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`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`include "aDefinitions.v"
`define ADR_IMM 1
`define ADR_POINTER 0
Theia, Ray Cast Programable graphic Processing Unit.
Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Valverde (
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
module IO_Unit
input wire Clock,
input wire Reset,
input wire iEnable,
input wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] iDat_O_Pointer, //Pointer to what we want to send via DAT_O
input wire [`WIDTH-1:0] iAdr_O_Imm, //Value to assign to ADR_O
input wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] iAdr_O_Pointer, //Pointer to value to assing to ADR_O
input wire iAdr_O_Type, //Should we use iAdr_O_Imm or iAdr_O_Pointer
input wire iAdr_O_Set, //Should we set
input wire iBusCyc_Type, //Bus cycle type: simple read/write, etc.
input wire iStore, //Should we store read data into MEM
input wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] iReadDataBus, //MEM Data read bus 1
input wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] iReadDataBus2, //MEM Data read bus 2
input wire[`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] iAdr_DataWriteBack, //Where in MEM we want to store DAT_I
input wire iWriteBack_Set, //We want to set the Write back Address?
output wire[`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] oDataReadAddress,
output wire[`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] oDataReadAddress2,
output wire[`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] oDataWriteAddress,
output wire oDataWriteEnable,
output wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] oDataBus,
output wire [`INSTRUCTION_WIDTH-1:0] oInstructionBus,
output wire oInstructionWriteEnable,
output wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] oInstructionWriteAddress,
inout wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oData,
output wire oBusy,
output wire oDone,
input wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] iOMEM_WriteAddress,
input wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] iOMEM_WriteData,
input wire iOMEM_WriteEnable,
output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] OMEM_DAT_O,
output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] OMEM_ADR_O,
output wire OMEM_WE_O,
//Theia specific interfaces
input wire MST_I,
//Wish Bone Interfaces
output wire [31:0] DAT_O,
input wire [31:0] DAT_I,
input wire ACK_I,
output wire ACK_O,
output wire [31:0] ADR_O,
input wire [31:0] ADR_I,
output wire WE_O,
input wire WE_I,
output wire STB_O,
input wire STB_I,
output wire CYC_O,
input wire CYC_I,
input wire [1:0] TGA_I,
output wire [1:0] TGC_O,
input wire GNT_I,
output wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] oTMEMReadData,
input wire iTMEMDataRequest,
input wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] iTMEMReadAddress,
output wire oTMEMDataAvailable,
input wire TMEM_ACK_I,
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] TMEM_DAT_I ,
output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] TMEM_ADR_O ,
output wire TMEM_WE_O,
output wire TMEM_STB_O,
output wire TMEM_CYC_O,
input wire TMEM_GNT_I
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wMEMToWBM2__ReadDataElement;
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wMEMToWBM2__ReadDataElement2;
wire wMEMToWBM_2__Enable;
wire wWBMToMEM2__Done;
wire wWBM_2_WBMToMEM_DataAvailable;
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wWBM_2_WBMToMEM_Data;
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wWBS_2__WBMToMEM_Frame;
wire wWBMToMEM_2_WBM_Enable;
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wWBMToMEM_2_WBM_Address;
wire wWBMToMEM2__oDataWriteEnable;
wire wAddrerssSelector2_oDataWriteEnable;
wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] wWBMToMEM2__oDataBus;
wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] wWBSToMEM2__oDataBus;
wire wAddressSelector_2__SetAddress;
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wMEMToWBM_2__Address;
wire wMEMToWBM_2__Done;
wire w2WBMToMEM__Enable;
wire w2WBMToMEM__SetAddress;
wire wWBS_2__WBSToMEM_FrameAvailable;
wire[`WIDTH-1:0] wWBS_2__WBMToMEM_Address;
wire wWBSToMEM2__oDataWriteEnable;
wire[`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wWBSToMEM2__oDataWriteAddress;
wire[`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wWBMToMEM2__oDataWriteAddress;
Module_OMemInterface OMI
.Clock( Clock ),
.Reset( Reset ),
.iWriteEnable( iOMEM_WriteEnable ),
.iData( iOMEM_WriteData ),
.iAddress( iOMEM_WriteAddress ),
Module_TMemInterface TMI
.Clock( Clock ),
.Reset( Reset ),
.iEnable( iTMEMDataRequest ),
.iAddress( iTMEMReadAddress ),
.oData( oTMEMReadData ),
