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Fixed point Multiplication Module Qm.n
C = (A << n) / B
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`include "aDefinitions.v"
// serial_divide_uu.v -- Serial division module
// Description: See description below (which suffices for IP core
// specification document.)
// Copyright (C) 2002 John Clayton and OPENCORES.ORG (this Verilog version)
// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided
// that this copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any
// derivative work contains the original copyright notice and the associated
// disclaimer.
// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this source.
// If not, download it from
// Author: John Clayton
// Date : Jan. 30, 2003
// Update: Jan. 30, 2003 Copied this file from "vga_crosshair.v"
// Stripped out extraneous stuff.
// Update: Mar. 14, 2003 Added S_PP parameter, made some simple changes to
// implement quotient leading zero "skip" feature.
// Update: Mar. 24, 2003 Updated comments to improve readability.
// Description:
// This module performs a division operation serially, producing one bit of the
// answer per clock cycle. The dividend and the divisor are both taken to be
// unsigned quantities. The divider is conceived as an integer divider (as
// opposed to a divider for fractional quantities) but the user can configure
// the divider to divide fractional quantities as long as the position of the
// binary point is carefully monitored.
// The widths of the signals are configurable by parameters, as follows:
// M_PP = Bit width of the dividend
// N_PP = Bit width of the divisor
// R_PP = Remainder bits desired
// S_PP = Skipped quotient bits
// The skipped quotient bits parameter provides a way to prevent the divider
// from calculating the full M_PP+R_PP output bits, in case some of the leading
// bits are already known to be zero. This is the case, for example, when
// dividing two quantities to obtain a result that is a fraction between 0 and 1
// (as when measuring PWM signals). In that case the integer portion of the
// quotient is always zero, and therefore it need not be calculated.
// The divide operation is begun by providing a pulse on the divide_i input.
// The quotient is provided (M_PP+R_PP-S_PP) clock cycles later.
// The divide_i pulse stores the input parameters in registers, so they do
// not need to be maintained at the inputs throughout the operation of the module.
// If a divide_i pulse is given to the serial_divide_uu module during the time
// when it is already working on a previous divide operation, it will abort the
// operation it was doing, and begin working on the new one.
// The user is responsible for treating the results correctly. The position
// of the binary point is not given, but it is understood that the integer part
// of the result is the M_PP most significant bits of the quotient output.
// The remaining R_PP least significant bits are the fractional part.
// This is illustrated graphically:
// [ M_PP bits ][ R_PP bits]
// [ S_PP bits ][quotient_o]
// The quotient will consist of whatever bits are left after removing the S_PP
// most significant bits from the (M_PP+R_PP) result bits.
// Attempting to divide by zero will simply produce a result of all ones.
// This core is so simple, that no checking for this condition is provided.
// If the user is concerned about a possible divide by zero condition, he should
// compare the divisor to zero and flag that condition himself!
// The COUNT_WIDTH_PP parameter must be sized so that 2^COUNT_WIDTH_PP-1 is >=
// M_PP+R_PP-S_PP-1. The unit terminates the divide operation when the count
// is equal to M_PP+R_PP-S_PP-1.
// The HELD_OUTPUT_PP parameter causes the unit to keep its output result in
// a register other than the one which it uses to compute the quotient. This
// is useful for applications where the divider is used repeatedly and the
// previous divide result (quotient) must be stable during the computation of the
// next divide result. Using the additional output register does incur some
// additional utilization of resources.
module serial_divide_uu (
M_PP => 21,
N_PP => 21,
R_PP => 0,
S_PP => 0,
parameter M_PP = 21; // Size of dividend
parameter N_PP = 21; // Size of divisor
parameter R_PP = 0; // Size of remainder
parameter S_PP = 0; // Skip this many bits (known leading zeros)
parameter COUNT_WIDTH_PP = 5; // 2^COUNT_WIDTH_PP-1 >= (M_PP+R_PP-S_PP-1)
parameter HELD_OUTPUT_PP = 1; // Set to 1 if stable output should be held
// from previous operation, during current
// operation. Using this option will increase
// the resource utilization (costs extra
// d-flip-flops.)
