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Line 77... |
when the FIFO is empty.
when the FIFO is empty.
signal i_writeRequest,i_readRequest:i_transactor.t_bfm;
signal i_writeRequest,i_readRequest:i_transactor.t_bfm;
signal i_full,i_empty:boolean;
signal i_full,i_empty:boolean;
signal write,read:boolean;
signal write,read:boolean;
signal writeRequested, readRequested: boolean;
/* Registers and pipelines. */
/* TODO recheck pipelining. */
process(clk) is begin
if falling_edge(clk) then
/* TODO add buffers for pipelined request signals,
i.e., add a flip-flop and a buffer.
i_writeRequest <= fifoInterface.writeRequest after 1 ps;
i_readRequest <= fifoInterface.readRequest after 1 ps;
i_full <= fifoCtrl.full;
i_empty <= fifoCtrl.empty;
end if;
end process;
/* Synchronous FIFO. */
controller: process(reset,clk) is begin
controller: process(reset,clk) is begin
if reset then
--if reset then
-- fifoInterface.readResponse.message<=(others=>'Z');
-- fifoInterface.readResponse.trigger<=false;
elsif falling_edge(clk) then
if falling_edge(clk) then
/* Default assignments. */
/* Default assignments. */
/* Write request.
/* Write request.
Safety control: allow writing only when FIFO is not full.
Safety control: allow writing only when FIFO is not full.
--if i_pctFilled<d"100" and (fifoInterface.writeRequest.trigger xor i_writeRequest.trigger) then
--if i_pctFilled<d"100" and (fifoInterface.writeRequest.trigger xor i_writeRequest.trigger) then
if not i_full and (fifoInterface.writeRequest.trigger xor i_writeRequest.trigger) then
--if not i_full and (fifoInterface.writeRequest.trigger xor i_writeRequest.trigger) then -- TODO change to write
if not i_full and write then
end if;
end if;
/* Read request.
/* Read request.
Safety control: allow reading only when FIFO is not empty.
Safety control: allow reading only when FIFO is not empty.
if not i_empty and (fifoInterface.readRequest.trigger xor i_readRequest.trigger) then
--if not i_empty and (fifoInterface.readRequest.trigger xor i_readRequest.trigger) then -- TODO change to read
if not i_empty and read then
end if;
end if;
/* Synchronous reset. */
if reset then
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process controller;
end process controller;
write<=fifoInterface.writeRequest.trigger xor i_writeRequest.trigger;
write<=fifoInterface.writeRequest.trigger xor i_writeRequest.trigger;
read<=fifoInterface.readRequest.trigger xor i_readRequest.trigger;
read<=fifoInterface.readRequest.trigger xor i_readRequest.trigger;
/* Request indicator. Derived from fifoInterface.writeRequest.trigger
and fifoInterface.readRequest.trigger.
Asserts when there are incoming requests.
process(clk) is begin
if falling_edge(clk) then
writeRequested <= fifoInterface.writeRequest.trigger xor i_writeRequest.trigger;
readRequested <= fifoInterface.readRequest.trigger xor i_readRequest.trigger;
end if;
end process;
addrPointer: process(reset,clk) is begin
addrPointer: process(reset,clk) is begin
if reset then ptr<=0;
if reset then ptr<=0;
elsif falling_edge(clk) then
elsif falling_edge(clk) then
/* Increment or decrement the address pointer only when write or read is HIGH;
/* Increment or decrement the address pointer only when write or read is HIGH;
do nothing when both are HIGH or when both are LOW.
do nothing when both are HIGH or when both are LOW.
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end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process addrPointer;
end process addrPointer;
/* Registers and pipelines. */
/* TODO recheck pipelining. */
process(clk) is begin
if falling_edge(clk) then
i_writeRequest <= fifoInterface.writeRequest;
i_readRequest <= fifoInterface.readRequest;
i_full <= fifoCtrl.full;
i_empty <= fifoCtrl.empty;
end if;
end process;
fifoCtrl.pctFilled<=to_unsigned(ptr*100/(memoryDepth-1), fifoCtrl.pctFilled'length);
fifoCtrl.pctFilled<=to_unsigned(ptr*100/(memoryDepth-1), fifoCtrl.pctFilled'length);
process(clk) is begin
process(clk) is begin
if rising_edge(clk) then
if rising_edge(clk) then
fifoCtrl.nearFull<=true when fifoCtrl.pctFilled>=d"75" and fifoCtrl.pctFilled<d"100" else false;
fifoCtrl.nearFull<=true when fifoCtrl.pctFilled>=d"75" and fifoCtrl.pctFilled<d"100" else false;