.oDone( oTMEMDataAvailable ),
assign oBusy = CYC_O;
wire wReadOperation;
assign wReadOperation = (iBusCyc_Type == `WB_SIMPLE_WRITE_CYCLE) ? 0 : 1;
assign wMEMToWBM_2__Address = ( iAdr_O_Type == `ADR_IMM ) ? iAdr_O_Imm : wMEMToWBM2__ReadDataElement;
assign w2WBMToMEM__Enable = ( iAdr_O_Type == `ADR_IMM ) ? iEnable : wMEMToWBM_2__Enable;
//assign oDone = ( (iAdr_O_Type == `ADR_IMM) && !(iBusCyc_Type == `WB_SIMPLE_WRITE_CYCLE) )
//? wWBMToMEM2__Done : wMEMToWBM_2__Done;
//TODO: WHEN ADR_POINTER Then Done is not until we got the 3 values from X,Y,Z in iAdr_O_Pointer
assign oDone = (iBusCyc_Type == `WB_SIMPLE_WRITE_CYCLE || iAdr_O_Type == `ADR_POINTER ) ? wMEMToWBM_2__Done : wWBMToMEM2__Done;
assign oDataWriteEnable = (MST_I == 1'b1) ? wWBSToMEM2__oDataWriteEnable : (wWBMToMEM2__oDataWriteEnable);// ^ wAddrerssSelector2_oDataWriteEnable);
assign oDataWriteAddress = (MST_I == 1'b1) ? wWBSToMEM2__oDataWriteAddress : wWBMToMEM2__oDataWriteAddress;
assign oDataBus = (MST_I == 1'b1) ? wWBSToMEM2__oDataBus : wWBMToMEM2__oDataBus;
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] w2WBMToMEM_MEMWriteAddress;
assign w2WBMToMEM_MEMWriteAddress = ( iAdr_O_Type == `ADR_IMM) ? iAdr_DataWriteBack : wMEMToWBM2_WBMToMEM_RAMWriteAddr;
wire w2MEMToWBM_BusOperationComplete;
assign w2MEMToWBM_BusOperationComplete = (iBusCyc_Type == `WB_SIMPLE_WRITE_CYCLE) ? ACK_I : wWBMToMEM2__Done;
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] w2MEMToWBM_DataPointer;
assign w2MEMToWBM_DataPointer = (iBusCyc_Type == `WB_SIMPLE_WRITE_CYCLE) ? iDat_O_Pointer : iAdr_O_Pointer;
.Clock( Clock ),
.Reset( Reset ),
.iEnable( iEnable & (~iAdr_O_Type | iBusCyc_Type) ),
.iMEMDataPointer( w2MEMToWBM_DataPointer ),
.iMEMDataPointer2( iAdr_O_Pointer ),
.iReadDataBus( iReadDataBus ), //3 Elements comming from DMEM
.iReadDataBus2( iReadDataBus2 ),
.oReadDataElement( wMEMToWBM2__ReadDataElement ), //1 out of 3 elements we read
.oReadDataElement2( wMEMToWBM2__ReadDataElement2 ), //1 out of 3 elements we read
.oDataReadAddress( oDataReadAddress ),
.oDataReadAddress2( oDataReadAddress2 ),
.oDataWriteEnable( wAddrerssSelector2_oDataWriteEnable ), //Always zero
.oDataAvailable( wMEMToWBM_2__Enable ), //Data from MEM available
.iRequestNextElement( w2MEMToWBM_BusOperationComplete ),
.iDataInitialStorageAddress( iAdr_DataWriteBack ), ////########
.oDataWriteAddress( wMEMToWBM2_WBMToMEM_RAMWriteAddr ), ////########
.oDone( wMEMToWBM_2__Done )
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wTemp1;
assign wWBMToMEM2__oDataWriteAddress = (iAdr_O_Type == `ADR_IMM) ? iAdr_DataWriteBack : wTemp1;
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wADR_O_InitialAddress;
assign wADR_O_InitialAddress = (iBusCyc_Type == `WB_SIMPLE_WRITE_CYCLE) ? wMEMToWBM2__ReadDataElement2 : wMEMToWBM_2__Address;
wire wIncrement_Address_O;
assign wIncrement_Address_O = iEnable & ACK_I;
wire wMEMToWBM2__Done;
wire wMEMToWBM2__Trigger;
wire[`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wMEMToWBM_2_Data;
wire w2MEMToWBM__Trigger;
wire wWBM2_MEMToWBM_DataWriteDone;
wire w2WBM_iEnable;
assign w2WBM_iEnable = (iBusCyc_Type == `WB_SIMPLE_WRITE_CYCLE) ? wMEMToWBM_2__Enable : iEnable;
wire wSTB_O;
//If the address is a pointer, we need 1 cycle to read the data back from MEM
//before we can the set the value into WBM
wire wAddress_Set_Delayed;
.Clock( Clock ),
.Reset( Reset ),
.Enable( 1'b1 ),
.D( iAdr_O_Set ),
.Q( wAddress_Set_Delayed )
//If the Addr is IMM then just set it whenever iAdr_O_Set is set, but if we have a pointer, then use
//wAddress_Set_Delayed at the beginning and then wWBMToMEM2__Done
wire wWBM_iAddress_Set = (iAdr_O_Type == `ADR_POINTER) ? (wAddress_Set_Delayed | wWBMToMEM2__Done) : iAdr_O_Set;
assign STB_O = wSTB_O & ~oDone;
WishBoneMasterUnit WBM
.CLK_I( Clock ),
.RST_I( Reset ),
.DAT_I( DAT_I ),
.DAT_O( DAT_O ),
.ACK_I( ACK_I ),
.ADR_O( ADR_O ),
.WE_O( WE_O ),
.STB_O( wSTB_O ),
.CYC_O( CYC_O ),
.TGC_O( TGC_O ),
.GNT_I( GNT_I ),
.iEnable( w2WBM_iEnable ),
.iBusCyc_Type( iBusCyc_Type ),
.iAddress_Set( wWBM_iAddress_Set ),
.iAddress( wADR_O_InitialAddress ),
.oDataReady( wWBM_2_WBMToMEM_DataAvailable ),
.iData( wMEMToWBM2__ReadDataElement ),
.oData( wWBM_2_WBMToMEM_Data )
WishBoneSlaveUnit WBS
.CLK_I( Clock ),
.RST_I( Reset ),
.STB_I( STB_I ),
.WE_I( WE_I ),
.DAT_I( DAT_I ),
.ADR_I( ADR_I ),
.TGA_I( TGA_I ),
.ACK_O( ACK_O ),
.CYC_I( CYC_I ),
.MST_I( MST_I ),
.oDataBus( wWBSToMEM2__oDataBus ),
.oInstructionBus( oInstructionBus ),
.oDataWriteAddress( wWBSToMEM2__oDataWriteAddress ),
.oDataWriteEnable( wWBSToMEM2__oDataWriteEnable ),
.oInstructionWriteAddress( oInstructionWriteAddress ),
.oInstructionWriteEnable( oInstructionWriteEnable )
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