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`include "inc.h"
// S Y N T H E S I Z A B L E S D R A M C O N T R O L L E R C O R E
// This core adheres to the GNU Public License
// This is a synthesizable Synchronous DRAM controller Core. As it stands,
// it is ready to work with 8Mbyte SDRAMs, organized as 2M x 32 at 100MHz
// and 125MHz. For example: Samsung KM432S2030CT, Fujitsu MB81F643242B.
// The core has been carefully coded so as to be "platform-independent".
// It has been successfully compiled and simulated under three separate
// FPGA/CPLD platforms:
// Xilinx Foundation Base Express V2.1i
// Altera Max+PlusII V9.21
// Lattice ispExpert V7.0
// The interface to the host (i.e. microprocessor, DSP, etc) is synchronous
// and supports ony one transfer at a time. That is, burst-mode transfers
// are not yet supported. In may ways, the interface to this core is much
// like that of a typical SRAM. The hand-shaking between the host and the
// SDRAM core is done through the "sdram_busy_l" signal generated by the
// core. Whenever this signal is active low, the host must hold the address,
// data (if doing a write), size and the controls (cs, rd/wr).
// Connection Diagram:
// SDRAM side:
// sd_wr_l connect to -WR pin of SDRAM
// sd_cs_l connect to -CS pin of SDRAM
// sd_ras_l connect to -RAS pin of SDRAM
// sd_cas_l connect to -CAS pin of SDRAM
// sd_dqm[3:0] connect to the DQM3,DQM2,DQM1,DQM0 pins
// sd_addx[10:0] connect to the Address bus [10:0]
// sd_data[31:0] connect to the data bus [31:0]
// sd_ba[1:0] connect to BA1, BA0 pins of SDRAM
// HOST side:
// mp_addx[22:0] connect to the address bus of the host.
// 23 bit address bus give access to 8Mbyte
// of the SDRAM, as byte, half-word (16bit)
// or word (32bit)
// mp_data_in[31:0] Unidirectional bus connected to the data out
// of the host. To use this, enable
// "databus_is_unidirectional" in INC.H
// mp_data_out[31:0] Unidirectional bus connected to the data in
// of the host. To use this, enable
// "databus_is_unidirectional" in INC.H
// mp_data[31:0] Bi-directional bus connected to the host's
// data bus. To use the bi-directionla bus,
// disable "databus_is_unidirectional" in INC.H
// mp_rd_l Connect to the -RD output of the host
// mp_wr_l Connect to the -WR output of the host
// mp_cs_l Connect to the -CS of the host
// mp_size[1:0] Connect to the size output of the host
// if there is one. When set to 0
// all trasnfers are 32 bits, when set to 1
// all transfers are 8 bits, and when set to
// 2 all xfers are 16 bits. If you want the
// data to be lower order aligned, turn on
// "align_data_bus" option in INC.H
// sdram_busy_l Connect this to the wait or hold equivalent
// input of the host. The host, must hold the
// bus if it samples this signal as low.
// sdram_mode_set_l When a write occurs with this set low,
// the SDRAM's mode set register will be programmed
// with the data supplied on the data_bus[10:0].
// Author: Jeung Joon Lee,
// Hierarchy:
// SDRAM.V Top Level Module
// HOSTCONT.V Controls the interfacing between the micro and the SDRAM
// SDRAMCNT.V This is the SDRAM controller. All data passed to and from
// is with the HOSTCONT.
