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short list of instructions: (not final, still planning)
short list of instructions: (not final, still planning)
1. move reg, immediate
1. move reg, immediate
2. move [reg], immediate
2. move [reg], immediate
3. push and move reg, immediate (or call immediate)
3. push and move reg, immediate (or call immediate)
4. push immediate
4. move (relative) reg, immediate
5. move (relative) reg, immediate
mini-group 5. Root opcode is 5, register is to tell which opcode( up to 8). No register room, only immediate
push immedate
groups: (limited to 2 registers and no immediates. each group has 8 opcodes)
groups: (limited to 2 registers and no immediates. each group has 8 opcodes)
group 1:
group 1:
move(store) [reg],reg
move(store) [reg],reg
move(load) reg,[reg]
move(load) reg,[reg]
out reg1,reg2 (output to port reg1 value reg2)
out reg1,reg2 (output to port reg1 value reg2)
in reg1,reg2 (input from port reg2 and store in reg1)
in reg1,reg2 (input from port reg2 and store in reg1)
pop reg
push reg
move segmentreg,reg
move segmentreg,reg
move reg,segmentreg
move reg,segmentreg
group 2:
group 2:
and reg1,reg2 (reg1=reg1 and reg2)
and reg1,reg2 (reg1=reg1 and reg2)
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push segmentreg
push segmentreg
pop segmentreg
pop segmentreg
push and move reg, reg (or call reg)
push and move reg, reg (or call reg)
exchange reg,reg
exchange reg,reg
exchange reg,seg
exchange reg,seg
clear TR
Set TR
group 5:
group 5:
increment reg
decrement reg
far jmp reg1, reg2 (CS=reg1 and IP=reg2)
far jmp reg1, reg2 (CS=reg1 and IP=reg2)
far call reg1,reg2
far call reg1,reg2
far jmp [reg] (first byte is CS, second byte is IP)
far jmp [reg] (first byte is CS, second byte is IP)
push extended segmentreg, reg (equivalent to push seg; push reg)
push extended segmentreg, reg (equivalent to push seg; push reg)
pop extended segmentreg, reg (equivalent to pop reg; pop seg)
pop extended segmentreg, reg (equivalent to pop reg; pop seg)
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enable carryover seg
enable carryover seg
disable carryover seg
disable carryover seg
mov relative reg, reg
mov relative reg, reg
exchange reg, reg
exchange reg, reg
super group: Super groups only have room for 1 register argument. Each subgroup has 8 opcodes, capable of 8 subgroups.
subgroup 0:
push reg
pop reg
set TR
reset TR
increment reg
decrement reg
set register bank 0
set register bank 1
subgroup 1:
enable carryover seg
disable carryover seg
3 register instructions:
3 register instructions:
1. add reg1, reg2, reg3 (reg1=reg2+reg3)
1. add reg1, reg2, reg3 (reg1=reg2+reg3)
2. sub reg1, reg2, reg3
2. sub reg1, reg2, reg3
opcodes used: 13 of 16. 3 more opcodes available. Decide what to do with the room later.
opcodes used: 14 of 16. 2 more opcodes available. Decide what to do with the room later.
Possible canidates for opcode compression include
Possible canidates for opcode compression include
* Push immediate (room for 3 sub-opcodes)
* equals 0 and not equals 0 (room for 7 sub-opcodes each) (not doing that because it'd screw with the easy ALU code
* push and pop reg (room for 7 sub-opcodes each)
* equals 0 and not equals 0 (room for 7 sub-opcodes each)
* Set TR and Reset TR (room for 64 opcodes each)
* increment and decrement reg (room for 7 opcodes each)
* enable and disable carry over (room for 7 opcodes each)
* set register bank 0 and 1 (room for 64 opcodes each)
0 -nop (doesn't do a thing)
1 -move immediate (only uses first byte)
2 -move
3 -push
4 -push immediate
5 -push and move (or call when acting on ip)
6 -compare (is less than, is less than or equal, is greater than, is greater than or equal, is equal, is not equal) (6 conditions room for 2 more in extra)
7 -add
8 -subtract
9 -bitwise operations (xor, or, and, shift right, shift left, not)
x -multiply (if room)
x -divide
0 -- always
0 -- always
1 -- only if true
1 -- only if true
for only if false, there should basically be another compare or if applicable an always afterwards
for only if false, there should basically be another compare or if applicable an always afterwards
limitations that shouldn't be passed with instructions
limitations that shouldn't be passed with instructions
* Doing 2 memory references
* Doing 2 memory references
* pushing a memory reference (equates to 2 memory references)
* pushing a memory reference (equates to 2 memory references)
Note it is possible however to read and write 16bits at one time to the memory to consecutive addresses.
Note it is possible however to read and write 16bits at one time to the memory to consecutive addresses that are 16-bit aligned.
DS is used in all "normal" memory references
DS is used in all "normal" memory references
SS is used in all push and pop instructions
SS is used in all push and pop instructions
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10011 Increment
10011 Increment
10010 Decrement
10010 Decrement
10100 Add
10100 Add
10101 Subtract
10101 Subtract
Alignment restrictions:
In general, their is very few times that a full 16-bit read or 16-bit write is done. These are the times:
* Extended push
* Extended pop
* instruction fetch
Because of this, and because I want for 2 clock cycles to be the longest instruction, I must place some alignment restrictions on the CPU
So, IP must be aligned to a 16-bit address (must be an even number). And SP must also be aligned to a 16-bit address.
Though I don't plan on putting any "real" restriction to setting it to an odd address, nothing will actually work right.
Stack Details:
Because of the need for 16-bit writes and reads of the stack, even though we're usually only using 8-bit values, we end up pushing 2 bytes at one time always.
Stack is oppositely done from the 8086. push X will move X to SS:SP and then increment SP by 2.
Let's take an example program:
--SS is 0
mov sp, 10
push 0xff
after this, 0x00FF will be moved to SS:SP (0x0010) and then sp will be incremented by 2. If we push an 8-bit value, the value is put in the least-significant byte, and the MSB is 0
On Reset:
On reset, all general registers are set to 0
CS is set to 1, IP is set to 0. SS is set to 2 and SP is set to 0.
Carryover is set on CS and not set on SS. DS and ES is 0. TR is false.
Register bank 0 is selected.
Implemented opcode list:
r = register choice
C = conditional portion
s = segment register choice
i = immediate data
0000 rrrC iiii iiii
mov reg, immediate