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module versatile_fifo_async_cmp ( wptr, rptr, fifo_empty, fifo_full, wclk, rclk, rst );
parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 4;
parameter N = ADDR_WIDTH-1;
parameter Q1 = 2'b00;
parameter Q2 = 2'b01;
parameter Q3 = 2'b11;
parameter Q4 = 2'b10;
parameter going_empty = 1'b0;
parameter going_full = 1'b1;
input [N:0] wptr, rptr;
output reg fifo_empty, fifo_full;
input wclk, rclk, rst;
reg direction, direction_set, direction_clr;
wire async_empty, async_full;
reg fifo_full2, fifo_empty2;
// direction_set
always @ (wptr[N:N-1] or rptr[N:N-1])
case ({wptr[N:N-1],rptr[N:N-1]})
{Q1,Q2} : direction_set <= 1'b1;
{Q2,Q3} : direction_set <= 1'b1;
{Q3,Q4} : direction_set <= 1'b1;
{Q4,Q1} : direction_set <= 1'b1;
default : direction_set <= 1'b0;
// direction_clear
always @ (wptr[N:N-1] or rptr[N:N-1] or rst)
if (rst)
direction_clr <= 1'b1;
case ({wptr[N:N-1],rptr[N:N-1]})
{Q2,Q1} : direction_clr <= 1'b1;
{Q3,Q2} : direction_clr <= 1'b1;
{Q4,Q3} : direction_clr <= 1'b1;
{Q1,Q4} : direction_clr <= 1'b1;
default : direction_clr <= 1'b0;
always @ (posedge direction_set or posedge direction_clr)
if (direction_clr)
direction <= going_empty;
direction <= going_full;
assign async_empty = (wptr == rptr) && (direction==going_empty);
assign async_full = (wptr == rptr) && (direction==going_full);
always @ (posedge wclk or posedge rst or posedge async_full)
if (rst)
{fifo_full, fifo_full2} <= 2'b00;
else if (async_full)
{fifo_full, fifo_full2} <= 2'b11;
{fifo_full, fifo_full2} <= {fifo_full2, async_full};
always @ (posedge rclk or posedge async_empty)
if (async_empty)
{fifo_empty, fifo_empty2} <= 2'b11;
{fifo_empty,fifo_empty2} <= {fifo_empty2,async_empty};
endmodule // async_comp
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