint64_t idx);
virtual void trackContextEnd();
void setReg(uint64_t idx, uint64_t val);
uint64_t getPC();
void addIsaUserRV64I();
void setPC(uint64_t val);
void addIsaPrivilegedRV64I();
uint64_t getNPC();
void addIsaExtensionA();
void setNPC(uint64_t val);
void addIsaExtensionC();
void addBreakpoint(uint64_t addr);
void addIsaExtensionF();
void removeBreakpoint(uint64_t addr);
void addIsaExtensionM();
void hitBreakpoint(uint64_t addr);
unsigned addSupportedInstruction(RiscvInstruction *instr);
CpuContextType *getpContext() { return &cpu_context_; }
uint32_t hash32(uint32_t val) { return (val >> 2) & 0x1f; }
uint32_t hash32(uint32_t val) { return (val >> 2) & 0x1f; }
/** Compressed instruction */
void updatePipeline();
uint32_t hash16(uint16_t val) {
void updateState();
uint32_t t1 = val & 0x3;
void updateDebugPort();
return 0x20 | ((val >> 13) << 2) | t1;
void updateQueue();
bool isRunning();
void reset();
void handleTrap();
void fetchInstruction();
IInstruction *decodeInstruction(uint32_t *rpayload);
void executeInstruction(IInstruction *instr, uint32_t *rpayload);
void debugRegOutput(const char *marker, CpuContextType *pContext);
static const int INSTR_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 1 << 5;
AttributeType isEnable_;
AttributeType bus_;
AttributeType listExtISA_;
AttributeType listExtISA_;
AttributeType freqHz_;
AttributeType vendorID_;
AttributeType generateRegTraceFile_;
AttributeType vectorTable_;
AttributeType generateMemTraceFile_;
AttributeType resetVector_;
event_def config_done_;
AsyncTQueueType queue_;
uint64_t last_hit_breakpoint_;
Axi4TransactionType trans_;
uint32_t cacheline_[512/4];
// Registers:
static const int INSTR_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 1 << 6;
AttributeType listInstr_[INSTR_HASH_TABLE_SIZE];
AttributeType listInstr_[INSTR_HASH_TABLE_SIZE];
CpuContextType cpu_context_;
enum EDebugState {
GenericReg64Bank portRegs_;
GenericReg64Bank portSavedRegs_;
GenericReg64Bank portCSR_;
} dbg_state_;
uint64_t dbg_step_cnt_;
char tstr[1024];
uint64_t iregs_prev[32]; // to detect changes
struct DebugPortType {
bool valid;
DebugPortTransactionType *trans;
IDbgNbResponse *cb;
// local registers
uint64_t stepping_mode_steps;
} dport;
} // namespace debugger
} // namespace debugger
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