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# Time Information
# Timimg Information for DDR2 SDRAM
# Timing specifications from Micron Data Sheet (DDR2 SDRAM MT47H32M16-5E)
# Timing specifications from Micron Data Sheet (DDR2 SDRAM MT47H32M16-5E)
# Clock cycle time: min=5.00ns, max=8.00ns
# Clock cycle time: min=5.00ns, max=8.00ns
set tCK 5.000
set tCK 5.000
# Input setup time: tISb=350ps, tISa=600ps
# Data Strobe Out
set tSU 0.600
# Input hold time: tIHb=470ps, tIHa=600ps
set tH 0.600
# DQS output access time from CK/CK#
# DQS output access time from CK/CK#
set tDQSCKmin -0.500
set tDQSCKmin -0.500
set tDQSCKmax 0.500
set tDQSCKmax 0.500
# Data Strobe In
# DQS rising edge to CK rising edge
set tDQSSmin [expr -0.25 * $tCK]
set tDQSSmax [expr 0.25 * $tCK]
# DQS falling to CK rising: setup time
set tDSSmin [expr 0.2 * $tCK]
# DQS falling from CK rising: hold time
set tDSHmin [expr 0.2 * $tCK]
# Data Out
# DQ output access time from CK/CK#
# DQ output access time from CK/CK#
set tACmin -0.600
set tACmin -0.600
set tACmax 0.600
set tACmax 0.600
# Data In
# DQ and DM input setup time to DQS
set tDSb 0.150
# DQ and DM input hold time to DQS
set tDHb 0.275
# DQ and DM input setup time to DQS
set tDSa 0.400
# DQ and DM input hold time to DQS
set tDHa 0.400
# Command and Address
# Input setup time
set tISb 0.350
set tISa 0.600
# Input hold time
set tIHb 0.470
set tIHa 0.600
# Timimg Information
# Trace delay for data
set tTDDmin 0.100
set tTDDmax 0.200
# Trace delay for clock
set tTDCmin 0.100
set tTDCmax 0.200
# Create Clock
# Create Clock
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Line 68... |
# Clocks
# Clocks
create_clock -name {wb_clk} -period $wb_clk_period [get_ports {wb_clk}]
create_clock -name {wb_clk} -period $wb_clk_period [get_ports {wb_clk}]
create_clock -name {sdram_clk} -period $sdram_clk_period [get_ports {sdram_clk}]
create_clock -name {sdram_clk} -period $sdram_clk_period [get_ports {sdram_clk}]
# Virtual clocks
# Virtual clocks
create_clock -name {v_wb_clk_in} -period $wb_clk_period
#create_clock -name {v_wb_clk_in} -period $wb_clk_period
create_clock -name {v_wb_clk_out} -period $wb_clk_period
#create_clock -name {v_wb_clk_out} -period $wb_clk_period
create_clock -name {v_sdram_clk_in} -period $sdram_clk_period
#create_clock -name {v_sdram_clk_in} -period $sdram_clk_period
create_clock -name {v_sdram_clk_out} -period $sdram_clk_period
#create_clock -name {v_sdram_clk_out} -period $sdram_clk_period
# Create Generated Clock
# Create Generated Clock
create_generated_clock -name sdram_clk_0 -phase 0 -source [get_ports {sdram_clk}] [get_pins {dcm_pll_0|altpll_internal|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0]}]
create_generated_clock -name sdram_clk_0 -phase 0 -source [get_ports {sdram_clk}] [get_pins {dcm_pll_0|altpll_internal|auto_generated|pll1|clk[0]}]
create_generated_clock -name sdram_clk_180 -phase 180 -source [get_ports {sdram_clk}] [get_pins {dcm_pll_0|altpll_internal|auto_generated|pll1|clk[2]}]
create_generated_clock -name sdram_clk_180 -phase 180 -source [get_ports {sdram_clk}] [get_pins {dcm_pll_0|altpll_internal|auto_generated|pll1|clk[2]}]
create_generated_clock -name sdram_clk_270 -phase 270 -source [get_ports {sdram_clk}] [get_pins {dcm_pll_0|altpll_internal|auto_generated|pll1|clk[3]}]
create_generated_clock -name sdram_clk_270 -phase 270 -source [get_ports {sdram_clk}] [get_pins {dcm_pll_0|altpll_internal|auto_generated|pll1|clk[3]}]
create_generated_clock -name ck_pad_o -phase 0 -source [get_pins {ddr_ff_out_inst_2|altddio_out_inst|auto_generated|ddio_outa[0]|clkhi}] [get_ports ck_pad*]
create_generated_clock -name ck_pad_o -phase 0 -source [get_pins {ddr_ff_out_inst_2|altddio_out_inst|auto_generated|ddio_outa[0]|clkhi}] [get_ports ck_pad*]
# Set Clock Latency
# Set Clock Latency
Line 67... |
Line 100... |
# Set Input Delay
# Set Input Delay
# Double Data Rate requires constraints for both rising and falling clock edge
# Input max delay value = max trace delay for data + tCO of external device – min trace delay for clock
# Input min delay value = min trace delay for data + tCOmin of external device – max trace delay for clock
# Assume (for now): max trace delay for data = min trace delay for clock
# min trace delay for data = max trace delay for clock
# Data
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tACmax [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tACmax [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tACmax -clock_fall [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tACmax -clock_fall [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tACmin [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tACmin [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tACmin -clock_fall [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tACmin -clock_fall [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Data Strobe
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tDQSCKmax [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tDQSCKmax -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tDQSCKmin [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tDQSCKmin -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Data Strobe
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tDQSCKmax [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tDQSCKmax -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tDQSCKmin [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tDQSCKmin -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Data Mask
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tDQSCKmax [get_ports {dm_rdqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tDQSCKmax -clock_fall [get_ports {dm_rdqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tDQSCKmin [get_ports {dm_rdqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tDQSCKmin -clock_fall [get_ports {dm_rdqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tDQSCKmax [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Single Data Rate requires constraints for rising clock edge only
#set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tDQSCKmax -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tDQSCKmin [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tDQSCKmin -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tDQSCKmax [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tDQSCKmax -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tDQSCKmin [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_input_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min $tDQSCKmin -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Set Output Delay
# Set Output Delay
# Double Data Rate requires constraints for both rising and falling clock edge
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tSU [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Output max delay = max trace delay for data + tSU of external register – min trace delay for clock
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tSU -clock_fall [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Output min delay = min trace delay for data – tH of external register – max trace delay for clock
