Line 66... |
Line 66... |
input [DWIDTH-1:0] wbm_dat_i, // databus input
input [DWIDTH-1:0] wbm_dat_i, // databus input
input wbm_ack_i, // bus cycle acknowledge input
input wbm_ack_i, // bus cycle acknowledge input
// XGATE IO Signals
// XGATE IO Signals
output [ 7:0] xgswt, // XGATE Software Trigger Register
output [ 7:0] xgswt, // XGATE Software Trigger Register
output xg_sw_irq, // Xgate Software interrupt
output xg_sw_irq, // Xgate Software interrupt
output [MAX_CHANNEL:0] xgif, // XGATE Interrupt Flag to Host
output [MAX_CHANNEL:1] xgif, // XGATE Interrupt Flag to Host
input [MAX_CHANNEL:0] chan_req_i, // XGATE Interrupt request
input [MAX_CHANNEL:1] chan_req_i, // XGATE Interrupt request
input risc_clk, // Clock for RISC core
input risc_clk, // Clock for RISC core
input debug_mode_i, // Force RISC core into debug mode
input debug_mode_i, // Force RISC core into debug mode
input secure_mode_i, // Limit host asscess to Xgate RISC registers
input secure_mode_i, // Limit host asscess to Xgate RISC registers
input scantestmode // Chip in in scan test mode
input scantestmode // Chip in in scan test mode
Line 128... |
Line 128... |
wire clear_xgif_3; // Strobe for decode to clear interrupt flag bank 3
wire clear_xgif_3; // Strobe for decode to clear interrupt flag bank 3
wire clear_xgif_2; // Strobe for decode to clear interrupt flag bank 2
wire clear_xgif_2; // Strobe for decode to clear interrupt flag bank 2
wire clear_xgif_1; // Strobe for decode to clear interrupt flag bank 1
wire clear_xgif_1; // Strobe for decode to clear interrupt flag bank 1
wire clear_xgif_0; // Strobe for decode to clear interrupt flag bank 0
wire clear_xgif_0; // Strobe for decode to clear interrupt flag bank 0
wire [15:0] clear_xgif_data; // Data for decode to clear interrupt flag
wire [15:0] clear_xgif_data; // Data for decode to clear interrupt flag
wire [MAX_CHANNEL:0] chan_bypass; // XGATE Interrupt enable or bypass
wire [MAX_CHANNEL:1] chan_bypass; // XGATE Interrupt enable or bypass
wire xge; // XGATE Module Enable
wire xge; // XGATE Module Enable
wire xgfrz; // Stop XGATE in Freeze Mode
wire xgfrz; // Stop XGATE in Freeze Mode
wire xgdbg_set; // Enter XGATE Debug Mode
wire xgdbg_set; // Enter XGATE Debug Mode
wire xgdbg_clear; // Leave XGATE Debug Mode
wire xgdbg_clear; // Leave XGATE Debug Mode
Line 140... |
Line 140... |
wire xgss; // XGATE Single Step
wire xgss; // XGATE Single Step
wire xgsweif_c; // Clear XGATE Software Error Interrupt FLag
wire xgsweif_c; // Clear XGATE Software Error Interrupt FLag
wire xgie; // XGATE Interrupt Enable
wire xgie; // XGATE Interrupt Enable
wire [ 6:0] int_req; // Encoded interrupt request
wire [ 6:0] int_req; // Encoded interrupt request
wire [ 6:0] xgchid; // Channel actively being processed
wire [ 6:0] xgchid; // Channel actively being processed
wire [127:0] xgif_status; // Status bits of interrupt output flags that have been set
wire [127:1] xgif_status; // Status bits of interrupt output flags that have been set
wire [127:0] irq_bypass; // IRQ status bits WISHBONE Read bus
wire [127:1] irq_bypass; // IRQ status bits WISHBONE Read bus
wire [15:1] xgvbr; // XGATE vector Base Address Register
wire [15:1] xgvbr; // XGATE vector Base Address Register
wire brk_irq_ena; // Enable BRK instruction to generate interrupt
wire brk_irq_ena; // Enable BRK instruction to generate interrupt
wire [15:0] xgate_address; //
wire [15:0] xgate_address; //
Line 228... |
Line 228... |
xgate_address, // XGPC
xgate_address, // XGPC
{12'h000, negative_flag, zero_flag, overflow_flag, carry_flag}, // XGCCR
{12'h000, negative_flag, zero_flag, overflow_flag, carry_flag}, // XGCCR
16'b0, // Reserved
16'b0, // Reserved
{8'h00, host_semap}, // XGSEM
{8'h00, host_semap}, // XGSEM
{8'h00, xgswt}, // XGSWT
{8'h00, xgswt}, // XGSWT
xgif_status[ 15: 0], // XGIF_0
{xgif_status[ 15: 1], 1'b0}, // XGIF_0
xgif_status[ 31: 16], // XGIF_1
xgif_status[ 31: 16], // XGIF_1
xgif_status[ 47: 32], // XGIF_2
xgif_status[ 47: 32], // XGIF_2
xgif_status[ 63: 48], // XGIF_3
xgif_status[ 63: 48], // XGIF_3
xgif_status[ 79: 64], // XGIF_4
xgif_status[ 79: 64], // XGIF_4
xgif_status[ 95: 80], // XGIF_5
xgif_status[ 95: 80], // XGIF_5