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//// ////
//// ////
//// $Id: wb_lpc_periph.v,v 1.1 2008-03-02 20:46:40 hharte Exp $
//// $Id: wb_lpc_periph.v,v 1.2 2008-03-05 05:50:59 hharte Exp $ ////
//// wb_lpc_periph.v - LPC Peripheral to Wishbone Master Bridge ////
//// wb_lpc_periph.v - LPC Peripheral to Wishbone Master Bridge ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the Wishbone LPC Bridge project ////
//// This file is part of the Wishbone LPC Bridge project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// ////
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// DMA-Specific sideband signals
// DMA-Specific sideband signals
output [2:0] dma_chan_o; // DMA Channel
output [2:0] dma_chan_o; // DMA Channel
output dma_tc_o; // DMA Terminal Count
output dma_tc_o; // DMA Terminal Count
reg [12:0] state; // Current state
reg [12:0] state; // Current state
reg [2:0] adr_cnt; // Address nibbe counter
reg [2:0] adr_cnt; // Address nibble counter
reg [3:0] dat_cnt; // Data nibble counter
reg [3:0] dat_cnt; // Data nibble counter
wire [2:0] byte_cnt = dat_cnt[3:1]; // Byte counter
wire [2:0] byte_cnt = dat_cnt[3:1]; // Byte counter
wire nibble_cnt = dat_cnt[0]; // Nibble counter
wire nibble_cnt = dat_cnt[0]; // Nibble counter
reg [31:0] lpc_dat_i; // Temporary storage for input data.
reg [31:0] lpc_dat_i; // Temporary storage for input data.
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lad_o <= lpc_dat_i[31:28];
lad_o <= lpc_dat_i[31:28];
dat_cnt <= dat_cnt + 1;
dat_cnt <= dat_cnt + 1;
// if(nibble_cnt == 1'b1)
// state <= `LPC_ST_P_TAR1;
if(nibble_cnt == 1'b1) // Byte transfer complete
if(nibble_cnt == 1'b1) // Byte transfer complete
if (byte_cnt == xfr_len-1) // Byte transfer complete
if (byte_cnt == xfr_len-1) // Byte transfer complete
state <= `LPC_ST_P_TAR1;
state <= `LPC_ST_P_TAR1;
state <= `LPC_ST_SYNC;
state <= `LPC_ST_SYNC;
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