// optional
// MICRO.V This is the built in SDRAM tester. This module generates
// a number of test logics which is used to test the SDRAM
// It is basically a Micro bus generator.
module sdramcnt(
// system level stuff
// SDRAM connections
// Host Controller connections
// debug
parameter N1 = 4;
// ****************************************
// ****************************************
// System level stuff
input sys_rst_l;
input sys_clk;
// SDRAM connections
output sd_wr_l;
output sd_cs_l;
output sd_ras_l;
output sd_cas_l;
output [(N1-1):0] sd_dqm;
// Host Controller connections
input do_mode_set;
input do_read;
input do_write;
output doing_refresh;
output [1:0] sd_addx_mux;
output [1:0] sd_addx10_mux;
output sd_rd_ena;
output sd_data_ena;
input [2:0] modereg_cas_latency;
input [2:0] modereg_burst_length;
output mp_data_mux;
input [3:0] decoded_dqm;
output do_write_ack;
output do_read_ack;
output do_modeset_ack;
output pwrup;
// Debug
output [3:0] next_state;
output [3:0] autorefresh_cntr;
output autorefresh_cntr_l;
output [12:0] cntr_limit;
// ****************************************
// Memory Elements
// ****************************************
reg [3:0] next_state;
reg [7:0] refresh_timer;
reg sd_wr_l;
reg sd_cs_l;
reg sd_ras_l;
reg sd_cas_l;
reg [3:0] sd_dqm;
reg [1:0] sd_addx_mux;
reg [1:0] sd_addx10_mux;
reg sd_data_ena;
reg pwrup; // this variable holds the power up condition
reg [12:0] refresh_cntr; // this is the refresh counter
reg refresh_cntr_l; // this is the refresh counter reset signal
reg [3:0] burst_length_cntr;
reg burst_cntr_ena;
reg sd_rd_ena; // read latch gate, active high
reg [12:0] cntr_limit;
reg [3:0] modereg_burst_count;
reg [2:0] refresh_state;
reg mp_data_mux;
wire do_refresh; // this bit indicates autorefresh is due
reg doing_refresh; // this bit indicates that the state machine is
// doing refresh.
reg [3:0] autorefresh_cntr;
reg autorefresh_cntr_l;
reg do_write_ack;
reg do_read_ack;
reg do_modeset_ack;
reg do_refresh_ack;
wire Trc_expired, Ref_expired;
assign Trc_expired = (autorefresh_cntr == 4'h6);
assign Ref_expired = (refresh_cntr == cntr_limit);
// State Machine
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_l)
if (~sys_rst_l) begin
next_state <= `state_powerup;
autorefresh_cntr_l <= `LO;
refresh_cntr_l <= `LO;
pwrup <= `HI; // high indicates we've just power'd up or RESET
sd_wr_l <= `HI;
sd_cs_l <= `HI;
sd_ras_l <= `HI;
sd_cas_l <= `HI;
sd_dqm <= 4'hF;
sd_data_ena <= `LO;
sd_addx_mux <= 2'b10; // select the mode reg default value
sd_addx10_mux <= 2'b11; // select 1 as default
sd_rd_ena <= `LO;
mp_data_mux <= `LO;
// refresh_cntr<= 13'h0000;
burst_cntr_ena <= `LO; // do not enable the burst counter
doing_refresh <= `LO;
do_write_ack <= `LO; // do not ack as reset default
do_read_ack <= `LO; // do not ack as reset default
do_modeset_ack <= `LO; // do not ack as reset default
do_refresh_ack <= `LO;
else case (next_state)
// Power Up state
`state_powerup: begin
next_state <= `state_precharge;
sd_wr_l <= `HI;
sd_cs_l <= `HI;
sd_ras_l <= `HI;
sd_cas_l <= `HI;
sd_dqm <= 4'hF;
sd_data_ena <= `LO;
sd_addx_mux <= 2'b10;
sd_rd_ena <= `LO;
pwrup <= `HI; // this is the power up run
burst_cntr_ena <= `LO; // do not enable the burst counter
refresh_cntr_l <= `HI; // allow the refresh cycle counter to count
