?rev1line? |
?rev2line? |
# In order to create a new project, change the first three macros in this file, the content #
# of the UCF file and the name and content of the VHD files in src #
# Don't forget to execute "source bin/load_modules" manual from the shell #
TOP=tlc2#change to the name of the TOP-Entity
DEVICE=xc3s4000-fg676-4#change to the device id found on the chip
VHDLSYNFILES=src/$(TOP).vhd#list all vhdl files in the project that have to be synthesized
all: help
@echo " make help : prints this help menu "
@echo " make use-vsim : simulate with Modelsim in batch mode, use >>do it<< to reload"
@echo " make use-vsim-gui : simulate with Modelsim and GUI"
@echo " make use-xst : synthesize with xst "
@echo " make implement : final step"
@echo " make ml : prints loaded modules. Use source bin/load_modules if modules are not loaded "
@echo " make files : prints info about the used files "
@echo " make vsim-help : prints appropriate steps for simulation"
@echo " make warnings-xst : prints warnings and info from the XST log file"
@echo " make warnings-implement : prints warnings and info from the PAR log file"
@echo " make clear : clears all XST output files"
use-xst: $(VHDLSYNFILES)
@rm -f $(SCRIPTFILE)
@rm -f $(LOGFILE)
@for i in $(VHDLSYNFILES); do bin/xstvhdl $$i >> $(PROJECTFILE); done
@echo run -ifn $(PROJECTFILE) -ifmt vhdl -ofn $(TOP).ngc -ofmt NGC -p $(DEVICE) -opt_mode $(OPTMODE) -opt_level $(OPTLEVEL) -top $(TOP) -rtlview yes > $(SCRIPTFILE)
@xst -ifn $(SCRIPTFILE) -ofn $(LOGFILE)
implement: $(TOP).ngc
@mv -f src/*.ucf $(UCF)TMP
@mv -f $(UCF)TMP $(UCF)
@mv -f src/*.ut $(BITGEN)TMP
bin/route_ngc $(TOP) $(UCF) $(DEVICE) $(EFFORT) $(BITGEN)
@/home/4all/packages/modules-2.0/sun5/bin/modulecmd tcsh list
use-vsim: it $(ALLFILES)
@rm -f it
@for i in $(ALLFILES); do bin/vscript $$i >> it0; done
@echo restart > it1
@echo run -all > it2
@cat it0 it1 it2 > it
@rm -f it0 it1 it2
@vmap -del work
@rm -rf modelsim/
@mkdir modelsim
@vlib modelsim/work
@vmap work modelsim/work
@vcom -93 -check_synthesis -work work $(VHDLSYNFILES)
@vcom -93 -work work src/$(TOPSIM).vhd
@mv -f src/*.do $(DOFILE)TMP
vsim -c work.$(TOPSIM) -do $(DOFILE)
use-vsim-gui: $(ALLFILES)
@rm -f it
@for i in $(ALLFILES); do bin/vscript $$i >> it0; done
@echo restart > it1
@echo run 1000 ns > it2
@cat it0 it1 it2 > it
@rm -f it0 it1 it2
@vmap -del work
@rm -rf modelsim/
@mkdir modelsim
@vlib modelsim/work
@vmap work modelsim/work
@vcom -93 -check_synthesis -work work $(VHDLSYNFILES)
@vcom -93 -work work src/$(TOPSIM).vhd
@mv -f src/*.do $(DOFILE)TMP
# vsim -gui work.$(TOPSIM) -do $(DOFILE) &
vsim -gui work.$(TOPSIM) -do it &
@rm -f $(TOP).ngr $(TOP).msd $(TOP).msk $(TOP).rbt $(TOP).twr $(TOP).xpi $(TOP)_pad.csv $(TOP)_pad.txt $(TOP).bld
@rm -f $(TOP).ngc $(TOP).ncd $(TOP).ngd $(TOP).rba $(TOP).rbd $(TOP).rbb netlist.lst $(TOP).mrp $(TOP).ll $(TOP).bit
@rm -f $(TOP).lso $(TOP).ngm $(TOP).ngr $(TOP).pad $(TOP).par $(TOP).pcf transcript vsim.wlf $(TOP).log $(TOP).bgn *.twr *.xml *.map *.unroutes
@rm -f $(SCRIPTFILE)
@rm -f $(LOGFILE)
@echo $(TOP)".ngc : netlist output from XST"
@echo $(TOP)".ngr : netlist output from XST for RTL and Technology viewers"
@echo $(TOP)".scr : script file for XST, generated by Makefile"
@echo $(TOP)".prj : contains the vhdl source files, generated by Makefile."
@echo $(TOP)".log : log file, output from XST"
@echo $(TOP)".ucf : user constraints file with pins description, write yourself"
@echo $(TOP)".ut : config. script for BITGEN, write yourself"
@echo "it : do-script for Modelsim in batchmode, write yourself"
@echo $(TOP)".do : do-script for Modelsim in GUI-mode, write yourself"
@echo $(TOP)".par : PAR report file, generated by make implement"
@echo " mkdir modelsim : create main directoriy for simulation"
@echo " vlib modelsim/work : create work library for simulation"
@echo " vmap : prints all logical mapped librarys"
@echo " vmap -del work : delete actual mapping for work library"
@echo " vmap work modelsim/work : map logical library work to modelsim/work"
@echo " vcom -93 -check_synthesis -work work : compile source vhdl files"
@echo " vcom -93 -work work : compile top level testbench"
@echo " do it : use in batch mode to recompile the testbench and the top entity and to restart the simulation"
@grep -n -i warning *.log
@grep -n -i info *.log
@grep -n -i warning *.par *.twr
@grep -n -i info *.par *.twr