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Read vhdl_wb_tb/trunk/doc/src/vhdl_wb_tb_Usage_guide.docx first.
This directory contains:
This directory contains:
readme.txt This file, explaining simulation environment
readme.txt This file, explaining simulation environment
init.do TCL script to be run out of modelsim. Start it from the Modelsim console with "do init.do"
init.do TCL script to be run out of modelsim. Start it from the Modelsim transscript console with
to initialize the simulation environment. It created all required libs and compiles all sources.
"do ../bin/init.do" to initialize the simulation environment. It created all required libs
s.do TCL script to be run out of modelsim. Start it to compile all changed files and start the
and compiles all sources.
manual simulation. It assigns the alias "s" to itself which allows it to be run later just by
s.do TCL script to be run out of modelsim transscript console wiht "../bin/s.do". Start it to compile
typing s+ENTER
all changed files and start the manual simulation. It assigns the alias "s" to itself which allows
clean.do TCL script to clean up all waste created by modelsim
it to be run later just by typing s+ENTER
If you want to relocate or copy this project, all file paths in the .mpf file must be adjusted in the copy.
If you want to relocate or copy this project, all file paths in rtl_sim/run/sim.mpf must be adjusted to their new
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