// PRECHARGE both (or all) banks
`state_precharge: begin
sd_wr_l <= `LO;
sd_cs_l <= `LO;
sd_ras_l <= `LO;
sd_cas_l <= `HI;
sd_dqm <= 4'hF;
sd_addx10_mux <= 2'b11; // A10 = 1'b1
next_state <= `state_idle;
if (do_write_ack)
do_write_ack<= `LO; // done acknowledging the write request
if (do_read_ack)
do_read_ack <= `LO; // done acknowledging the read request
// Delay Trp
// this delay is needed to meet the minimum precharge to new command
// delay. For most parts, this is 20nS, which means you need 1 clock cycle
// of NOP at 100MHz
`state_delay_Trp: begin
sd_wr_l <= `HI;
sd_cs_l <= `HI;
sd_ras_l <= `HI;
if ( (refresh_cntr == cntr_limit) & (pwrup == `HI) ) begin
doing_refresh <= `LO; // refresh cycle is done
refresh_cntr_l <= `LO; // ..reset refresh counter
next_state <= `state_modeset; // if this was power-up, then go and set mode reg
end else begin
doing_refresh <= `HI; // indicate that we're doing refresh
next_state <= `state_auto_refresh;
// Autorefresh
`state_auto_refresh: begin
sd_wr_l <= `HI;
sd_cs_l <= `LO;
sd_ras_l <= `LO;
sd_cas_l <= `LO;
sd_addx10_mux <= 2'b01; // A10 = 0
next_state <= `state_auto_refresh_dly;
autorefresh_cntr_l <= `HI; //allow refresh delay cntr (Trc) to tick
do_refresh_ack <= `HI; // acknowledge refresh request
// This state generates the Trc delay.
// this delay is the delay from the refresh command to the next valid command
// most parts require this to be 60 to 70nS. So at 100MHz, we need at least
// 6 NOPs.
`state_auto_refresh_dly: begin
sd_wr_l <= `HI;
sd_cs_l <= `HI;
sd_ras_l <= `HI;
sd_cas_l <= `HI;
sd_addx10_mux <= 2'b00; // select ROW again A10 = A20
casex ( {Trc_expired, Ref_expired, pwrup, (do_write|do_read)} )
// Trc not expired yet
4'b0xxx: begin
next_state <= `state_auto_refresh_dly;
do_refresh_ack <= `LO;
// Back-back refreshes not done yet
4'b10xx: begin
autorefresh_cntr_l <= `LO; // reset Trc delay counter
next_state <= `state_auto_refresh;
// This is powerup run, so go and set modereg
4'b110x: begin
autorefresh_cntr_l <= `LO; // reset Trc delay counter
doing_refresh <= `LO; // refresh cycle is done
refresh_cntr_l <= `LO; // ..reset refresh counter
next_state <= `state_modeset;
4'b1111: begin
autorefresh_cntr_l <= `LO; // reset Trc delay counter
doing_refresh <= `LO; // refresh cycle is done
refresh_cntr_l <= `LO; // ..reset refresh counter
next_state <= `state_set_ras; // go service a pending read or write if any
4'b1110: begin
autorefresh_cntr_l <= `LO; // reset Trc delay counter
doing_refresh <= `LO; // refresh cycle is done
refresh_cntr_l <= `LO; // ..reset refresh counter
next_state <= `state_idle; // go service a pending read or write if any
// Wait for Trc
if (autorefresh_cntr == 4'h6) begin
autorefresh_cntr_l <= `LO; // reset Trc delay counter
// Check if the number of specified back-back refreshes are done
if (refresh_cntr == cntr_limit) begin
doing_refresh <= `LO; // refresh cycle is done
refresh_cntr_l <= `LO; // ..reset refresh counter
// if this is not a power-up sequence, and there are pending
// requests, then service it.
if (~pwrup)
if (do_write | do_read)
next_state <= `state_set_ras; // go service a pending read or write if any
next_state <= `state_idle; // if there are no peding RD or WR, then go to idle state
// if this is part of power-up sequencing, we need to go and
// set mode register.
