Line 12... |
Line 12... |
'RegList':[['ra', 's0', 'a0'],
['sp', 's1', 'a1'],
['gp', 's2', 'a2'],
['tp', 's3', 'a3'],
['' , 's4', 'a4'],
['t0', 's5', 'a5'],
['t1', 's6', 'a6'],
['t2', 's7', 'a7'],
['t3', 's8', ''],
['t4', 's9', ''],
['t5', 's10', 'pc'],
['t6', 's11', 'npc']],
Line 38... |
Line 53... |
Line 73... |
Line 89... |
['pc',8,32,'Instruction Pointer'],
['pc',8,0x08100,'Instruction Pointer'],
['npc',8,33,'Next IP']]],
['npc',8,0x08108,'Next IP']]],
['MISA',8,0xf10,'Architecture and supported set of instructions'],
['MISA',8,0xf10,'Architecture and supported set of instructions'],
['MVENDORID',8,0xf11,'Vecndor ID'],
['MVENDORID',8,0xf11,'Vecndor ID'],
['MARCHID',8,0xf12,'Architecture ID'],
['MARCHID',8,0xf12,'Architecture ID'],
['MIMPLEMENTATIONID',8,0xf13,'Implementation ID'],
['MIMPLEMENTATIONID',8,0xf13,'Implementation ID'],
Line 99... |
Line 115... |
['MEPC',8,0x341,'Machine exception program counter'],
['MEPC',8,0x341,'Machine exception program counter'],
['MCAUSE',8,0x342,'Machine cause trap register'],
['MCAUSE',8,0x342,'Machine cause trap register'],
['MBADADDR',8,0x343,'Machine mode bad address register'],
['MBADADDR',8,0x343,'Machine mode bad address register'],
['MIP',8,0x344,'Machine mode interrupt pending bits register']
['MIP',8,0x344,'Machine mode interrupt pending bits register']