// I/O declarations
input clk_i; //
input clk_en_i;
input rst_i; // synchronous reset
input divide_i; // starts division operation
input [M_PP-1:0] dividend_i; //
input [N_PP-1:0] divisor_i; //
output [M_PP+R_PP-S_PP-1:0] quotient_o; //
output done_o; // indicates completion of operation
//reg [M_PP+R_PP-1:0] quotient_o;
reg done_o;
// Internal signal declarations
reg [M_PP+R_PP-1:0] grand_dividend;
reg [M_PP+N_PP+R_PP-2:0] grand_divisor;
reg [M_PP+R_PP-S_PP-1:0] quotient;
reg [M_PP+R_PP-1:0] quotient_reg; // Used exclusively for the held output
reg [COUNT_WIDTH_PP-1:0] divide_count;
wire [M_PP+N_PP+R_PP-1:0] subtract_node; // Subtract node has extra "sign" bit
wire [M_PP+R_PP-1:0] quotient_node; // Shifted version of quotient
wire [M_PP+N_PP+R_PP-2:0] divisor_node; // Shifted version of grand divisor
// Module code
// Serial dividing module
always @(posedge clk_i)
if (rst_i)
grand_dividend <= 0;
grand_divisor <= 0;
divide_count <= 0;
quotient <= 0;
done_o <= 0;
else if (clk_en_i)
done_o <= 0;
if (divide_i) // Start a new division
quotient <= 0;
divide_count <= 0;
// dividend placed initially so that remainder bits are zero...
grand_dividend <= dividend_i << R_PP;
// divisor placed initially for a 1 bit overlap with dividend...
// But adjust it back by S_PP, to account for bits that are known
// to be leading zeros in the quotient.
grand_divisor <= divisor_i << (N_PP+R_PP-S_PP-1);
else if (divide_count == M_PP+R_PP-S_PP-1)
if (~done_o) quotient <= quotient_node; // final shift...
if (~done_o) quotient_reg <= quotient_node; // final shift (held output)
done_o <= 1; // Indicate done, just sit
else // Division in progress
// If the subtraction yields a positive result, then store that result
if (~subtract_node[M_PP+N_PP+R_PP-1]) grand_dividend <= subtract_node;
// If the subtraction yields a positive result, then a 1 bit goes into
// the quotient, via a shift register
quotient <= quotient_node;
// shift the grand divisor to the right, to cut it in half next clock cycle
grand_divisor <= divisor_node;
// Advance the counter
divide_count <= divide_count + 1;
end // End of else if clk_en_i
end // End of always block
assign subtract_node = {1'b0,grand_dividend} - {1'b0,grand_divisor};
assign quotient_node =
assign divisor_node = {1'b0,grand_divisor[M_PP+N_PP+R_PP-2:1]};
assign quotient_o = (HELD_OUTPUT_PP == 0)?quotient:quotient_reg;
module SignedIntegerDivision
input wire Clock,
input wire Reset,
output wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oQuotient,
input wire [`WIDTH-1:0] iDividend,
input wire [`WIDTH-1:0] iDivisor,
input wire iInputReady,
output wire OutputReady
wire wInputReadyDelay1,wInputReadyPulse;
.Clock( Clock ),
.Reset( Reset ),
.Enable( 1'b1 ),
.D( iInputReady ),
assign wInputReadyPulse = iInputReady ^ wInputReadyDelay1;
wire [`LONG_WIDTH-1:0] wDividend,wDivisor,wScaledDividend;
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wNegDividend,wNegDivisor;
assign wNegDividend = ~iDividend+1'b1;
assign wNegDivisor = ~iDivisor + 1'b1;
wire [`LONG_WIDTH-1:0] wQuotient;
//Assign the sign extended signed value
assign wDividend = (iDividend[`WIDTH-1] == 1'b1) ?
{{32{wNegDividend[31]}},wNegDividend[31:0]} : {{32{iDividend[31]}},iDividend[31:0]} ;
assign wDivisor = (iDivisor[`WIDTH-1] == 1'b1) ?
{{32{wNegDivisor[31]}},wNegDivisor[31:0]} : {{32{iDivisor[31]}},iDivisor[31:0]} ;
wire wNegativeOutput;
assign wNegativeOutput = iDividend[`WIDTH-1] ^ iDivisor[`WIDTH-1];
wire wNegativeOutput_Latched;
.Clock( Clock ),
.Reset( Reset ),
.Enable( iInputReady ),
.D( wNegativeOutput ),
assign oQuotient = (wNegativeOutput_Latched) ? ~wQuotient[`WIDTH-1:0]+1'b1 : wQuotient[`WIDTH-1:0];
wire wOutputReady,wOutputReadyDelay1;
.Clock( Clock ),
.Reset( Reset | iInputReady),
.Enable( 1'b1 ),
.D( wOutputReady ),
assign OutputReady = wOutputReady ^ wOutputReadyDelay1;
assign wScaledDividend = (wDividend << `SCALE);
serial_divide_uu # ( 64,64,0,0,6,1 ) uu_div(
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