Line 373... |
Line 373... |
// Addresses ...
// Addresses ...
// 0000 xxxx configuration/control registers
// 0000 xxxx configuration/control registers
// 001x xxxx Down-sampler taps (64 taps, 2 at a time)
// 001x xxxx Down-sampler taps (64 taps, 2 at a time)
// 1xxx xxxx Up-sampler taps
// 1xxx xxxx Up-sampler taps
// 1 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx Up-sampler taps
// 1 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx Up-sampler taps
`ifndef SPEEDY_IO
wire pre_io, pre_pwm, pre_uart, pre_flctl, pre_scop;
wire pre_io, pre_pwm, pre_uart, pre_flctl, pre_scop;
assign io_bank = (wb_cyc)&&(wb_addr[31:5] == 27'h8);
assign io_bank = (wb_cyc)&&(wb_addr[31:5] == 27'h8);
assign pre_io = (~pre_flctl)&&(~pre_pwm)&&(~pre_uart)&&(~pre_scop);
assign pre_io = (~pre_flctl)&&(~pre_pwm)&&(~pre_uart)&&(~pre_scop);
assign io_sel = (io_bank)&&(pre_io);
assign io_sel = (io_bank)&&(pre_io);
assign pre_pwm = (wb_addr[4: 1]== 4'h4);
assign pre_pwm = (wb_addr[4: 1]== 4'h4);
Line 395... |
Line 398... |
assign sdcard_sel=((wb_cyc)&&(wb_addr[31:2]== 30'h48));
assign sdcard_sel=((wb_cyc)&&(wb_addr[31:2]== 30'h48));
assign sdcard_sel=1'b0;
assign sdcard_sel=1'b0;
assign sdram_sel=((wb_cyc)&&(wb_addr[31:23]== 9'h01));
assign sdram_sel=((wb_cyc)&&(wb_addr[31:23]== 9'h01));
// While the following would make the bus infinitely easier to decode,
// it would also scramble where everything on the bus is located at,
// while also making it difficult to access these values via offsets
// of a register. Further, while simpler, everything would alias all
// over the place as well--that is, devices would show up at multiple
// locations on the bus. It's all a tradeoff.
assign iovec = { wb_addr[23],wb_addr[18],wb_addr[15:13] }
assign sdram_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_vec[4]));
assign flash_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_vec[4:3]==2'b01));
assign mem_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_vec[4:0]==5'h07));
assign cfg_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_vec[4:0]==5'h06));
assign sdcard_sel=((wb_cyc)&&(io_vec[4:0]==5'h05));
assign sdcard_sel=1'b0;
assign scop_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_vec[4:0]==5'h04));
assign rtc_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_vec[4:0]==5'h03));
assign rtc_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_vec[4:0]==5'h03));
assign puf_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_vec[4:0]==5'h02));
assign io_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_vec[4:0]==5'h01));
assign wb_err =((wb_cyc)&&(io_vec[4:0]==5'h00));
assign flctl_sel = (puf_sel)&&(wb_addr[3]);
assign pwm_sel = (puf_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:2]==2'b00);
// Note that in the following definition, the UART is given four words
// despite the fact that it can probably only use 3.
assign uart_sel = (puf_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:2]==2'b01);
assign none_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(wb_stb)&&(~
assign none_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(wb_stb)&&(~
Line 438... |
Line 472... |
if (wb_err)
if (wb_err)
bus_err_addr <= wb_addr;
bus_err_addr <= wb_addr;
wire flash_interrupt, sdcard_interrupt, scop_interrupt,
wire flash_interrupt, sdcard_interrupt, scop_interrupt,
uart_rx_int, uart_tx_int, pwm_int;
uart_rx_int, uart_tx_int, pwm_int;
wire [(NGPO-1):0] w_gpio;
// The I/O processor, herein called an ioslave
// The I/O processor, herein called an ioslave
ioslave #(NGPO, NGPI) runio(i_clk,
ioslave #(NGPO, NGPI) runio(i_clk,
wb_cyc, (io_sel)&&(wb_stb), wb_we, wb_addr[4:0],
wb_cyc, (io_sel)&&(wb_stb), wb_we, wb_addr[4:0],
wb_data, io_ack, io_stall, io_data,
wb_data, io_ack, io_stall, io_data,
i_gpio, o_gpio,
i_gpio, w_gpio,
uart_tx_int, uart_rx_int, pwm_int, scop_interrupt,
uart_tx_int, uart_rx_int, pwm_int, scop_interrupt,
Line 482... |
Line 517... |
// sample rate to get the first parameter for the PWM device. The
// sample rate to get the first parameter for the PWM device. The
// second parameter is zero or one, indicating whether or not the
// second parameter is zero or one, indicating whether or not the
// audio rate can be adjusted (1), or whether it is fixed within the
// audio rate can be adjusted (1), or whether it is fixed within the
// build (0).
// build (0).
`ifdef XULA25
`ifdef XULA25
`define FMHACK
`ifdef FMHACK
wbfmtxhack #(16'd1813) // 44.1 kHz, user adjustable
wbpwmaudio #(16'd1813,1) // 44.1 kHz, user adjustable
wbpwmaudio #(16'd1813,1) // 44.1 kHz, user adjustable
wbpwmaudio #(16'h270f,0,16) // 8 kHz, fixed audio rate
wbpwmaudio #(16'h270f,0,16) // 8 kHz, fixed audio rate
wb_cyc, (wb_stb)&&(pwm_sel), wb_we, wb_addr[0],
wb_cyc, (wb_stb)&&(pwm_sel), wb_we, wb_addr[0],
wb_data, pwm_ack, pwm_stall, pwm_data, o_pwm, pwm_int);
wb_data, pwm_ack, pwm_stall, pwm_data, o_pwm, pwm_int);
`ifdef FMHACK
assign o_gpio = {(NGPO){o_pwm}};
assign o_gpio = w_gpio;
wire flash_cs_n, flash_sck, flash_mosi;
wire flash_cs_n, flash_sck, flash_mosi;