next_state <= `state_modeset;
// IF refresh cycles not done yet, keep issuing autorefresh commands
next_state <= `state_auto_refresh;
// If Trc has not expired
else begin
next_state <= `state_auto_refresh_dly;
do_refresh_ack <= `LO;
// MODE SET state
`state_modeset: begin
next_state <= `state_idle;
sd_wr_l <= `LO;
sd_cs_l <= `LO;
sd_ras_l <= `LO;
sd_cas_l <= `LO;
sd_addx_mux <= 2'b10;
sd_addx10_mux <= 2'b10;
doing_refresh <= `LO; // deassert
if (pwrup)
pwrup <= `LO; // more in power up mode
if (do_mode_set)
do_modeset_ack <= `LO;
// IDLE state
`state_idle: begin
sd_wr_l <= `HI;
sd_cs_l <= `HI;
sd_ras_l <= `HI;
sd_cas_l <= `HI;
sd_data_ena <= `LO; // turn off the data bus drivers
mp_data_mux <= `LO; // drive the SD data bus with normal data
sd_addx_mux <= 2'b00; // select ROW (A[19:10]) of mp_addx to SDRAM
sd_addx10_mux <= 2'b00; // select ROW (A[20]) " "
// if we've just come out of system reset (or powerup)
// then we need to go and do initialization sequence.
// Or, if a refresh is requested, go and service it.
if (do_refresh | pwrup) begin
doing_refresh <= `HI; // indicate that we're doing refresh
refresh_cntr_l <= `HI; // allow refresh cycle counter to count up
next_state <= `state_auto_refresh;
// if a single word rad or write request is pending, go and service it
else if (do_write | do_read )
next_state <= `state_set_ras;
// if a mode register set is requested, go and service it
else if (do_mode_set) begin
do_modeset_ack <= `HI; // acknowledge the mode set request
next_state <= `state_modeset;
doing_refresh <= `HI; // techincally we're not doing refresh, but
end // this signal is used to prevent the do_write be deasserted
// by the mode_set command.
// SET RAS state
`state_set_ras: begin
sd_cs_l <= `LO; // enable SDRAM
sd_ras_l <= `LO; // enable the RAS
next_state <= `state_ras_dly; // wait for a bit
// RAS delay state.
// This delay is needed to meet Trcd delay. This is the RAS to CAS delay.
// for most parts this is 20nS. So for 100MHz operation, there needs to be
// at least 1 NOP cycle.
`state_ras_dly: begin
sd_cs_l <= `HI; // disable SDRAM
sd_ras_l <= `HI; // disble the RAS
sd_addx_mux <= 2'b01; // select COLUMN
sd_addx10_mux <= 2'b01; // select COLUMN
if (do_write) begin
sd_data_ena <= `HI; // turn on the data bus drivers
sd_dqm <= decoded_dqm; // masks the data which is meant to be
next_state <= `state_write; // if write, do the write
end else begin
sd_dqm <= 4'h0;
next_state <= `state_set_cas; // if read, do the read
// WRITE state
`state_write: begin
sd_cs_l <= `LO; // enable SDRAM
sd_cas_l <= `LO; // enable the CAS
sd_wr_l <= `LO; // enable the write
do_write_ack<= `HI; // acknowledge the write request
sd_dqm <= 4'hF;
next_state <= `state_delay_Tras1;
`state_delay_Tras1: begin
sd_wr_l <= `HI;
sd_cs_l <= `HI;
sd_ras_l <= `HI;
sd_cas_l <= `HI;
sd_dqm <= 4'hF;
sd_addx_mux <= 2'b00; // send ROW (A[19:10]) of mp_addx to SDRAM
sd_addx10_mux <= 2'b00; // send ROW (A[20]) " "
mp_data_mux <= `HI; // drive the SD data bus with all zeros
next_state <= `state_delay_Tras2;
`state_delay_Tras2: begin
next_state <= `state_precharge;
// SET CAS state
`state_set_cas: begin
sd_cs_l <= `LO;
sd_cas_l <= `LO;
sd_dqm <= 4'h0;
next_state <= `state_cas_latency1;
`state_cas_latency1: begin
sd_cs_l <= `HI; // disable CS
sd_cas_l <= `HI; // disable CAS
sd_dqm <= 4'hF;
if (modereg_cas_latency==3'b010) begin
do_read_ack <= `HI; // acknowledge the read request (do it here due to the latency)
next_state <= `state_read; // 2 cycles of lantency done.
