Line 106... |
Line 106... |
architecture Behavioral of wb_master is
architecture Behavioral of wb_master is
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
signal reset_int : std_logic;
signal reset_int : std_logic;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- concurrent assignemente to map record to the wishbone bus
-- concurrent assignemente to map record to the wishbone bus
Line 140... |
Line 141... |
-- if we used a signal, then we get the value after the clock edge,
-- if we used a signal, then we get the value after the clock edge,
-- which is not what we want, we need the value at the clock edge.
-- which is not what we want, we need the value at the clock edge.
variable slv_32 : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0);
variable slv_32 : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0);
variable bka_test_array : block_type :=
( others => x"0000_0000");
variable bkd_test_array : block_type :=
( others => x"0000_0000");
-- Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
-- Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
wait for 100 ns;
wait for 100 ns;
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Line 160... |
wb_init( bus_c); -- initalise wishbone bus
wb_init( bus_c); -- initalise wishbone bus
wb_rst( 2, reset_int, bus_c ); -- reset system for 2 clocks
wb_rst( 2, reset_int, bus_c ); -- reset system for 2 clocks
-- set up some address / data pairs
bka_test_array(0) := X"0000_0002";
bkd_test_array(0) := X"5555_0002";
wr_32( x"8000_0004", x"5555_5555", bus_c); -- write 32 bits address of 32 bit data
bka_test_array(1) := X"0000_0004";
bkd_test_array(1) := X"55AA_0004";
rd_32( x"8000_0004", slv_32, bus_c); -- read 32 bits address of 32 bit data
bka_test_array(2) := X"0000_0006";
report to_hex( slv_32);
bkd_test_array(2) := X"AAAA_0006";
clock_wait( 2, bus_c );
rmw_32( x"8000_0004", slv_32, x"ABCD_EF01", bus_c );
bkw_32( bka_test_array, bkd_test_array, 3, bus_c);
report to_hex( slv_32);
clock_wait( 2, bus_c );
clock_wait( 1, bus_c );
bkr_32( bka_test_array, bkd_test_array, 3, bus_c);
rmw_32( x"8000_0004", slv_32, x"01CD_EFAB", bus_c );
report to_hex(bkd_test_array(0));
report to_hex( slv_32);
report to_hex(bkd_test_array(1));
report to_hex(bkd_test_array(2));
--wr_32( x"8000_0004", x"5555_5555", bus_c); -- write 32 bits address of 32 bit data
--rd_32( x"8000_0004", slv_32, bus_c); -- read 32 bits address of 32 bit data
--report to_hex( slv_32);
--clock_wait( 2, bus_c );
--rmw_32( x"8000_0004", slv_32, x"ABCD_EF01", bus_c );
--report to_hex( slv_32);
--clock_wait( 2, bus_c );
--rmw_32( x"8000_0004", slv_32, x"01CD_EFAB", bus_c );
--report to_hex( slv_32);
clock_wait( 1, bus_c );
clock_wait( 1, bus_c );
wb_rst( 2, reset_int, bus_c ); -- reset system for 2 clocks
wb_rst( 2, reset_int, bus_c ); -- reset system for 2 clocks