Line 74... |
Line 74... |
FLAGS := -Wall -Og -g
FLAGS := -Wall -Og -g
OBJDIR := obj-pc
OBJDIR := obj-pc
RTLD := ../verilog
RTLD := ../verilog
VERILATOR_ROOT ?= $(shell bash -c 'verilator -V|grep VERILATOR_ROOT | head -1 | sed -e " s/^.*=\s*//"')
VERILATOR_ROOT ?= $(shell bash -c 'verilator -V|grep VERILATOR_ROOT | head -1 | sed -e " s/^.*=\s*//"')
INCS := -I$(RTLD)/obj_dir/ -I/usr/share/verilator/include
INCS := -I$(RTLD)/obj_dir/ -I$(VROOT)/include
SOURCES := helloworld.cpp linetest.cpp uartsim.cpp uartsim.h
SOURCES := helloworld.cpp linetest.cpp uartsim.cpp uartsim.h
VOBJDR := $(RTLD)/obj_dir
VOBJDR := $(RTLD)/obj_dir
SYSVDR := /usr/share/verilator/include
SYSVDR := $(VROOT)/include
VLIB := $(SYSVDR)/verilated.cpp $(SYSVDR)/verilated_vcd_c.cpp
VSRC := verilated.cpp verilated_vcd_c.cpp
VLIB := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(subst .cpp,.o,$(VSRC)))
# Sources necessary to build the linetest program (rxuart-txuart test)
# Sources necessary to build the linetest program (rxuart-txuart test)
LINSRCS := linetest.cpp uartsim.cpp
LINSRCS := linetest.cpp uartsim.cpp
LINOBJ := $(subst .cpp,.o,$(LINSRCS))
LINOBJ := $(subst .cpp,.o,$(LINSRCS))
LINOBJS:= $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(LINOBJ))
LINOBJS:= $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(LINOBJ)) $(VLIB)
# Sources necessary to build the helloworld test (txuart test)
# Sources necessary to build the helloworld test (txuart test)
HLOSRCS := helloworld.cpp uartsim.cpp
HLOSRCS := helloworld.cpp uartsim.cpp
HLOOBJ := $(subst .cpp,.o,$(HLOSRCS))
HLOOBJ := $(subst .cpp,.o,$(HLOSRCS))
HLOOBJS:= $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(HLOOBJ))
HLOOBJS:= $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(HLOOBJ)) $(VLIB)
# Sources necessary to build the speech test (wbuart test)
# Sources necessary to build the speech test (wbuart test)
SPCHSRCS:= speechtest.cpp uartsim.cpp
SPCHSRCS:= speechtest.cpp uartsim.cpp
SPCHOBJ := $(subst .cpp,.o,$(SPCHSRCS))
SPCHOBJ := $(subst .cpp,.o,$(SPCHSRCS))
SPCHOBJS:= $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(SPCHOBJ))
SPCHOBJS:= $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(SPCHOBJ)) $(VLIB)
all: $(OBJDIR)/ linetest helloworld speechtest test
all: $(OBJDIR)/ linetest helloworld speechtest test
@bash -c "if [ ! -e $(OBJDIR) ]; then mkdir -p $(OBJDIR); fi"
$(OBJDIR)/uartsim.o: uartsim.cpp uartsim.h
$(OBJDIR)/uartsim.o: uartsim.cpp uartsim.h
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp
$(CXX) $(FLAGS) $(INCS) -c $< -o $@
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SYSVDR)/%.cpp
$(CXX) $(FLAGS) $(INCS) -c $< -o $@
$(CXX) $(FLAGS) $(INCS) -c $< -o $@
linetest: $(LINOBJS) $(VOBJDR)/Vlinetest__ALL.a
linetest: $(LINOBJS) $(VOBJDR)/Vlinetest__ALL.a
$(CXX) $(FLAGS) $(INCS) $^ $(VLIB) -o $@
$(CXX) $(FLAGS) $(INCS) $^ -o $@
helloworld: $(HLOOBJS) $(VOBJDR)/Vhelloworld__ALL.a
helloworld: $(HLOOBJS) $(VOBJDR)/Vhelloworld__ALL.a
$(CXX) $(FLAGS) $(INCS) $^ $(VLIB) -o $@
$(CXX) $(FLAGS) $(INCS) $^ -o $@
# The speech test program depends upon a copy of the Gettysburg Address,
# The speech test program depends upon a copy of the Gettysburg Address,
# turned into a hex file format which will be read by the Verilog/RTL
# turned into a hex file format which will be read by the Verilog/RTL
# $readmemh function. However, we need to create that hex file that will
# $readmemh function. However, we need to create that hex file that will
Line 129... |
Line 132... |
# Now, if the speech.hex file is available, then we can perform our final build.
# Now, if the speech.hex file is available, then we can perform our final build.
# Actually, we could've done this without the speech file being available, but
# Actually, we could've done this without the speech file being available, but
# this works.
# this works.
speechtest: speech.hex $(SPCHOBJS) $(VOBJDR)/Vspeechfifo__ALL.a
speechtest: speech.hex $(SPCHOBJS) $(VOBJDR)/Vspeechfifo__ALL.a
$(CXX) $(FLAGS) $(INCS) $(SPCHOBJS) $(VOBJDR)/Vspeechfifo__ALL.a $(VLIB) -o $@
$(CXX) $(FLAGS) $(INCS) $(SPCHOBJS) $(VOBJDR)/Vspeechfifo__ALL.a -o $@
test: linetest speechtest
test: linetest speechtest
# The "depends" target, to know what files things depend upon. The depends
# file itself is kept in $(OBJDIR)/depends.txt
define build-depends
@echo "Building dependency file"
@$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) -MM $(SOURCES) > $(OBJDIR)/xdepends.txt
@sed -e 's/^.*.o: /$(OBJDIR)\/&/' < $(OBJDIR)/xdepends.txt > $(OBJDIR)/depends.txt
@rm $(OBJDIR)/xdepends.txt
.PHONY: depends
depends: tags
$(OBJDIR)/depends.txt: depends
define mk-objdir
@bash -c "if [ ! -e $(OBJDIR) ]; then mkdir -p $(OBJDIR); fi"
# The "tags" target
@echo "Generating tags"
@ctags $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
.PHONY: clean
.PHONY: clean
rm -f ./linetest ./helloworld ./speechtest
rm -f ./linetest ./helloworld ./speechtest
rm -f ./mkspeech ./speech.hex
rm -f ./mkspeech ./speech.hex
rm -rf $(OBJDIR)/
rm -rf $(OBJDIR)/
-include $(OBJDIR)/depends.txt