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I/Os, program memory, etc.
I/Os, program memory, etc.
The features are:
The features are:
- high speed, low fabric utilization
- high speed, low fabric utilization
- vendor-independent Verilog output with a VHDL package file
- vendor-independent Verilog output with a VHDL package file
- simple Forth-like assembly language (41 instructions)
- simple Forth-like assembly language (43 instructions)
- single cycle instruction execution
- single cycle instruction execution
- automatic generation of I/O ports
- automatic generation of I/O ports
- configurable instruction, data stack, return stack, and memory utilization
- configurable instruction, data stack, return stack, and memory utilization
- extensible set of peripherals (I2C busses, UARTs, AXI4-Lite busses, etc.)
- extensible set of peripherals (I2C busses, UARTs, AXI4-Lite busses, etc.)
- extensible set of macros
- extensible set of macros
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the sizes of the instruction memory, data stack, and return stack; the input and
the sizes of the instruction memory, data stack, and return stack; the input and
output ports; RAM and ROM types and sizes; and peripherals.
output ports; RAM and ROM types and sizes; and peripherals.
The instructions are all single-cycle. The instructions include
The instructions are all single-cycle. The instructions include
- 4 arithmetic instructions: addition, subtraction, increment, and decrement
- 4 arithmetic instructions: addition, subtraction, increment, and decrement
- 2 carry bit instructions: +c and -c for addition and subtraction respectively
- 3 bit-wise logical instructions: and, or, and exclusive or
- 3 bit-wise logical instructions: and, or, and exclusive or
- 7 shift and rotation instructions: <<0, <<1, 0>>, 1>>, <>msb, and >>lsb
- 7 shift and rotation instructions: <<0, <<1, 0>>, 1>>, <>msb, and >>lsb
- 4 logical instructions: 0=, 0<>, -1=, -1<>
- 4 logical instructions: 0=, 0<>, -1=, -1<>
- 6 Forth-like data stack instructions: drop, dup, nip, over, push, swap
- 6 Forth-like data stack instructions: drop, dup, nip, over, push, swap
- 3 Forth-like return stack instructions: >r, r>, r@
- 3 Forth-like return stack instructions: >r, r>, r@
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These device speed and resource utilization results are copied from the build
These device speed and resource utilization results are copied from the build
tests. The full results are listed in core/9x8/build/uc/uc_led.9x8 which
tests. The full results are listed in the core/9x8/build directories. The
represents a minimal processor implementation (clock, reset, and one output).
tests use a minimal processor implementation (clock, reset, and one output).
See the uc_peripherals.9x8 file for results for a more complicated
Device-specific scripts state how these performance numbers were obtained.
implementation. Device-specific scripts state how these performance numbers
were obtained.
------ ------ ---------- -------------------------------
------ ------ ---------- -------------------------------
Altera Cyclone-III 190.6 MHz 282 LEs (preliminary)
Altera Cyclone-III 190.6 MHz 282 LEs (preliminary)
Altera Cyclone-IV 192.1 MHz 281 LEs (preliminary)
Altera Cyclone-IV 192.1 MHz 281 LEs (preliminary)
Altera Stratix-V 372.9 MHz 198 ALUTs (preliminary)
Altera Stratix-V 372.9 MHz 198 ALUTs (preliminary)
Lattice LCMXO2-640ZE-3 98.4 MHz 206 LUTs (preliminary)
Lattice LCMXO2-640ZE-3 98.4 MHz 206 LUTs (preliminary)
Lattice LFE2-6E-7 157.9 MHz 203 LUTs (preliminary)
Lattice LFE2-6E-7 157.9 MHz 203 LUTs (preliminary)
Xilinx Artix-7 316.5 MHz 151 slice LUTs (41 slices)
Xilinx Artix-7 TBD 163 slice LUTs (48 slices)
Xilinx Kintex-7 473.9 MHz 196 slice LUTs (55 slices)
Xilinx Kintex-7 TBD 158 slice LUTs (44 slices)
Xilinx Spartan-3A 148.3 MHz 231 4-input LUTs (130 slices)
Xilinx Spartan-3A 149.4 MHz 232 4-input LUTs (129 slices)
Xilinx Spartan-6 200.0 MHz 120 Slice LUTs (36 slices)
Xilinx Spartan-6 193.7 MHz 124 Slice LUTs (34 slices)
Xilinx Virtex-6 275.7 MHz 122 Slice LUTs (38 slices) (p.)
Xilinx Virtex-6 275.7 MHz 122 Slice LUTs (38 slices) (p.)
Disclaimer: Like other embedded processors, these are the maximum performance
Disclaimer: Like other embedded processors, these are the maximum performance
claims. Realistic implementations will produce slower maximum clock rates,
claims. Realistic implementations will produce slower maximum clock rates,
particularly with lots of I/O ports and peripherals and with the constraint of
particularly with lots of I/O ports and peripherals and with the constraint of
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The 41 instructions are as follows (see core/9x8/doc/opcodes.html for detailed
The 43 instructions are as follows (see core/9x8/doc/opcodes.html for detailed
descriptions). Here, T is the top of the data stack, N is the next-to-top of
descriptions). Here, T is the top of the data stack, N is the next-to-top of
the data stack, and R is the top of the return stack. All of these are the
the data stack, and R is the top of the return stack. All of these are the
values at the start of the instruction.
values at the start of the instruction.
The nop instruction does nothing:
The nop instruction does nothing:
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+ N + T
+ N + T
- N - T
- N - T
^ bitwise exclusive or of N and T
^ bitwise exclusive or of N and T
or bitwise or of N and T
or bitwise or of N and T
Push the carry bit for addition or subtraction onto the data stack (see
lib/9x8/math.s for examples on using +c and -c for multi-byte arithmetic):
+c carry bit for N+T
-c carry bit for N-T
Increment and decrement replace the top of the data stack with the stated
Increment and decrement replace the top of the data stack with the stated
1+ replace T with T+1
1+ replace T with T+1
1- replace T with T-1
1- replace T with T-1