Line 54... |
Line 54... |
output reg zero_flag,
output reg zero_flag,
output reg negative_flag,
output reg negative_flag,
output reg carry_flag,
output reg carry_flag,
output reg overflow_flag,
output reg overflow_flag,
output reg [ 6:0] xgchid,
output reg [ 6:0] xgchid,
output reg [MAX_CHANNEL:0] xgif, // XGATE Interrupt Flag
output reg [127:0] xgif_status, // XGATE Interrupt Flag
output xg_sw_irq, // Xgate Software interrupt
output xg_sw_irq, // Xgate Software interrupt
output [ 7:0] host_semap, // Semaphore status for host
output [ 7:0] host_semap, // Semaphore status for host
output reg debug_active, // Latch to control debug mode in the RISC state machine
output reg debug_active, // Latch to control debug mode in the RISC state machine
Line 67... |
Line 67... |
input risc_clk,
input risc_clk,
input async_rst_b,
input async_rst_b,
input mem_req_ack, // Memory Bus available - data good
input mem_req_ack, // Memory Bus available - data good
input xge, // XGATE Module Enable
input xge, // XGATE Module Enable
input xgfrz, // Stop XGATE in Freeze Mode
input xgfrz, // Stop XGATE in Freeze Mode
input debug_mode_i, // Force RISC core into debug mode
input xgdbg_set, // Enter XGATE Debug Mode
input xgdbg_set, // Enter XGATE Debug Mode
input xgdbg_clear, // Leave XGATE Debug Mode
input xgdbg_clear, // Leave XGATE Debug Mode
input xgss, // XGATE Single Step
input xgss, // XGATE Single Step
input [15:1] xgvbr, // XGATE vector Base Address Register
input [15:1] xgvbr, // XGATE vector Base Address Register
input [ 6:0] int_req, // Encoded interrupt request
input [ 6:0] int_req, // Encoded interrupt request
Line 172... |
Line 173... |
reg wrt_sel_xgr4; // Pseudo Register,
reg wrt_sel_xgr4; // Pseudo Register,
reg wrt_sel_xgr5; // Pseudo Register,
reg wrt_sel_xgr5; // Pseudo Register,
reg wrt_sel_xgr6; // Pseudo Register,
reg wrt_sel_xgr6; // Pseudo Register,
reg wrt_sel_xgr7; // Pseudo Register,
reg wrt_sel_xgr7; // Pseudo Register,
reg [MAX_CHANNEL:0] xgif_d;
reg [127:0] xgif_d;
reg [15:0] shift_in;
reg [15:0] shift_in;
wire [15:0] shift_out;
wire [15:0] shift_out;
wire shift_rollover;
wire shift_rollover;
reg shift_left;
reg shift_left;
Line 191... |
Line 192... |
reg xgss_edge; // Flop for edge detection
reg xgss_edge; // Flop for edge detection
wire single_step; // Pulse to trigger a single instruction execution in debug mode
wire single_step; // Pulse to trigger a single instruction execution in debug mode
reg brk_set_dbg; // Pulse to set debug_active from instruction decoder
reg brk_set_dbg; // Pulse to set debug_active from instruction decoder
reg cmd_change_pc; // Debug write to PC register
reg cmd_change_pc; // Debug write to PC register
reg [ 1:0] chid_sm_ns; // Pseudo Register,
reg [ 1:0] chid_sm_ns; // Pseudo Register for State Machine next state logic,
reg [ 1:0] chid_sm; //
reg [ 1:0] chid_sm; //
wire chid_goto_idle; //
wire chid_goto_idle; //
// Debug states for change CHID
// Debug states for change CHID
parameter [1:0] CHID_IDLE = 2'b00,
parameter [1:0] CHID_IDLE = 2'b00,
Line 410... |
Line 411... |
// Interrupt Flag next value
// Interrupt Flag next value
always @*
always @*
xgif_d = 0;
j = 0;
j = 0;
while (j <= MAX_CHANNEL)
while (j <= MAX_CHANNEL)
xgif_d[j] = xgif[j] || (set_irq_flag == j);
xgif_d[j] = xgif_status[j] || (set_irq_flag == j);
j = j + 1;
j = j + 1;
if (clear_xgif_0)
if (clear_xgif_0)
xgif_d[15: 0] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif[15: 0];
xgif_d[15: 0] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif_status[15: 0];
if (clear_xgif_1)
if (clear_xgif_1)
xgif_d[31:16] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif[31:16];
xgif_d[31:16] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif_status[31:16];
if (clear_xgif_2)
if (clear_xgif_2)
xgif_d[47:32] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif[47:32];
xgif_d[47:32] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif_status[47:32];
if (clear_xgif_3)
if (clear_xgif_3)
xgif_d[63:48] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif[63:48];
xgif_d[63:48] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif_status[63:48];
if (clear_xgif_4)
if (clear_xgif_4)
xgif_d[79:64] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif[79:64];
xgif_d[79:64] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif_status[79:64];
if (clear_xgif_5)
if (clear_xgif_5)
xgif_d[95:80] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif[95:80];
xgif_d[95:80] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif_status[95:80];
if (clear_xgif_6)
if (clear_xgif_6)
xgif_d[111:96] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif[111:96];
xgif_d[111:96] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif_status[111:96];
if (clear_xgif_7)
if (clear_xgif_7)
xgif_d[127:112] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif[127:112];
xgif_d[127:112] = ~clear_xgif_data & xgif_status[127:112];
// Interrupt Flag Registers
// Interrupt Flag Registers
always @(posedge risc_clk or negedge async_rst_b)
always @(posedge risc_clk or negedge async_rst_b)
if ( !async_rst_b )
if ( !async_rst_b )
xgif <= 0;
xgif_status <= 0;
xgif <= xgif_d;
xgif_status <= xgif_d;
// RISC Data Registers
// RISC Data Registers
always @(posedge risc_clk or negedge async_rst_b)
always @(posedge risc_clk or negedge async_rst_b)
if ( !async_rst_b )
if ( !async_rst_b )