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tH [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Assume (for now): max trace delay for data = min trace delay for clock
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tH -clock_fall [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# min trace delay for data = max trace delay for clock
# Data
#set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tSU [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tSU -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa -clock_fall [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tH [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tH -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa -clock_fall [get_ports {dq_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Data Strobe
#set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tSU [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tSU -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_pad_n_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tH [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
#set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tH -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Data Strobe
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa -clock_fall [get_ports {dqs_n_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Data Mask
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa [get_ports {dm_rdqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa -clock_fall [get_ports {dm_rdqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa [get_ports {dm_rdqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa -clock_fall [get_ports {dm_rdqs_pad_io[*]}] -add_delay
# Single Data Rate requires constraints for rising clock edge only
# Chip Select
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa [get_ports {cs_n_pad_o}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa [get_ports {cs_n_pad_o}] -add_delay
# Row Address Strobe
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa [get_ports {ras_pad_o}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa [get_ports {ras_pad_o}] -add_delay
# Column Address Strobe
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa [get_ports {cas_pad_o}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa [get_ports {cas_pad_o}] -add_delay
# Write Enable
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa [get_ports {we_pad_o}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa [get_ports {we_pad_o}] -add_delay
# Bank Address
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa [get_ports {ba_pad_o[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa [get_ports {ba_pad_o[*]}] -add_delay
# Address
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa [get_ports {addr_pad_o[*]}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa [get_ports {addr_pad_o[*]}] -add_delay
# Clock Enable
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -max $tISa [get_ports {cke_pad_o}] -add_delay
set_output_delay -clock {ck_pad_o} -min -$tIHa [get_ports {cke_pad_o}] -add_delay
# Set Clock Groups
# Set Clock Groups
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Line 196... |
# Reset
# Reset
set_false_path -from [get_ports {wb_rst}]
set_false_path -from [get_ports {wb_rst}]
# Input Timing Exceptions
# Input Timing Exceptions
# False path exceptions for opposite-edge transfer
# Data
set_false_path -setup -fall_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -rise_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_270]
set_false_path -setup -fall_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -rise_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_270]
set_false_path -setup -rise_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -fall_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_270]
set_false_path -setup -rise_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -fall_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_270]
set_false_path -hold -rise_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -fall_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_270]
set_false_path -hold -rise_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -fall_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_270]
set_false_path -hold -fall_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -rise_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_270]
set_false_path -hold -fall_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -rise_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_270]
# Data Strobe
#set_false_path -setup -fall_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -rise_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_0]
#set_false_path -setup -rise_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -fall_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_0]
#set_false_path -hold -rise_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -fall_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_0]
#set_false_path -hold -fall_from [get_clocks ck_pad_o] -rise_to [get_clocks sdram_clk_0]
# Output Timing Exceptions
# Output Timing Exceptions
# False path exceptions for opposite-edge transfer
# Data
set_false_path -setup -rise_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_270] -fall_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
set_false_path -setup -rise_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_270] -fall_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
set_false_path -setup -fall_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_270] -rise_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
set_false_path -setup -fall_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_270] -rise_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
set_false_path -hold -rise_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_270] -rise_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
set_false_path -hold -rise_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_270] -rise_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
set_false_path -hold -fall_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_270] -fall_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
set_false_path -hold -fall_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_270] -fall_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
# Data Strobe
set_false_path -setup -rise_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_0] -fall_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
set_false_path -setup -fall_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_0] -rise_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
set_false_path -hold -rise_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_0] -rise_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
set_false_path -hold -fall_from [get_clocks sdram_clk_0] -fall_to [get_clocks ck_pad_o]
# Set Multicycle Path
# Set Multicycle Path
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Line 241... |
# Set Input Transition
# Set Input Transition
# Set Input Transition