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end scio;
end scio;
architecture rtl of scio is
architecture rtl of scio is
constant SLAVE_CNT : integer := 2;
constant SLAVE_CNT : integer := 4;
constant DECODE_BITS : integer := 2;
-- number of bits that can be used inside the slave
constant SLAVE_ADDR_BITS : integer := 4;
constant SLAVE_ADDR_BITS : integer := 4;
type slave_bit is array(0 to SLAVE_CNT-1) of std_logic;
type slave_bit is array(0 to SLAVE_CNT-1) of std_logic;
signal sc_rd, sc_wr : slave_bit;
signal sc_rd, sc_wr : slave_bit;
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signal sc_dout : slave_dout;
signal sc_dout : slave_dout;
type slave_rdy_cnt is array(0 to SLAVE_CNT-1) of unsigned(1 downto 0);
type slave_rdy_cnt is array(0 to SLAVE_CNT-1) of unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal sc_rdy_cnt : slave_rdy_cnt;
signal sc_rdy_cnt : slave_rdy_cnt;
signal rd_mux : std_logic;
signal sel, sel_reg : integer range 0 to 2**DECODE_BITS-1;
assert SLAVE_CNT <= 2**DECODE_BITS report "Wrong constant in scio";
sel <= to_integer(unsigned(address(SLAVE_ADDR_BITS+DECODE_BITS-1 downto SLAVE_ADDR_BITS)));
-- What happens when sel_reg > SLAVE_CNT-1??
rd_data <= sc_dout(sel_reg);
rdy_cnt <= sc_rdy_cnt(sel_reg);
-- Connect two simple test slaves
-- Connect SLAVE_CNT simple test slaves
gsl: for i in 0 to SLAVE_CNT-1 generate
gsl: for i in 0 to SLAVE_CNT-1 generate
wbsl: entity work.sc_test_slave
sc_rd(i) <= rd when i=sel else '0';
sc_wr(i) <= wr when i=sel else '0';
scsl: entity work.sc_test_slave
generic map (
generic map (
-- shall we use less address bits inside the slaves?
-- shall we use less address bits inside the slaves?
addr_bits => SLAVE_ADDR_BITS
addr_bits => SLAVE_ADDR_BITS
port map (
port map (
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rd_data => sc_dout(i),
rd_data => sc_dout(i),
rdy_cnt => sc_rdy_cnt(i)
rdy_cnt => sc_rdy_cnt(i)
end generate;
end generate;
-- Address decoding
-- Register read mux selector
process(address, rd, wr)
-- How can we formulate this more elegant?
sc_rd(0) <= '0';
sc_wr(0) <= '0';
sc_rd(1) <= '0';
sc_wr(1) <= '0';
if address(SLAVE_ADDR_BITS)='0' then
sc_rd(0) <= rd;
sc_wr(0) <= wr;
sc_rd(1) <= rd;
sc_wr(1) <= wr;
end if;
end process;
-- Read mux selector
process(clk, reset)
process(clk, reset)
if (reset='1') then
if (reset='1') then
rd_mux <= '0';
sel_reg <= 0;
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if rd='1' then
if rd='1' then
rd_mux <= address(SLAVE_ADDR_BITS);
sel_reg <= sel;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- Read data and rdy_cnt mux
-- Or should we simple or the rdy_cnt values?
process(rd_mux, sc_dout, sc_rdy_cnt)
if rd_mux='0' then
rd_data <= sc_dout(0);
rdy_cnt <= sc_rdy_cnt(0);
rd_data <= sc_dout(1);
rdy_cnt <= sc_rdy_cnt(1);
end if;
end process;
end rtl;
end rtl;
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