burst_cntr_ena <= `HI; // enable he burst lenght counter
end else
next_state <= `state_cas_latency2; // 3 cycles of latency
`state_cas_latency2: begin
next_state <= `state_read;
burst_cntr_ena <= `HI; // enable the burst lenght counter
do_read_ack <= `HI; // acknowledge the read request (do it here due to the latency)
`state_read: begin
if (burst_length_cntr == modereg_burst_count) begin
burst_cntr_ena <= `LO; // done counting;
sd_rd_ena <= `LO; // done with the reading
next_state <= `state_precharge;
sd_wr_l <= `HI;
sd_cs_l <= `HI;
sd_ras_l <= `HI;
sd_cas_l <= `HI;
sd_addx_mux <= 2'b00; // send ROW (A[19:10]) of mp_addx to SDRAM
sd_addx10_mux <= 2'b00; // send ROW (A[20]) " "
mp_data_mux <= `HI; // drive the SD data bus with all zeros
end else begin
sd_rd_ena <= `HI; // enable the read latch on the next state
next_state <= `state_read;
// This counter is used to generate a delay right after the
// auto-refresh command is issued to the SDRAM
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge autorefresh_cntr_l)
if (~autorefresh_cntr_l)
autorefresh_cntr <= 4'h0;
autorefresh_cntr <= autorefresh_cntr + 1;
// This mux selects the cycle limit value for the
// auto refresh counter.
// During power-up sequencing, we need to do `power_up_ref_cntr_limit
// number of back=back refreshes.
// During regular operation, we need to do `auto_ref_cntr_limit number of
// back-back refreshes. This, for most cases is just 1, but if we're doing
// "burst" type of refreshes, it could be more than 1.
always @(pwrup)
case (pwrup)
`HI: cntr_limit <= `power_up_ref_cntr_limit;
default: cntr_limit <= `auto_ref_cntr_limit;
// This is the burst length counter.
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge burst_cntr_ena)
if (~burst_cntr_ena)
burst_length_cntr <= 3'b000; // reset whenever 'burst_cntr_ena' is low
burst_length_cntr <= burst_length_cntr + 1;
// This counter keeps track of the number of back-back refreshes we're
// doing. For most cases this would just be 1, but it allows "burst"
// refresh, where all refrehses are done back to back.
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge refresh_cntr_l)
if (~refresh_cntr_l)
refresh_cntr <= 13'h0000;
else if (next_state == `state_auto_refresh)
refresh_cntr <= refresh_cntr + 1;
always @(modereg_burst_length)
case (modereg_burst_length)
3'b000: modereg_burst_count <= 4'h1;
3'b001: modereg_burst_count <= 4'h2;
3'b010: modereg_burst_count <= 4'h4;
default modereg_burst_count <= 4'h8;
// REFRESH Request generator
assign do_refresh = (refresh_state == `state_halt);
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_l)
if (~sys_rst_l) begin
refresh_state <= `state_count;
refresh_timer <= 8'h00;
else case (refresh_state)
// count up the refresh interval counter. If the
// timer reaches the refresh-expire time, then go next state
if (refresh_timer != `RC) begin
refresh_timer <= refresh_timer + 1;
refresh_state <= `state_count;
end else begin
refresh_state <= `state_halt;
refresh_timer <= 0;
// wait for the SDRAM to complete any ongoing reads or
// writes. If the SDRAM has acknowledged the do_refresh,
// (i.e. it is now doing the refresh)
// then go to next state
/* if (next_state==`state_auto_refresh |
next_state==`state_auto_refresh_dly |
next_state==`state_precharge )
refresh_state <= `state_reset;
if (do_refresh_ack)
refresh_state <= `state_count;
// if the SDRAM refresh is completed, then reset the counter
// and start counting up again.
if (next_state==`state_idle) begin
refresh_state <= `state_count;
refresh_timer <= 8'h00;
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